Newark, DE 19716-6740
Phone: 302-831-2126
Fax: 302-831-3041
Email: finaid-verif@udel.edu
Student Financial Services
2019-2020 Academic Year
High School Completion Status Form
Request for completion of this form is due to one of the following.
• High school completion status was not reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
• Your FAFSA has been selected for Federal Verification.
Federal law states that Student Financial Services (SFS) has the right to ask you for this information before
awarding federal financial aid. If you have been selected for verification, SFS must verify information provided
on your FAFSA. If there are differences between your application information and the verification documents,
SFS will make the corrections and send the required changes electronically to the federal student aid processor
to have your information reprocessed. SFS will email a revised offer of financial aid assistance only if a change
is necessary as a result of this process within one week of the University’s completion of your file.
CFR Title 34,
Part 668
Complete this form in its entirety; all sections MUST be completed. Sign and submit this form along with a copy
of supporting high school completion documentation.
Please submit this document via My SFS Docs: udel.verifymyfafsa.com/account/login.
Last Name First Name
Permanent Address City State ZIP
UDID Phone D.O.B. UD Email @udel.edu
High School Completion Status
You must provide one of the following documents that indicate the student’s high school completion status when the
student will begin college in 2019-2020. Check the item that will be provided.
Copy of the student’s high school diploma
□ Copy of the student’s final official high school transcript that shows diploma award date
□ Copy of the student’s General Educational Development (GED) certificate or GED transcript
□ Original academic transcript that indicates student successfully completed at least a two=year program that is
acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree (copies not accepted)
□ If state law requires a homeschooled student to obtain a secondary school completion credential for homeschool
(other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a copy of that credential
□ If state law requires a homeschooled student to obtain a secondary school completion credential for homeschool
(other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a transcript or its equivalent, signed by the student’s
parent or guardian, that lists the secondary school education in a homeschool setting
If the student is unable to obtain the documentation listed above, he or she must contact Student Financial Services.
I (We) hereby affirm that all information reported on this form and any attachment hereto is true, complete, and accurate to
the best of my (our) knowledge. I (We) understand that if I (we) receive federal student aid based on incorrect information, I
(we) will need to repay it; I (we) may be required to pay fines and fees.
WARNING: If you intentionally give false or misleading information on this worksheet, you may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature (if dependent student)