Jefferson County Public Schools
Safety and Emergency
Procedures Manual
Prevention, Protection, Mitigation,
Response, and Recovery
Contributing JCPS Departments:
Safety and Environmental Services • Security and Investigations
Alternative Schools, and Pupil Personnel
Revised Spring 2017
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
47738 SafetyEmerProcedrsManual 7/17 dw
54 Jefferson County Public Schools
 
Emergency Procedures
Signal: __________________________________________________
Do This:
Immediately evacuate the building, and follow the
route below.
Tornado/Severe Weather Warning
Signal: _____________________________________________
Do This:
At the direction of the building principal,
follow the route below to the designated safe area and
assume the sheltering position.
 
Do This:
Close and lock the door. Refer to the Lockdown Procedures folder on the
back of the door.
Room: ______________________________ Date Posted: ____________________
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
76742 WF Emergency Procedures Form 4/09rj
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual
Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery
Jefferson County
Public Schools
Table of Contents
Section I—General Information
Superintendent’s Message .....................1
Overview ..................................2
Introduction ................................3
Purpose of This Manual ......................7
Use of This Manual ..........................9
National Incident Management System ..........11
National Terrorism Advisory System ...........13
District Level Incident Management Team .......15
Section II—Site and District
Emergency Procedures
(General Staff Overview)
Site and District Emergency
Procedures Overview .......................17
JCPS Safety and Emergency
Procedures Quick Guide .....................19
Abduction/Missing Student ...................21
After-Hours Emergency Preparedness ..........23
ALICE: Active Aggressor/Shooter .............24
Anthrax .................................27
Bomb Threat ..............................30
Bomb Threat Documentation Form ............33
Building Collapse ..........................35
Chemical Release ..........................36
External Chemical Leak ..................36
Internal Chemical Leak ..................37
Child Abuse/Neglect/Dependency .............38
Civil Disturbance ..........................40
Death of a Student ..........................41
Earthquake/Drop Procedure ..................42
Explosion .................................43
Fallen Aircraft .............................44
Fire .....................................46
Flood ....................................48
Hostage ..................................49
Intruder in Building .........................50
Medical Emergencies .......................51
Natural Gas Emergency .....................52
Physical and Sexual Assault ..................54
Power Failure .............................56
Public Assembly Emergency Preparedness .......57
Severe Weather (Tornado, Thunderstorm,
Severe Winds) .............................59
Substance Abuse ...........................62
Suicide Ideation ............................64
Ter ror istic T h reateni ng ......................65
Water Failure ..............................66
Weapons Possession/Armed Offender ...........67
Revised 2017
Section III—School Safety and
Emergency Procedures Plan
School Safety and Emergency Procedures Plan
(cover page) ...............................69
Building Level Incident Management
Team Command Structure
Public Information Ofcer ...................73
Building Administrative Secretary
and/or Bookkeeper .........................74
School Nurse and/or
CPR and First Aid Responders ................75
Plant Operator/Custodian ....................76
Food Services/Cafeteria Workers ..............77
Administrators and
Other Personnel Assignments .................78
Teaching Staff .............................80
Bus Drivers ...............................80
Auxiliary Emergency Staff ...................80
Out Building, Wing, or Floor Managers .........81
Administrative Emergency Response ...........82
Scheduled BLIMT Meetings ..............82
Utility/Ventilation Cut-Offs ...............83
Utility Cut-Off Map Attachment ...........85
Communication Systems—General .............87
JCPS Emergency Alert Radio System (EARS) ....88
Code Red Alert ............................88
User’s GuideJCPS Emergency Alert
Radio System (EARS) .......................89
Internal Communications ....................95
Emergency Alerts—General ..................97
Evacuation Procedures ......................99
Location of Exits Attachment .............107
JCPS Emergency Procedures Posting
(Attachment A) ........................109
Staff Safety Procedures
(Attachments B-1 and B-2) ...............111
Assembly Area Attachment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Off-Campus Evacuation/Alternate Site .........115
Shelter-in-Place Procedures ..................116
Shelter-in-Place Attachment ..............119
Building Security Levels:
Threat-Oriented Protective Posture ............121
Lockdown Drills .......................122
Prevention and Mitigation ................123
Security Levels ........................123
Emergency Procedures Attachment ........127
JCPS School Security Levels
(Quick Reference) ......................129
Procedures for Visitors in the School ..........131
Emergency Student Release—Dismissal
Procedures ...............................133
Accountability/Student Release ...............135
JCPS Emergency Student Release Form ........137
On-Site Medication/First-Aid Providers ........139
Rescue Areas .............................141
Drill Procedures and Training of
Staff and Students .........................145
School Drill Log (Sample) ..................149
Emergency Supplies and Locations ............151
Closing an Emergency Incident ...............153
JCPS Community Awareness Plan ............155
Section IV
Staff Safety and Emergency Procedures Guide ..157
Attachments 1 through 5 ....................169
Pandemic Flu Event and Levels of Response ....181
Pandemic Inuenza Planning Instrument .......197
Community Health Advisory Process Chart .....199
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 1
Throughout the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District, the safety of
students and employees is a top priority. We are fortunate to have within the
district several units and departments that focus on safety procedures. However,
they cannot do the entire job themselves; we all have a role to play.
Several departments—Safety and Environmental Services; Security and
Investigations; Guidance Services, and Pupil Personnelhave updated the JCPS
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual. This manual will assist you in:
Planning for and addressing a wide range of safety and emergency issues/events.
Developing and organizing emergency plans tailored to your locations unique
circumstances in terms of the building, grounds, occupants, and surroundings.
A benet of this manual is the consolidation of your emergency procedures in one location.
As a JCPS employee, you are a key to maintaining and promoting safety. Preparedness is essential. In the
event of an emergency that affects the safety of students and/or staff, dial 9-911 immediately and then dial
Thank you for doing your part to ensure the safety of our facilities, students, employees, and community.
Dr. Martin “Marty” Pollio
Acting Superintendent
Superintendent’s Message
2 Jefferson County Public Schools
The JCPS Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual is divided into three sections.
The introduction covers the purpose of the manual, how to use it, and the structure of emergency procedures
planning (e.g., Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery). The National Incident Manage-
ment System (NIMS), the Terrorism Advisory System, and the District Level Incident Management Team
(DLIMT) are also covered. (See Introduction, Purpose of This Manual, Use of This Manual, National Inci-
dent Management System, and District Level Incident Management Team.)
Site and District Safety and Emergency Procedures
The Site and District Safety and Emergency Procedures component is arranged in alphabetical order. This
section provides relevant information and adopted procedures as they relate to each type of emergency (e.g.,
what steps school staff should follow if a student or staff member is abducted or if there is a bomb threat, an
external/natural gas chemical leak, a re, or a hostage situation).
School Safety and Emergency Procedures Plan
The School Safety and Emergency Procedures Plan is designed to assist schools in developing an individual
plan. Although every school will follow this instrument’s structure, each schools plan will be unique to that
facility and its grounds, student population, and personnel. School-site information, the schools Command
Structure, Communication Systems, Emergency Alerts, Evacuation, Shelter-in-Place, and Lockdown Proce-
dures will be individually developed by each school using this instrument. For any questions concerning the
contents of this booklet, please call 485-3298 or 485-3111.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 3
The Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District is
fully committed to providing safe and secured school
and work environments for its students and employ-
ees. JCPS has established several departments and
units specically charged with the responsibility of
assisting its administrative personnel in establishing
and maintaining safe school and work settings.
Safety and Environmental Services assists schools
and other JCPS facilities to ensure that buildings
and grounds are safe and meet the requirements of
building codes and federal, state, and local laws and
The Security and Investigations Unit, at times
coordinating efforts with federal, state, and local
law-enforcement agencies, works with school per-
sonnel and other JCPS personnel to ensure that stu-
dents and employees are safe and protected from
criminal activities committed by individuals within
the school district and/or by individuals outside the
school district.
Guidance Services/Pupil Personnel is primarily
responsible for assisting students, staff, and families
recovering from emergency incidents, such as death,
that have caused emotional trauma.
Understanding the magnitude of and the relationship
between various safety and emergency contingencies,
the above-mentioned departments and units have
joined together and are responsible for the develop-
ment and maintenance of the Safety and Emergency
Procedures Manual.
