Application for Sprinkler Tap & Raiser Grant Program - Downtown
Applicant Name ______________________________ Contact Name ____________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________ City ____________ State _____ Zip __________
Daytime Phone ____________________FAX #_____________________Email ___________________________
Address and Location of the Building ______________________________________________________________
Nature and Size of the building use by location________________________________________________________
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this program is to provide assistance in improving the destination with infrastructure in the
Downtown overlay district. These improvements in infrastructure provide enrichment in adding mixed uses including upper floor
residential uses. This program provides a Grant to the property owners in Downtown district economical and efficient means of
obtaining functional sprinkler system for fire suppression system, therefore, assisting with the positive resolution to maintenance fire
enforcement actions, or possible future actions. Qualified property owners may apply for a grant up to $25,000 for the partner with
the City for installation of sprinklers systems.
CRITERIA FOR QUALIFICTIONS (All projects must meet the following criteria)
Existing building located in the ETS Overlay District.
An approved use; retail, restaurant and upper floor residential.
Owner submits a plan for approval (must include properly designed fire suppression system and cost estimate).
Owner submits the project time line (no more than one year with up to two three-month extensions).
1. Prior to installation the City shall approve project location and applications.
2. The cost estimate should include riser, including pavement (sidewalk, street or alley) repair.
3. The work shall be done according to City of Enid standard specifications.
4. Plans shall be sealed by a licensed, qualified Professional Engineer.
5. Improvements covered by the grant shall be constructed under inspection, by the Director of Engineering and Fire
Marshal, and shall meet their approval.
6. In the event the project is not completed per the approved plans and time line the City of Enid will have full authority to
file a lien against the property in an amount equal to the grant issued.
7. Service lines from the public main to the property shall remain the reasonability of the property owner for operation,
maintenance, and/or relocation if required.
Applicant Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Mail completed application to: The Engineering Dept. OR Fax to: (580) 234-8946
City of Enid
P.O. Box 1768
Enid, OK 73702
Official Use:
Signed by :________________________________________________________ Date:________________________
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