Newark, DE 19716-6740
Phone: 302-831-2126
Fax: 302-831-3041
Email: sfs-advisor@udel.edu
Student Financial Services
Student’s Name_______________________________________________ID#________________________
Enrollment Dates from___________________ to ____________________
(mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy)
Name of Host Institution________________________________________Program_____________________
My signature below verifies that the above information is correct and the full time coursework I am enrolled for
at the host institution will lead to a degree at the University of Delaware. It also indicates my permission for the
host institution to provide enrollment information and to release my grades, verbally or in writing, to the
University of Delaware. I understand there are specific regulations I must adhere to in order to meet
Satisfactory Progress Standards as defined in the guidelines listed above. Furthermore, I understand any
deviation from the pre-approved courses may result in the loss of federal and/or UD financial aid for the
following semester.
I agree to complete the following information prior to departure:
□ 1. Provide the University of Delaware with written notification of my intent to attend another institution.
□ 2. Provide an enrollment verification letter from the host school’s program or department stating my participation. This should
provide details regarding my attendance including institution name, the host institution contact’s name, mailing address, phone
number, email address, course schedule, dates of enrollment and a request for my financial aid to be used at that institution.
□ 3. Provide Student Financial Services with an invoice showing detailed expenses for my educational costs (invoice should be
itemized showing costs for tuition, fees, room, board, etc.)
□ 4. Do you have additional anticipated expenses; such as airfare to and from the host school? ___No ___Yes If yes, please
provide a list of those expenses.
□ 5. Provide a completed and signed Transfer Credit-Post Admission form. See this website for more
information: (http://www.udel.edu/registrar/transfer/transins.html
). A minimum of 12 credits must transfer back to UD.
6. Complete a Leave of Absence form (contact the Dean of your major). **N/A for Summer Session
□ 7. If you are selected for verification please view your To Do list and submit the required documents. Aid cannot be disbursed
until this process has been completed.
□ 8. If you have loans, be sure the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling forms have been completed.
□ 9. What to do if Federal government requests repayment for prior student loans.
________________________________________________________________ ______________________
(Student’s signature) (Date)