This manual has been designed to address prevention,
protection, mitigation, response, and recovery and
to reect the same incident mitigation-to-recovery
structure employed by local, state, and federal agen-
cies when they respond to man-made and/or natural
disasters. This incident mitigation-to-recovery struc-
ture is embedded in the Safety and Emergency Pro-
cedures Manual and supported by the District Level
Incident Management Team (DLIMT). This team
helps coordinate the collective efforts of district and
agency responders to assist a school involved in an
emergency event. The key elements of the incident
mitigation-to-recovery structure are described below
and are the primary reason for revising and complet-
ing this manual.
The capabilities necessary to avoid, deter, or stop
an imminent crime, threat or actual mass casualty
incident. Prevention is the action schools take
to prevent a threatened or actual incident from
Listed below are examples of situations that can be
Abduction/Missing Student
ALICE: Active Aggressor/Shooter
Internal/External Chemical Release
Intruder, Hostage, and Armed Offender
Physical/Sexual Assault
Suicide Ideation
Weapons Possession
The capabilities to secure schools against acts of
violence and manmade or natural disasters. Protec-
tion focuses on ongoing actions that protect students,
teachers, staff, visitors, networks, and property from
a threat or hazard.
The capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the
loss of life and property damage by lessening the
impact of an event or emergency. In this document,
“mitigation” also means reducing the likelihood that
threats and hazards will happen.
What additional steps should school and facility
personnel take to reduce the likelihood that a safe-
ty- and/or emergency-related event will occur and to
reduce the impact of such an event? The proper use
and implementation of this manual will help JCPS
staff mitigate and/or prevent the occurrence of a safe-
ty and/or emergency event.
Establishing access-control procedures and pro-
viding IDs for students and staff might prevent
a dangerous intruder from coming onto school
Conducting severe-weather drills can reduce
injury to students and staff because they know
4 Jefferson County Public Schools
what to do to avoid harm. Also, schools in severe
weather-prone areas can address structural weak-
nesses in their buildings.
Planning responses and training for incidents
involving hazardous materials is important for
schools near highways, railroads, and industrial
These plans should be tailored to each schools and
facilitys unique circumstances as they relate to occu-
pants, building structure, grounds, and surroundings.
It is critical that all plans address the following com-
mon components:
Identify and involve stakeholders, students,
parents, employees, and district and community
responders/emergency planners (e.g., from law
enforcement, the re department, and public
Consider existing efforts. Integrate the plan-
ning of responses with the plans of community
responders. Fit the plan within a comprehensive
district plan, revise existing plans, etc.
Determine what the crisis plan will address
(i.e., the safety and emergency contingencies that
will most likely affect your location).
Dene roles and responsibilities (e.g., a site
incident commander, his or her deputy, a spokes-
person or public information ofcer).
Develop methods for communicating with
staff, students, family, and the media (e.g., Emer-
gency Alert Radio System [EARS], re alarms,
announcements, uniform use of terminology and
news releases).
Obtain necessary equipment and supplies,
such as master keys, phones, two-way radios,
food and water, rst-aid equipment, and a crisis-
management reference guide.
Prepare an immediate response plan. Ta ke
steps to evacuate the facility, or shelter-in-place
immediately. Implement lockdown procedures,
and review possible contingencies for each.
Create maps and facilities information. Cre-
ate site maps that include classrooms, restrooms,
ofce space, utility cut-off locations, potential
hazards, rescue locations, and evacuation routes.
Develop accountability and student release
procedures. Planners must include a method for
accounting for all occupants of a facility, including
students, staff, and visitors, during emergency
Practice. Preparedness includes routine planned
and executed emergency drills, exercises, and
Address liability issues. Carefully assessing and
planning for potential hazards that may be faced
during an emergency event can protect against
lawsuits and liability.
The capabilities necessary to stabilize an emergency
once it has already happened or is certain to happen
in an unpreventable way; establish a safe and secure
environment; save lives and property; and facilitate
the transition to recovery.
Each school will develop a Building Level Incident
Management Team (BLIMT) to coordinate the facil-
ities’ response to an emergency. The BLIMT will be
made up of key building personnel to assist the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) in the implementation of the facilities’ safety
and emergency procedures. During an actual emer-
gency or crisis, be prepared to implement your plan
for that particular event and:
Expect to be surprised. Emergency and crisis
events are usually accompanied by confusion.
Assess the situation, and choose the appro-
priate response. Ask yourself if an emergency
exists, the type of emergency, the location, the
occupants that may be involved, the magnitude,
Respond in seconds. Immediately take protec-
tive steps, and respond appropriately as planned
and practiced.
Notify the BLIMT. Notify the appropriate local
emergency responders (police department,
re department, Emergency Medical Services
[EMS]), and the DLIMT at 485-3121. Whenever
an incident may involve an outside responder
(district crisis team, police department, or re
department), do not delay; call that responder
Evacuate or shelter-in-place for severe weather
or an external chemical leak, or institute lock-
down as appropriate. Identifying the appropriate
response is the rst and most important decision
to make during the initial phase of a crisis.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 5
Triage injuries, and provide emergency rst
aid to those who need it. Defer medical judge-
ments to the school nurse if applicable for your
school. Assign staff with relevant qualications
to determine who needs rst aid, and designate
a location for EMS to treat the seriously injured
individual on the scene.
Keep supplies nearby and organized at all
times. Monitor and manage the use of supplies,
and replace them as needed.
Trust the leadership. Through training, prac-
tice, and communication, trust can be established
that the leadership team members are responding
effectively and managing the crisis event by ful-
lling the duties of their designated roles.
Communicate accurate and appropriate
information. One public information ofcer
should be designated as the spokesperson for the
event. He or she should collect and provide accu-
rate information pertaining to student safety. He
or she should also provide accurate and timely
details regarding the unfolding emergency as
provided by those who are managing the crisis.
Activate the student release system. At the ear-
liest possible appropriate time, use established
procedures and release students to parents/guard-
ians once students have been accounted for.
Allow for exibility in implementing the crisis
plan. Adapt crisis and emergency plans to the
particular event.
Document. Record actions taken during the
response, and record the extent of damages as
completely as possible. Track nancial expendi-
tures as well.
The capabilities necessary to assist schools affected
by an event or emergency in restoring the learning
Plan for recovery in the preparedness phase.
Identify staff roles and responsibilities, and train
staff to assess the emotional needs of students
and colleagues.
Assemble the Crisis Intervention Team. Iden-
tify the best qualied individuals at the school,
district, and community levels.
Return to the business of learning. Reestablish
school and classroom instructional routines as
soon as possible.
Keep staff members, students, families, and
the media informed regarding the counseling
services available to them.
Focus on the building, as well as people, dur-
ing recovery. Repair and restore as quickly as
possible the building and grounds.
Provide an assessment of the emotional needs
of staff, students, families, and respond-
ers. Assess the level of mental-health services
needed. Determine whether it should be a school
counselor, a social worker, a school psychologist,
or another mental-health professional. Decide if
school or community-based service providers
would be best to address this need.
Provide stress management during class time.
Create an environment in which a student or
staff member can discuss feelings concerning
the crisis.
Conduct daily debriengs for staff, respond-
ers, and others assisting in recovery. Brief staff
on recovery issues and on any progress that has
been made.
Take time for recovery. Recovery may take
months or even years.
Remember anniversaries of the crisis. The
anniversary will stimulate memories of the event
and may present a need to offer additional coun-
seling and mental-health services to students,
family, and staff.
Evaluate the recovery efforts for
Paraphrased from Practical Information on Crisis
Planning—A Guide for Schools and Communities,
Ofce of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, U.S. Depart-
ment of Education and Presidential Policy Directive
(PPD) 8, Readiness and Emergency Management for
Schools Technical Assistantance Center (REMS).
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 7
Purpose of This Manual
Each building is unique in terms of its structure,
occupants, surroundings, and other critical factors,
so it is required that all JCPS schools and facilities
establish a BLIMT in order to be prepared to respond
to emergency contingencies that are unique to their
building and occupants.
The BLIMT is the group of key individuals at each
school or facility who are directly responsible for the
implementation of an emergency response to an inci-
dent that places the safety of individuals at that loca-
tion at risk. The members of the BLIMT should
be cross-trained and prepared to take command
of and safely guide the occupants of the school or
facility through an emergency incident.
JCPS adopted this Safety and Emergency Procedures
Manual to assist the BLIMT with developing effec-
tive emergency plans for preventing and responding
to emergencies at their building site.
By working together, the BLIMT will be able to iden-
tify the key factors that need to be addressed when
planning for and responding to emergency situations.
The completed safety and emergency procedures
should be entered into the Safety and Emergency
Procedures Manual. Specic component plans, such
as Site Command and Communications, Evacuation,
Shelter-in-Place, and Lockdown Procedures, must
be entered within the corresponding designated sec-
tions. The blank lines are to be reviewed and com-
pleted by the BLIMT.
The Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual
should be used in the development of three broad
emergency responses, which help the BLIMT deal
more effectively with the following:
EvacuationWhen internal emergency cir-
cumstances require that the occupants leave the
building and/or site
Sheltering-in-PlaceWhen severe weather
and/or other external emergency circumstances
require that the occupants take shelter within the
Threat Oriented Protective Posture and/
or A.L.I.C.E.
When an intruder and/or other
life-threatening circumstances require that the
occupants take protective measures within the
This instrument is to be further developed by BLIMT
members, who are responsible for carrying out spe-
cic duties during emergency incidents. The remain-
ing staff should be assigned more general duties that
are related to their various roles within the building.
For example, during an evacuation for a re in the
building, a teacher would have specic roles and
responsibilities that are related to supervising stu-
dents. If assistance is needed, contact the Safety and
Environmental Services Department at 485-3298 or
485-3698 or the Security Unit at 485-3111.
The Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual
is intended to provide an organizational tool for
schools. It incorporates existing pieces of a schools
current emergency plans and allows for inclusion of
additional topics concerning JCPS school and facil-
ity safety. It serves as the foundation upon which to
build a comprehensive plan to address a myriad of
situations involving emergency, crisis, and disaster
This manual is designed to help JCPS schools and
facilities comply with Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), FEMA, and Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) recom-
mendations; re codes; Safe and Drug-Free School
guidelines and regulations; Safe and Drug-Free
Workplace guidelines and regulations; Kentucky
Revised Statutes (KRS) and Kentucky Administra-
tive Regulations (KAR); and Jefferson County Board
of Education (JCBE) policies.
The Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual
was developed collaboratively by Safety and Envi-
ronmental Services; Security and Investigations;
and Pupil Personnel; and the District Level Incident
Management Team. Each section was written to be
further adapted, revised, and developed to meet each
schools and facilitys particular needs. Each school
and facility will use this manual in conjunction with
training given by each of the collaborating depart-
ments and/or ofces and in consultation with them.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 9
Use of This Manual
The Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual was
developed to provide the BLIMT with a user-friendly
instrument that will help schools consolidate and
organize contingency plans for addressing a wide
range of emergency, crisis, and disaster situations.
The BLIMT is required by JCBE Policy to review
their emergency contingency plans annually and to
make revisions to these plans as needed. Revisions
are to be entered using this instrument. Addendums
and other relevant documents should be inserted
in the appropriate tabbed section of the Safety and
Emergency Procedures Manual binder.
Ensure that each member of the BLIMT has a copy
and that additional copies are maintained at strategic
locations (e.g., main ofce, plant operator’s ofce)
and are readily available in case of an emergency.
Each school and facility should establish a BLIMT
to carry out emergency plans, review existing plans,
and consolidate existing plans into the Safety and
Emergency Procedures Manual.
The BLIMT will assist in the ongoing development
and revision of the schools or facilitys safety and
emergency plans and will be responsible for the
implementation of the emergency procedures in the
event of an incident.
School and facility staff members who are key
members of the BLIMT include the building princi-
pal and/or site manager, assistant principals, school
counselor, School Administration Manager (SAM),
plant operator, secretary, rst-aid/CPR-certied
JCPS personnel, Family Resource and Youth Servic-
es Center (FRYSC) coordinator, Nutrition Services
staff member, police ofcer, school security, school
nurse where applicable, and other key staff members
within the school/facility as deemed necessary to
carry out the sites emergency plans.
The school emergency plan, along with a current dia-
gram of the building shall be provided to appropri-
ate rst responders. First responders mean; local re,
police and emergency medical personnel.
The school emergency plan shall be reviewed follow-
ing the end of each school year by the school council,
principal, and rst responders and shall be revised
as needed. First responders are dened as local re
department, police and EMS personnel.
The principal shall discuss the emergency plan with
all school staff prior to the rst instructional day of
each school year and shall document the time and
date of any discussion. See School Safety and Emer-
gency Procedures Plan on page 69.
The school emergency plan must be uploaded to
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 11
In February 2003, in response to the September 11
attacks, President George W. Bush issued Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5), calling
for a National Incident Management System (NIMS)
to improve the coordination of federal, state, local,
and private sector responses to emergency incidents.
NIMS provides:
A consistent, nationwide approach for all levels
of government to work together effectively and
efciently to prepare for and respond to domestic
A core set of concepts, principles, and termi-
nology for incident command and multiagency
The BLIMT will develop its schools or facilitys
safety and emergency plans in compliance with the
command structure of the NIMS. This command
Improves accountability.
Establishes clear chains of command and
Improves communication.
Establishes an orderly and systematic planning
Establishes a common and exible management
Enables commanders to delegate responsibilities
and to manage workloads efciently.
Better integrates interagency responses into the
management structure and planning process.
The building Incident Command System (ICS) will
consist of the following roles and responsibilities:
Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager): The on-site person who
assumes the overall command of the emergency
Public Information Ofcer: Provides informa-
tion to the media, the public, and parents
Safety Ofcer: Ensures that everyone is safe and
accounted for
Liaison Ofcer: Acts as the point contact (liai-
son) between other responding agencies
Other staff may be used to provide information to
and/or support for the activities of the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) or
be further organized and integrated into the Incident
Command System (ICS) to provide information to
and/or support for the activities of the Public Infor-
mation Ofcer, Safety Ofcer, or Liaison Ofcer.
Depending on the nature and magnitude of the emer-
gency incident, this command system can be com-
bined into being the sole responsibility of the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) for a minor incident or assigned to additional
personnel for a major incident.
When an emergency incident requires a response from
the JCPS DLIMT or an outside emergency response
agency, which is assuming the overall command of
the incident, the Site Incident Commander (Build-
ing Principal/Site Manager) will assume the role of
a Deputy Commander. The Deputy Commander will
interface his or her sites incident command struc-
ture into the expanding command structure being
assumed by the DLIMT or the outside emergency
response agency.
Command roles may vary given the level of response
required and the staff on hand to assist. In some
emergencies, the DLIMT or the outside emergency
response agency may not assume command of the
incident. In these situations, they may act as a sup-
port to the BLIMT command structure at that par-
ticular site for that particular emergency incident.
Incident Command System
The overall structure of the ICS should t into the
following structure designed to help personnel more
effectively organize themselves and respond to emer-
gency incidents:
Operations SectionThe function of the BLIMT
is to support the Site Incident Commander
(Building Principal/Site Manager) in responding
to an emergency incident.
Planning SectionIn support of the Incident
Commander and as applicable to the function of
the Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual,
this instrument is to be used to develop and imple-
ment site plans. The BLIMT encompasses all
facets of planning for and carrying out a response
to an emergency incident (e.g., information as to
the number of occupants, evacuations, shelter-in
National Incident
Management System
12 Jefferson County Public Schools
place and lockdown procedures, unique hazards
at that location, evacuation routes, assembly loca-
tions, maintaining documentation).
Logistics SectionIn support of the Incident
Commander, the Logistics Section ensures ade-
quate resources to support contingency responses
to emergency incidents.
Finance and Administration SectionIn sup-
port of the Incident Commander, the Finance
and Administration Section provides an analysis
of the sites costs associated with the emergency
JCPS has established the DLIMT to assist school
and other JCPS facility personnel in the response
to emergency incidents and to help coordinate and
integrate the response efforts from other community
National Incident Command
System: A Tool for Responding to
When leading a response, remember that your top
priorities are to save and to protect life and property.
Effective leadership, command, and communication
are critical to the success of your teams response to
an emergency.
Emergency/Disaster Response at a
Incident Command leads the response and appoints
and empowers team leaders. It sets the tone and
standards for the response and encourages effective
teamwork and communication.
The Safety and Security Ofcer focuses on the
safety of all people responding to the incident.
The Public Information Ofcer works with the
media and distributes messages to the public and
local community.
