Office of Student Financial Aid
Phone : (240)567-5100 Office use only Code: HSVERE / FA HS COMPLETION EVEN
2019-2020 High School Completion
Section A: Student Information
Student Name: MC ID#:
Please complete all sections of this form before printing it for submission. Your 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) has been selected for Verification. MC is required by federal law (34 CFR, Part 668) to compare the
information from your FAFSA with the information provided on this form. You must complete this form and return it and any other
requested documents to the Montgomery College Office of Student Financial Aid.
Upon review, we may ask for additional information and/or update information on your FAFSA.
We cannot process your financial aid until all requested documents are received.
Section B: High School Completion Status
Provide one of the following documents that will indicate your high school completion status when the
student begins college in 2019–2020:
A copy of your high school diploma.
A copy of your final official high school transcript that shows the date when your diploma was awarded.
If you have completed secondary education in a foreign country, a copy of my “secondary school leaving certificate” or other
similar document.
A state certificate or transcript received by you after you passed a State-authorized examination (GED test, HiSET, TASC, or
other State-authorized examination) that the State recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma.
An academic transcript that indicates you successfully completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit
toward a bachelor’s degree.
If you were homeschooled in a state where state law requires you to obtain a secondary school completion credential for
homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a copy of that credential.
If you were homeschooled in a state where state law does not require you to obtain a secondary school completion
credential for homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a transcript or the equivalent,
signed by the student's parent or guardian, that lists the secondary school courses you completed and includes a statement
that you successfully completed a secondary school education in a homeschool setting.
If you cannot obtain one of the documents above you must contact the Office of Student Financial Aid. If the information
you submit was received from a foreign country, we may ask that you have the document
evaluated to determine its
U.S. equivalency.
Section C: Certification
I certify that all the information contained on this form is complete and correct. NOTE: If you purposely give false or
misleading information, you may be imprisoned and/or fined up to $25,000. I understand that this form must be signed
and submitted with all other requested documents before my financial aid will be processed.
Electronic signatures are not accepted. Please sign in ink.
Student Signature (must be signed in ink) Date
Montgomery College Office of Student Financial Aid
Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Phone: (240) 567-5100
Documentation is in imaging ATB Documentation is on file
Alternative documentation on file. _____
or FA: