Greene County Career Center
Classified Employment Application
532 Innovation Drive
Xenia, Ohio 45385
Phone 937-372-6941
Fax 937-502-4400
Last Name First M.I. Date
Street Address Apartment/Unit #
City State ZIP
Phone E-mail Address
Date Available Social Security No. Desired Salary
Position Applied for
Are you currently employed? Employer:
# of years in current position: Reason desiring change (optional):
What is your present salary? What is your expected salary?
Greene County Career Center is a tobacco-free employer. We do not hire individuals who use tobacco products.
ou use tobacco
High School Address
From To Did you graduate? YES NO Degree
College Address
From To Did you graduate? YES NO Degree
Other Address
From To Did you graduate? YES NO Degree
Please list three professional references.
Full Name Relationship
Company Phone
Address Email
Full Name Relationship
Company Phone
Address Email
Full Name Relationship
Company Phone
Address Email
Company 1 Phone
Address Supervisor
Job Title Starting Salary $ Ending Salary $
From To Reason for Leaving
May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? YES NO
Company 2 Phone
Address Supervisor
Job Title Starting Salary $ Ending Salary $
From To Reason for Leaving
May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? YES NO
Company 3 Phone
Address Supervisor
Job Title Starting Salary $ Ending Salary $
From To Reason for Leaving
May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? YES NO
Branch From To
Rank at Discharge Type of Discharge
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview
may result in my release.
Signature Date
Applicants are required to submit a complete application package for classified positions. Packets must include: this application
completed and signed, a signed copy of the Pre-Employment Requirements Page, a Letter of Interest, current resume, current
BCI/FBI if selected for final interview. If applying for Instructional Aide, must have permit.
Application packets should be scanned and emailed to or mailed to the address above.
532 Innovation Drive
Xenia, Ohio 45385-9545
(937) 372-6941
Fax (937) 502-4400
Pre-Employment Requirements
I understa
nd that:
1. The background information supplied by an applicant for a position will be checked by the Greene County Career Center
Board of Education to assure the accuracy of the data furnished and the past performance record of the candidate.
2. I authorize the Greene County Career Center Board of Education to make such investigations and inquiries of my personal,
employment and related matters as may be necessary in arriving at its employment decision. I hereby release current and
past employers, schools or persons from liability in responding to inquiries in connection with my application for
3. I understand that as a precondition to employment in the position for which I am applying I must provide a set of
fingerprints and satisfactorily pass a criminal record check if I come under final consideration for employment. (A certified
copy of a FBI and BCI&I background check performed within the last year will also be acceptable.) I will pay any costs
associated with the fingerprinting and criminal records check requirement with cashier's check or money order.
4. I understand that any offer of employment is conditional upon the Greene County Career Center Board of Education
receiving a satisfactory record check from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and from the
Federal Bureau of Identification and Investigation. I understand if the criminal record check is not satisfactory, that the
Greene County Career Center Board of Education is by law not permitted to employ me and must release me from any
conditional contracts of employment.
5. I hereby certify that the information to the best of my knowledge is true, accurate, and complete. Any misrepresentation or
willful omissions of fact shall be sufficient cause for disqualification of this application or termination of employment.
Furthermore, it is understood that this application and records become the property of the Greene County Vocational
School District which reserves the right to accept or reject it. I further agree to comply with drug-free workplace rules and
Board of Education district policies, regulations and rules now in force and effect or as they may change during my
employment if I am employed by the District.
6. PLEASE NOTE: Copies of high school/college transcripts, industry certificates, and teaching/administrative licenses which
will assist us in considering this application should be included with this application or submitted at a later date.
I understand that should the employer discover that I have falsified any information, I will not be hired, or if already hired, will
be subject to termination from employment.
t Signature:
Security Number:
Printed Name:
Date Applicati
on Received:______________________ By Whom? __________________________
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