The Liaison Ofcer links to and supports external
partners and organizations.
The Operations Team handles key actions, includ-
ing rst aid, search and rescue, re suppression, and
securing the site.
The Planning Team gathers information, thinks
ahead, and keeps all team members informed and
The Logistics Team nds, distributes, and stores all
necessary resources (supplies and people) to respond
The Finance/Administration Team tracks all
expenses, claims, and activities and is the record
keeper for the incident.
Safety Advisory
Structuring your BLIMT in line with the above will
greatly enhance your ability to effectively respond
to an emergency and collaborate with community
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 13
The National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory
System. These alerts include a clear statement that there is an imminent threat or elevated threat. Using
available information, the alerts will provide a concise summary of the potential threat, information about
the actions being taken to ensure public safety, and recommended steps that individuals, communities, busi-
nesses and government can take to prevent, mitigate, or respond to the threat.
Imminent Threat
Warns of a credible, specic, and impending terrorist threat against the United States.
Elevated Threat Alert
Warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States.
National Terrorism
Advisory System
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 15
JCPS has established the DLIMT to assist school
and facility personnel in their response to emer-
gency incidents and to help coordinate/integrate the
response efforts from other community agencies.
The DLIMT shall be activated to respond to natural
or man-made disasters, such as a tornado, an earth-
quake, a chemical spill, or a train derailment. This
shall also include notication by the Louisville Met-
ro Emergency Management Agency of the need for
JCPS representatives at either the emergency opera-
tion center at City Hall or at a site-specic incident
command center. It is anticipated that any rst call
of an impending disaster situation will be received
by the District Operations Center at C. B. Young Jr.
Service Center. The District Emergency Operations
Center will be activated at C. B. Young Jr. Service
The District Operations Center will contact the Direc-
tor of Security and/or the Director of Safety, who will
then determine the need to activate the DLIMT or a
portion of such a team. The District Operations Cen-
ter will send out the Dean Alert for notication and
information. The following conditions will be con-
sidered justication for the activation of this team:
District Level Incident
Management Team
any condition that requires immediate and unusual
action or support beyond the capability or authority
of the responsible persons at the location of the emer-
gency, any condition that may result in major damage
or injury, and any request for assistance that requires
coordination of support from administrative ofces.
The purpose of the DLIMT shall be to coordinate
and to support the Incident Mobilization-to-Recov-
ery Structure and to ensure that rst-response proce-
dures are communicated to affected personnel. This
will alleviate any danger for students and employ-
ees until the appropriate district departments and/or
external agencies can mobilize.
The DLIMT will be notied by the District Oper-
ations Center personnel and will be expected to
go immediately to a designated area. The selected
response area will be dictated by the size of the inci-
dent and need. The communication center will then
operate from this command post. If the decision is
made to deploy the Mobile Command Center (MCC),
then Transportation and Security will coordinate the
transport of the MCC.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 17
The following section, in alphabetical order, outlines the established Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS)
safety and emergency procedures. It serves as a guide for school or facility Building Level Incident Manage-
ment Teams (BLIMTs) to follow as they develop their sites unique safety and emergency plans.
Using the following procedures as a guide, develop more detailed safety and emergency plans specic to
your school or facility.
The safety and emergency procedures for the following are included in this manual:
Abduction Hostage
After-Hours Emergency Preparedness Intruder in Building
ALICE: Active Aggressor/Shooter Medical Emergencies
Anthrax Natural Gas Emergency
Bomb Threat Physical/Sexual Assault
Building Collapse Power Failure
Chemical Release Public Assembly Emergency Preparedness
Child Abuse/Neglect/Dependency Severe Weather
Civil Disturbance Substance Abuse
Death of Student/Staff Member Suicide Ideation
Earthquake Terroristic Threatening
Explosion Water Failure
Fallen Aircraft Weapons Possession/Armed Offender
General Staff Procedures
General staff procedures are provided. The general staff procedures are intended to give the BLIMT a
quick reference on what is expected from the staff members who are not assigned specic duties during an
emergency/crisis situation.
Site and District Safety and
Emergency Procedures
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 19
JCPS Safety and Emergency Procedures
Quick Guide
Does the safety or emergency incident
affect the safety and well-being of all
the occupants of the facility?
9-911 for the Police, Fire Department,
and/or EMS
485-3121 for 24-Hour JCPS Security
Room, Support/Responders
Fire, chemical/natural gas leak, explosion,
or extensive damage to building/build-
ing collapse due to an earthquake or other
causes; falling aircraft, ood, biological
threat (Anthrax), conrmed bomb threat,
extended power failure, etc.
Use predetermined exit routes to the facil-
ity’s assembly area or alternate site(s).
Severe weather/tornado, chemical/gas leak,
explosion, falling aircraft, or other external
Secure the facility, and use predetermined
routes to primary or secondary shelter-in-
place assembly area.
Intruder, armed offender, hostage situation,
weapon(s) on the grounds and/or in facility,
gang/civil disturbance, other external and/or
internal threats that warrant the implementa-
tion of lock-down procedures
Move students and staff into secured rooms,
lock doors, shut off lights, move to protected
area within the room, and remain quiet.
Abduction: Call 9-911/485-3121, Police,
and JCPS Security, and follow JCPS pro-
Bloodborne Pathogens: Do not come
into physical contact with body uids.
Follow protective cleanup procedures and
all other steps outlined in the JCPS Facil-
ity Compliance Manual.
Child Abuse, Neglect, and/or Depen-
dency: Call 595-4550, Child Protective
Services, and/or 574-2465, the Crimes
Against Children Unit (CACU), and fol-
low JCPS procedures.
Death of a Student/Staff: Call 485-6781,
Guidance Services.
Medical Emergencies: Call 9-911 and
485-3121, EMS, and follow JCPS proce-
Physical Assault/Sexual Assault, Sabo-
tage/Extortion, Unwanted Attention/
Stalking, Threat of Violence, Weapons:
Call 9-911/485-3121, Police, and JCPS
Security, and follow JCPS procedures.
Power Failure/Water Failure: Call 485-
3121, LG&E or Louisville Water Com-
pany, and follow JCPS procedures.
Substance Abuse: Call 485-3260, Safe
and Drug Free Schools, and follow JCPS
Suicide Ideation: Call 485-6781, Guid-
ance Services, and follow JCPS proce-
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 21
When a person unlawfully and without consent
restricts another persons movements and there is a
substantial interference of the liberty of the person, it
is called abduction.
This does not have to be the removal of a person
from the site; it can be the detaining of a person on a
school site by an unauthorized person.
For mitigation and prevention of an abduction, build-
ing security modications and procedures are essen-
tial. Limiting access to the building to one entrance
and requiring the identication of and the signing in
of all visitors are critical to preventing the abduction
of students. Under these circumstances, if a student
is abducted, then the above-mentioned sign-in pro-
cedures become critical factors in helping to locate
the student.
Access Control Procedures
1. Unless a door is designated as a primary entrance,
it should be locked. Unlocked entrances need to
be monitored, and entry through these entrances
needs to be supervised.
2. The A-Phone system can be used to control
entrance into the building.
When using the A-Phone system, staff members
must view the monitor and identify the individual
requesting entry into the building before unlock-
ing the door.
Before unlocking the door, the staff member
should direct the visitor to come to the ofce
and sign in.
If the individual fails to come to the ofce to sign
in, he or she should be considered an intruder.
3. Schools may elect to use other methods to moni-
tor and to supervise all entries into the building
to ensure that all visitors are identied, that the
purpose of their visit is determined, that they
have signed in, and that they have been grant-
ed permission to proceed. (These methods may
include a staff member stationed at the entrance,
the use of a video camera/intercom system, or
the use of a buzzer or bell requiring a staff mem-
ber to physically open the main door.)
4. Visitors entering the building are required to pro-
vide valid identication and state purpose of vistt
to sign in.
5. Signage should be posted at all entrances direct-
ing visitors to go to the main ofce and sign in.
6. Establish and enforce policies that prohibit stu-
dents and staff from opening locked secondary
doors for visitors. Visitors should be directed
by all staff and students to enter the building
through the main entrance into the building.
Controlling Access to Individual
If a classroom is equipped with hardware that allows
the door to be locked from the outside but opened
from the inside, the door should remain locked
during instructional time.
1. Visitors are required to sign in at the main ofce
when entering the building. All visitors entering
the building will be supervised and accounted
for as they come into the main ofce to sign in.
2. The visitors name and signature should be veri-
ed using some form of government-issued pho-
to identication (ID) card. If a photo ID is not
available, two other forms of identication will
be required, e.g., a Social Security card, and/or
medical insurance card, and/or credit card. (This
requirement may be waived if ofce staff mem-
bers know the visitor personally and can vouch
for the visitors identity and business with the
3. Sign-in forms will require the following
Visitors printed name and signature
Date and time of arrival and departure
Purpose of the visit or name of person being
Initials of the staff member verifying the visitors
4. Visitors should be provided with and required to
wear a visitors badge on their outer garment that
contains the persons name and the date and time
he or she is in the building. (Stick-on name badg-
es with colors that change daily are preferred.)
22 Jefferson County Public Schools
5. JCPS employees visiting the building should be
directed to wear their photo ID card or a visitor’s
badge if they dont have their photo ID card.
1. Implement and train staff on the building secu-
rity procedures.
2. Develop procedures for releasing students to
authorized people.
3. Train the staff on the proper student release and
abduction procedures.
4. Make the necessary security modications to the
1. Call 9-911. Identify yourself, the school, and the
nature of the emergency. Give all the information
you have available, e.g., a description of the stu-
dent and the abductor, names (if you know them),
a description of the vehicle (when appropriate),
as well as the place and time the student was
last seen. If possible, stay on the line until you
are instructed to disconnect by the emergency
2. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
and Security and Investigations Unit at 485-3121.
3. Notify the parent of the situation and of the steps
being taken.
4. Keep any witnesses, both adults and students, in
the ofce and separated, preferably, to prevent
them from sharing stories.
5. Have school security secure the area of conict
and the vehicle involved, making it possible to
maintain any evidence for police investigation.
6. Assist the police. (Have the students le and
photographs available.)
7. Have a counselor assist with any emotional
response on the part of the staff or students dur-
ing and after the situation.
8. Locate and protect clothing, books, book bags,
etc., that can be used as scent articles for a K-9
search. (Do not touch these items with bare
Debrief those involved as soon as possible to fully
account for the sequence of events directly related
to the incident. They should recount the event from
start to nish using time references to chronologi-
cally account for key events.
Conduct an After-Action Review within seven days to
capture lessons learned for further staff development.
General Staff Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Provide all pertinent information (e.g., person who was abducted, abductor, witnesses, place, time,
description of vehicle).
3. Stay on the line.
4. Assist with any emotional response to the incident.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 23
This plan should address all functions (Parent Teach-
er Association [PTA] meeting, outside agencies using
the building, school activities, etc.) performed after
normal ofce hours.
General Procedures
Regular Emergency Planning uses the JCPS Emer-
gency Alert Radio System (EARS), which is located
in the ofce and monitored by the ofce staff.
All facilities that hold functions or have personnel
working after regular school hours need to devise an
Emergency Plan that addresses their particular situ-
ation, especially notication of building occupants.
Actions to Be Taken Before
Emergency Occurs
Principals or designees will develop a plan to dis-
seminate emergency information to employees and/
or groups after hours. The type of communications
that could be used include announcements over the
public-address system, two-way radios, radios and
television broadcasts and bulletins, and designated
off-site personnel.
The principal or designee will see that employees
or other personnel using the building after hours are
instructed and drilled in the actions and duties that
they are to perform in an emergency.
The Fire Alarm System will be activated for any re.
Call 9-911 and the JCPS Security/District Opera-
tions Center (485-3121).
If an emergency occurs after school hours and endan-
gers the occupants of the building, do the following:
1. The Site Incident Commander or designee
(Building Principal/Site Manager) will initiate
the appropriate emergency procedures plan, i.e.,
Evacuation Plan, Shelter-in-Place, or Lockdown
Procedures (as the emergency requires).
2. Call 9-911.
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
(485-3121) immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
4. Render rst aid, if necessary.
5. The principal or designee will direct all other
actions as required by the on-scene commander.
6. Implement a system to alert others who may be
unaware of emergency procedures.
7. Guide emergency vehicles to the proper entrance.
8. Keep people informed to prevent panic.
General Staff Procedures
After-Hours Emergency Preparedness
After-hours, the designated Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) will be respon-
sible for monitoring emergency alerts and implementing emergency procedures.
1. After normal working hours, staff/occupants are to notify the Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager) or designee as to their presence in the building and should follow emer-
gency procedures as directed.
2. In the event of an emergency, immediately notify the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager) and identify yourself.
3. Give the location, the nature of the emergency, and any other pertinent information.
24 Jefferson County Public Schools
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown,
Inform, Counter, Evacuate):
Active Aggressor/Shooter
An active aggressor/shooter or armed intruder on
school property involves one or more individuals
intent on causing physical harm and/or death to stu-
dents and staff. Such intruders may also possess a
gun, a knife, a bomb or other harmful device. An
Active aggressor/shooter or armed intruder will
result in law enforcement and other safety and emer-
gency services responding to the scene as quickly as
Once law enforcement arrives, it is critical to follow
the instructions of, and cooperate with, law enforce-
ment ofcers. The Site Incident Commander will
be relieved by a law enforcement ofcial as soon as
possible. The law enforcement ofcial will now be
the Incident Commander with complete jurisdiction
over the scene. The school is a crime scene and will
require a thorough search and processing.
Site Incident Commander/Principal
Upon Notication of an active aggressor/shooter
or armed intruder on campus, immediately direct
staff to call (if it is unknown whether or not 911
notication has already taken place) 9-911 and
485-3121. A 911 call should provide the name
and exact location of the school, the nature of the
emergency, number and description of intruders
(if known), type of weapon(s), area of the school
where last seen, actions taken by the school, and
whether there are on-site security or law enforce-
ment ofcers (e.g. School Resource Ofcer or
contract ofcers). Caller will remain on the line
to provide updates.
Initiate ALERT protocols. Notication to the
building occupants will be made using all avail-
able means. Notication shall provide any infor-
mation regarding the on-going situation that
will assist the building occupants in making a
good decision as to their best survival response
option. Typically, information that answers the
basic questions of “Who? What? Where? When?
How?” will provide the necessary details to
make an informed decision.
Secure the administration ofce as a COM-
MAND POST (CP) and retrieve the critical
information and data about the building/schools
emergency systems, including communications,
staff and students locations, detailed oor plans
and other important information, documents,
items, and supplies that are prepared and read-
ily available for use during the incident. If the
incident is occurring at the administration ofce,
designate an alternate CP.
Direct COMMAND POST staff to maintain
contact with teachers reporting pertinent emer-
gency information via room phones, mobile
phones, email, and/or texting. All information
received via eye-witnesses or through the in-
house surveillance camera system will used to
INFORM the building occupants of the event in
as real-time as possible.
Notify the District Operations Center, 485-3121,
to alert the DLIMT and activation of the commu-
nications plan for media and parent notication
Staff and students outside the building will
EVACUATE to an off-site relocation center/Ral-
ly Point.
Direct building or support staff, if outside, to
stop pedestrians and vehicles from entering the
school grounds until law enforcement arrives.
Ensure that any buses en route to the school are
redirected to a designated relocation site.
Teachers and Staff
The rst person to note indication of an active
aggressor/shooter or armed intruder, as soon as
it is safe to do so, should call 911, then notify
those in the immediate area, and the Site Inci-
dent Commander/Principal.
If in close proximity to the danger, assess the
situation for the best survival option. EVACU-
ATE if at all possible. If not, gather assistance
and engage in conducting an Enhanced LOCK-
DOWN of the area. If the active aggressor/
shooter or armed intruder has made contact,
immediately begin COUNTER strategies, and
then EVACUATE or take control of the intruder.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 25
Individuals who are not in the immediate danger
area should gather information about their class-
rooms immediate situation. Account for all stu-
dents or other individuals sheltered in their room.
Assess the ability to safely EVACUATE the
If there is no safe manner to EVACUATE the
building, have others assist in conducting an
Enhanced LOCKDOWN of the room.
Rooms in Enhanced LOCKDOWN shall pay
attention to all announcements providing event
details. If the circumstances change and EVAC-
UATE becomes a viable option, a decision can
be made to leave the location and EVACUATE
Unless evacuating, rooms in Enhanced LOCK-
DOWN, shall remain secured until personally
given the “All Clear” by the Incident Command-
er or a law enforcement ofcer in uniform.
If an active aggressor/shooter or armed intruder
enters the classroom individuals are to use what-
ever COUNTER strategies necessary to keep the
students safe. This may include any and all forms
of resistance to the threat.
If an active aggressor/shooter or armed intruder
enters and begins shooting, any and all actions to
stop the shooter are justied. This includes, mak-
ing noise, moving about the room to lessen accu-
racy, throwing items (books, computers, phones,
book bags) to interfere with the ability to shoot
accurately, safely exiting out windows, and tak-
ing control of the intruder. Anyone not involved
in COUNTER strategies should get out anyway
possible and move to another location.
Other ALICE Procedures
After the active aggressor/shooter or armed
intruder(s) has been subdued, the Site Incident
Commander/Principal in consultation with the
law enforcement Incident Commander will
announce an “ALL CLEAR” and EVACUA-
TION and relocation to an alternate site for
If staff or students are injured, secure them in a
room and identify their location with lockdown
placards for police and emergency medical
The Site Incident Commander will notify of-
cials at the relocation site of the EVACUATION
The Site Incident Commander will coordinate
AGEMENT TEAM (DLIMT) for bus transpor-
tation to the relocation site for police interviews
The Site Incident Commander will coordinate
with the DLIMT to activate the communications
plan to deal with media and parent notication
protocols, and direct parents to go to the reloca-
tion site.
Those who remained secured in an Enhanced
LOCKDOWN, will EVACUATE the building
when directed to do so using the designated exit
routes and alternate routes to the assigned assem-
bly areas, take attendance and move to the buses
for transport.
The Site Incident Commander will coordi-
nate with DLIMT to activate the Counsel-
ing Response Team and activate MENTAL
HEALTH AND HEALING protocols and/or to
provide counseling and mental health services at
the relocation site.
The Site Incident Commander will debrief appro-
priate school personnel.
The Superintendent or designee, in consultation
with the DLIMT and law enforcement ofcials,
will determine when the school can resume nor-
mal activities and communicate the information
to parents and the public.
26 Jefferson County Public Schools
General Staff Procedures
ALICE: Active Aggressor/Shooter
(ALICE is a set of proactive strategies that increase chances of survival during an active aggres-
sor/shooter event.” ALICE is not designed to be sequential.)
1. A L ERT: Initial alert could be gunshot, PA announcement, etc. Alert those around you rst and then
call 911, and the ofce when safe to do so.
2. LOCKDOWN: If evacuation is not safe option, barricade entry points. Prepare to evacuate or coun-
ter if needed.
3. INFORM: Communicate real time information on shooter location and description to the ofce or
designated command post. Use clear and direct language using any communication means possible:
room phone, mobile phone.
4. COUNTER: As a last resort, distract shooters ability to shoot accurately. Move toward exits while
making noise, throwing objects or adults swarm shooter.
5. EVACUATE: Run from danger when safe to do so using non-traditional exits if necessary. Go to
predetermined rallying points or report to arriving police to give them information about the shooter
and situation.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 27
Anthrax is a serious disease caused by Bacillus
anthracis, a bacterium that forms spores. A bacte-
rium is a very small organism made up of one cell.
Many bacteria can cause disease. A spore is a cell
that is dormant (asleep) but may come to life with the
right conditions.
There are three types of anthrax:
Skin (cutaneous)
Lungs (inhalation)
Digestive (gastrointestinal)
How Do You Get Anthrax?
Anthrax is not known to spread from one person to
Anthrax From Animals
Humans can become infected with anthrax by han-
dling products from infected animals or breathing in
Anthrax spores from infected animal products, such
as wool. People can also become infected with gas-
trointestinal anthrax by eating uncooked meat from
Anthrax as a Weapon
Anthrax can also be used as a weapon. In the Unit-
ed States in 2001, anthrax was deliberately spread
through the postal system by sending letters with
powder containing anthrax. This caused 22 cases of
anthrax infection.
How Dangerous Is Anthrax?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) classies agents with recognized bioterror-
ism potential into three priority areas (A, B, and C).
Anthrax is a Category A agent. Category A agents
are those that:
Pose the greatest possible threat for a bad effect
on public health.
May spread across a large area and cause a need
for public awareness.
Need a great deal of planning to protect the pub-
lic’s health.
In most cases, early treatment with antibiotics can
cure cutaneous anthrax. Even if untreated, 80 percent
of people who become infected with cutaneous
anthrax do not die. Gastrointestinal anthrax is more
serious because between one-fourth and half of the
cases lead to death. Inhalation anthrax is much more
severe. In 2001, about half of the cases of inhalation
anthrax ended in death.
What Are the Symptoms?
The symptoms (warning signs) of anthrax are differ-
ent depending on the type of disease:
Cutaneous anthrax: The rst symptom is a small
sore that develops into a blister. The blister then
develops into a skin ulcer with a black area in the
center. The sore, blister, and ulcer do not hurt.
Gastrointestinal anthrax: The rst symptoms are
nausea, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, and fever,
followed by bad stomach pain.
Inhalation anthrax: The rst symptoms are cold
or u symptoms and can include a sore throat, mild
fever, and muscle aches. Later symptoms include
cough, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, tired-
ness, and muscle aches. (Caution: Do not assume that
just because a person has cold or u symptoms that
they have inhalation anthrax.)
How Soon Do Infected People Get Sick?
Symptoms can appear within seven days of coming
into contact with the bacterium for all three types
of anthrax. For inhalation anthrax, symptoms can
appear within a week or can take up to 42 days to
How Is Anthrax Treated?
Antibiotics are used to treat all three types of anthrax.
Early identication and treatment are important.
Prevention After Exposure
Treatment is different for a person who is exposed to
anthrax but is not yet sick. Health-care providers use
antibiotics (such as ciprooxacin, levooxacin, doxy-
cycline, or penicillin) combined with the anthrax
vaccine to prevent anthrax infection.
Treatment After Infection
Treatment is usually a 60-day course of antibiotics.
Success depends on the type of anthrax and how
soon treatment begins.
28 Jefferson County Public Schools
Can Anthrax Be Prevented?
There is a vaccine to prevent anthrax, but it is not yet
available for the general public. Anyone who may be
exposed to anthrax, including certain members of the
U.S. armed forces, laboratory workers, and workers
who may enter or reenter contaminated areas, may
get the vaccine. Also, in the event of an attack using
anthrax as a weapon, people exposed would get the
What Should I Do if I Think I Have Anthrax?
If you are showing symptoms of anthrax infection,
call your healthcare provider right away.
What Should I Do If I Think I Have
Been Exposed to Anthrax?
Contact local law enforcement immediately if
you think you have been exposed to anthrax. This
includes being exposed to a suspicious package or
envelope that contains powder.
What Is CDC Doing to Prepare for a
Possible Anthrax Attack?
CDC is working with state and local health authori-
ties to prepare for an anthrax attack. Activities
Developing plans and procedures to respond to
an anthrax attack.
Training and equipping emergency response
teams to help state and local governments con-
trol infection, gather samples, and perform tests.
Educating health-care providers, media, and the
general public about what to do in the event of
an attack.
Working closely with health departments, veteri-
narians, and laboratories to watch for suspected
cases of anthrax.
Developing a national electronic database to
track potential cases of anthrax.
Ensuring that there are enough safe laboratories
for quick testing of suspected anthrax cases.
Working with hospitals, laboratories, emergency
response teams, and health-care providers to
make sure they have the supplies they need in
case of an anthrax attack.
How to Recognize and Handle a
Suspicious Package or Envelope
Between September and October of 2001, several let-
ters containing Bacillus anthracis were sent through
the mail in several areas of the United States. As
a result, CDC developed the following guidelines
for recognizing and handling suspicious packages.
Although there have been no recent mail-related
anthrax exposures, all persons should take appro-
priate steps to protect themselves and others from
exposure to Bacillus anthracis by following these
guidelines for recognizing and handling suspicious
Identifying Suspicious Packages and Envelopes
Characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes
include the following:
Inappropriate or Unusual Labeling
Excessive postage
Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
Misspellings of common words
Strange return address or no return address
Incorrect titles or title without a name
Not addressed to a specic person
Marked with restrictions, such as “Personal,
“Condential,” or “Do Not X-Ray
Marked with threatening language
Postmarked from a city or state that does not
match the return address
Powdery substance felt through or appearing on
the package or envelope
Oily stains, discoloration, or odor
Lopsided or uneven envelope
Excessive wrapping material, such as masking
tape or string
Other Suspicious Signs
Excessive weight
Ticking sound
Protruding wires or aluminum foil
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 29
If a package or envelope appears suspicious, do
not open it!
Handling Suspicious Packages or Envelopes
Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspi-
cious package or envelope.
Do not carry the package or envelope, show it to
others, or allow others to examine it.
Put the package or envelope down on a stable
surface. Do not sniff, touch, taste, or look closely
at the package or envelope or at any contents that
may have spilled.
Alert others in the area about the suspicious
package or envelope. Secure the room, close any
doors, and take actions to prevent others from
entering the area. If possible, shut off the ventila-
tion system.
Wash hands with soap and water to prevent
spreading potentially infectious material to face
or skin. Avoid coming into contact with oth-
ers. Seek additional instructions for exposed or
potentially exposed persons.
If at work, notify a supervisor, a security ofcer,
or a law enforcement ofcial. If at home, contact
the local enforcement agency.
If possible, create a list of persons who were in
the room or area when the suspicious letter or
package was recognized and a list of the persons
who also may have handled the package or let-
ter. Give this list to both the local public health
authorities and law enforcement ofcials.
The Department of Health and Human Services
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Safer Healthier People
School/Facility Safety Procedures
When a package or envelope appears suspicious,
school personnel and students will not handle or
move such a package or envelope. If such a package
or envelope is discovered, call 485-3121. Then dial
9, then 911.
If a staff member or student has come into contact
with such a package or envelope, that individual will
be isolated from the general population until he or
she is examined and released by the appropriate
responding agent(s) (e.g., local public health agency).
Restrict movement of staff and students until an all-
clear signal has been approved by responding agents.
As advised, implement the schools or facilitys shel-
ter-in-place plan.
Responding agents will determine whether an evacu-
ation of the facility is necessary. As advised, imple-
ment the schools or facilitys evacuation plan.
The anthrax advisories included in this section are
adopted from the Department of Health and Human
Services, CDC, and Safer Healthier People. These
advisories will be strictly followed.
30 Jefferson County Public Schools
Bomb Threat
Mitigation and Prevention
Bomb threats may be received via several mediums:
telephone, text message, e-mail, mail, or message left
in a public place. Most bomb-threat calls are very
brief; the message is stated in a few words. If made
by phone, the caller usually hangs up quickly. Every
effort should be made to obtain detailed information
from the caller, such as:
When the bomb is going to explode.
What type of bomb it is.
What the bomb looks like.
Why the person placed the bomb.
(See sample form used to document a bomb
Bombs or Improvised Explosive Devices
Bombs or Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) may
be as small as a letter or packed in a large truck. Good
building security procedures and regular awareness
of suspicious activity, letters, packages, and vehicles
can help school staff take action early enough to safe-
guard the occupants of the building and prevent and
minimize injury and death.
Staff should be wary of suspicious packages and let-
ters. They can contain explosives, chemical, or bio-
logical agents. The indicators below should trigger
suspicion about packages and letters:
Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar
Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as
“Personal,” “Condential,” or “Do Not X-Ray”
Have protruding wires or aluminum foil, strange
odors, or stains
Show a city or state in the postmark that doesnt
match the return address
Are of unusual weight, given their size, or are
lopsided or oddly shaped
Are marked with any threatening language
Have inappropriate or unusual labeling
Have excessive postage or packaging material,
such as masking tape or string
Have misspellings of common words
Are addressed to someone no longer with your
organization or are otherwise outdated
Have incorrect titles or title without a name
Are not addressed to a specic person
Have handwritten or poorly typed addresses
Do not use hand-held radios or cellular telephones
during a bomb threat. Radio waves can be used to
trigger explosions.
When a bomb threat is received, implement the
following plan:
1. Call the local police/re department (9-911) and
JCPS Security District Operations Center at 485-
3121. (Ofce staff should have immediate access
to telephone numbers.)
2. The JCPS Security/District Operations Center
will dispatch a bomb search dog team to the
building under threat.
3. In the event of a bomb threat, it is the decision of
the building principal or site manager to order a
building evacuation unless police or re ofcials
order the evacuation.
Every effort should be made to resolve any questions
quickly to avoid any unnecessary evacuation. This
decision will be based on the administrators impres-
sion of a basic threat analysis. In this analysis, the
principal will consider the following:
Viability of the ThreatWas the caller articulate or
difcult to understand? Was he or she an adult or a
child? Did the caller give a time for detonation or a
description or an exact location of the device? How
will the device be triggered? Has any major neigh-
borhood event taken place recently to cause alarm
or give the school administration reason to suspect
retaliation against the school or against a segment
of the student body? Did the caller give a reason or
Trend AnalysisIs the call one in a string of calls
made to either this facility or neighboring schools?
Of the calls received, have any schools actually dis-
covered any device?
Building StatusHow secure is your facility? If the
threat is received during the morning hours, contact
Security. They will be able to tell you if any alarms
were received during the night indicating an unau-
thorized presence prior to staff arrival. Are there any
signs of forced entry into areas not covered by the
alarm system? Has any member of the staff reported
any unusual activities in their respective area (e.g., a
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 31
bookcase moved out from the wall, boxes rearranged,
pictures or wall art askew or slightly out of place)?
Are there any strange vehicles in your parking lot?
If the principal or site manager decides not to
evacuate the building, then all occupants should be
placed in Security Level 4 status (closing all doors
and restricting movement to minimum). (See “JCPS
School Security Levels.”)
All employees will be instructed to check their
assigned work areas to make a prompt visual search
of their respective areas and report to the principal
any items or containers that are unusual or foreign to
that area. Do not handle the item under suspicion.
The building will be under the principals jurisdic-
tion, but it will be under the police or re depart-
ment’s authority if a bomb is discovered.
The principal will make the decision for the students
and other personnel to return to normal operations
or to reenter the building. If possible, the principal
should seek the advice of the K-9 bomb search team
or police/re department when declaring the build-
ing safe to reenter.
If the students or staff cannot reenter the building
on a timely basis, they may have to be transported
to another facility. No student shall be moved from
the waiting area until the order is received from the
superintendent or designee. The Transportation Unit
will implement the movement of students and staff to
an alternate building location.
Call the Director of Security and Investigations (485-
3121) for additional guidance.
Following a bomb threat incident, immediately
obtain a Bomb Threat Documentation Form and
complete it while the information is current in your
memory. Give the form to the police or Security and
Investigations as soon as possible. (See next page.)
1. A debrieng with all involved staff should follow
immediately after the bomb threat incident or as
soon as possible.
2. Conduct an After Action Review within seven
days to capture lessons learned for staff devel-
opment. Use a copy of the Bomb Threat Docu-
mentation Form and the Safety and Emergency
Procedures Manual as a guide during the After
Action Review.
General Staff Procedures
Bomb Threat
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Evacuate the building immediately if directed by announcement. (See “Evacuation Procedures.”)
4. Stay clear of the building.
5. A representative from each department will account for employees and students and will report to
area managers. Area managers will account for employees and students to the Site Incident Com-
mander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
6. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) before reentering the building.
32 Jefferson County Public Schools
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 33
Bomb Threat
Date of Call: __________________________
Time Call Received/Ended: ___________________________
Operator’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Person Who Received the Call: __________________________________________________
1. Attempt to keep the caller talking.
2. Calmly ask the caller the questions below.
3. Complete the form in as much detail as possible. Give initial impressions, and check off what applies as
time and circumstance permit.
Exact Words of the Caller
Questions to Ask
When is the bomb going to explode? _______________________________________________________
Where is the bomb right now? ____________________________________________________________
What kind of bomb is it? ________________________________________________________________
What does it look like? _________________________________________________________________
Why did you place it? __________________________________________________________________
Description of Callers Voice
Initial Impression: _____________________________________________________________________
Male___ Female___ Young___ Old___ Loud Voice___ Soft Voice___ High Pitch___ Low Pitch___
Slow Talking___ Fast Talking___ Accent___ Intoxicated___ Concealed Voice___
Calm___ Rational___ Irrational___ Coherent___ Incoherent___
Deliberate___ Religious/Self-Righteous___ Angry___ Emotional___ Laughing___
Bomb Threat Documentation Form
34 Jefferson County Public Schools
Excellent, Fluent, Good Vocabulary___ Average or Normal Vocabulary___
Poor Grammar, Poor Vocabulary___ Foul/Vulgar/Use of Profanity___
Does the voice sound familiar? Yes___ No___
If yes, who does it sound like? ____________________________________________________________
Has this person called before? Yes___ No___
Background Noise
Initial Impression: _____________________________________________________________________
Totally Quiet___ Quiet, Faint Noise___ Voices (conversation) ___ Noisy___ Party Atmosphere___
Music___ Ofce Machines___ Factory Machines___ Street Trafc___ Mixed___
Highway Trafc___ Trains___ Planes___ Animal Noises___
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 35
Building Collapse
A building collapse occurs when the structural integrity of the building is lost or compromised due to over-
stressed conditions.
If a building collapse occurs and endangers the school population, do the following:
1. Initiate the Evacuation Plan. (See “Evacuation Procedures.”)
2. Alert staff to evacuate the building.
3. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access outside line).
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the proper
JCPS departments.
5. Render rst aid, if necessary.
6. Students and staff should not reenter the school until the re department ofcials declare the area safe.
7. The principal or designee will announce any other action as directed by the on-scene commander.
36 Jefferson County Public Schools
Chemical Release
A chemical release occurs when hazardous materials escape from their contained environment.
External Chemical Release
If an external chemical release occurs outside the school building, do the following:
1. Initiate the Shelter-in-Place Plan. (See “Shelter-in-Place Procedures.”)
2. Alert all staff that they are to implement external chemical leak procedures immediately.
3. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access outside line).
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the proper
JCPS departments.
5. All windows and doors shall be closed and shall remain shut. Stay in the building, and disable the heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC). Kitchen and restroom exhaust system units are to be turned off.
6. Do not proceed outside unless directed. If required, take action to evacuate the building and, if necessary,
the school site. Transfer school-site operation only by the direction of the JCPS superintendent or his or
her designee or local authority having jurisdiction (e.g., re department, police department).
7. Render rst aid, if necessary.
8. The principal or designee will announce any other action as directed by the on-scene commander.
The school will be advised of necessary action verbally, by telephone, or by the EARS communication.
Turn on the radio and tune to 1610 AM or turn on the television for additional information.
General Staff Procedures
External Chemical Leak
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement external chemical leak procedures
im me d iately.
4. Proceed to shelter-in-place location.
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager).
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 37
Internal Chemical Release
If an internal chemical release occurs within the building, do the following:
1. Initiate the Evacuation Plan, if required.
2. Alert staff to evacuate the building.
3. Dial 9, then 911.
4. Take emergency supplies.
5. Notify the Security/District Operations Center personnel at 485-3121; they will notify the proper JCPS
6. Render rst aid, if necessary.
7. All appropriate state and local agencies will be notied as to the nature of the emergency.
8. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for specic information.
9. With the staff, maintain control of the students at a safe distance from the incident and take roll call.
Students and staff shall not return to their respective areas until the school is determined to be safe by
emergency responders.
General Staff Procedures
Internal Chemical Leak
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The verbal command will be given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the exit route designated for your area of the building.
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close the door as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) before reentering the building.
38 Jefferson County Public Schools
Child Abuse/Neglect/Dependency
Child abuse is an act of commission. Child neglect is an act of omission. A dependent is any child, other
than the abused or neglected child, who is under improper care, custody, control, or guardianship.
An abused or neglected child is dened by state law as a child whose health or welfare is harmed or threat-
ened with harm when his or her parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervi-
sion of the child, inicts or allows to be inicted upon the child, physical or emotional injury. Child abuse
includes injury to the child by other than accidental means, such as a person who commits or allows to
be committed an act of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or prostitution upon the child; abandons or exploits
such child; or does not provide the child with adequate care, supervision, food, clothing, shelter, education,
or medical care necessary for the childs well-being.
The Child Protective Service (CPS) Program is mandated by statute, which means there are state laws
that declare a childs right to be free from abuse and neglect. These laws are called the Kentucky Unied
Juvenile Code and are contained in KRS Chapters 600 to 645. The code requires the reporting of neglect;
physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; and dependency of children, whether it occurs in the home, the school,
or community settings. The code requires that these reports be assessed and investigated and requires that
social services be provided to children found to be experiencing maltreatment.
Two Basic Principles of Code
A childs fundamental right to be safe and to be nurtured
A childs basic right to be raised by his or her own parents, whenever possible; also included in the body
of the code are provisions for interviewing children who are alleged victims.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 39
General Staff Procedures
Child Abuse/Neglect/Dependency
An abused or neglected child is dened by state law as a child whose health or welfare is harmed or
threatened when the person exercising custodial control/supervision of the child inicts or allows to be
inicted upon the child physical or emotional injury (other than accidental means), sexual abuse/exploi-
tation, and/or abandonment and/or fails to provide adequate care for the childs well-being.
1. If abuse is suspected, immediately notify the front ofce and identify yourself.
2. Gather pertinent information concerning the nature of the abuse/neglect and general information
about the child suspected of being abused and/or neglected.
3. In consultation with the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager), contact the
Child Abuse CPS Hotline at 9-595-4550, or if unavailable dial 9, then 574-2465 for the CACU.
General Staff Procedures
1. It is the districts policy (JCPS Policy: JHFE) that school district personnel who know or have reason-
able cause to believe that a child is dependent, neglected, or abused shall immediately cause a report to
be made to the proper authorities in accordance with state law. Under Kentucky law, there are several
authorities to whom abuse or neglect can and should be reported, including the Department of Social
Services, CPS, Child Abuse Hotline (Dial 9, then 595-4550) and local law enforcement agencies,
including the Crimes Against Children Unit (CACU) of the Louisville Metro Police Department (Dial
9, then 574-2465). Schools located in the cities of Jeffersontown, St. Matthews, and Shively should
contact their local police departments.
2. Both civil and criminal immunity from prosecution are given to any person making a report or assist-
ing legal authorities or the CPS Program in making an assessment as long as that person is acting in
good faith.
3. CPS workers and CACU ofcers have the authority to investigate child abuse, neglect, and depen-
dency reports at school without parent consent. When interviewing a child at school, the worker or
ofcer should inform appropriate school personnel of the need to interview a child regarding a referral
and should show proper identication.
4. If a CPS worker or CACU ofcer wishes to interview a child alone, school personnel are to comply
after receiving proper identication from the CPS worker or CACU ofcer. Please document the CPS
workers or CACU ofcers name, and allow the child to be interviewed.
5. Details of the investigation and the allegation should be limited to appropriate school personnel who
have a legitimate interest in the case.
6. A child may request to have a teacher or counselor present. In this event, the CPS worker or CACU
ofcer should make a decision that is in the best interest of the child.
7. The district wants to give full cooperation to CPS workers and CACU ofcers to fulll the legal obli-
gation and to protect children. To contact the Child Abuse Hotline, dial 9, then 595-4550. If you are
uncertain as to whether you should call the Child Abuse Hotline, that is an indication that you should
call. If you have any question, please contact your principal.
40 Jefferson County Public Schools
Civil Disturbance
A civil disturbance is a riot or out-of-control demon-
stration that could threaten the welfare and safety of
staff and students.
Initiate lockdown procedures. (See “Lockdown
1. Alert staff: “All staff are to implement lock-
down procedures immediately.”
2. Notify 9-911 (9 must be pushed to access an out-
side line). Make sure the 911 operator understands
that there is a civil disturbance, the location of the
disturbance, and any other pertinent information. If
possible, stay on the line until you are instructed to
disconnect by the emergency operator.
3. Keep all students inside their classroom until
further notice. All classroom doors should be
locked at the sound of the emergency signal.
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at
5. Notify all students outside their classrooms
(including those outside the school building) to
report to the safest classroom. All staff members
should make certain that any stray student is
brought into a locked area.
6. All doors should remain locked; students and
staff should move away from doors and win-
dows, turn out the lights, and remain quiet until
the all-clear signal is given by the police or the
Building Level Incident Management Team
7. Assist police as directed.
General Staff Procedures
Hostage, Intruder, Armed Offender, or Civil Disturbance
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement your lockdown procedures
im me d iately.
4. Check the hallway immediately outside your room, and bring uninvolved, nonthreatening students
into your classroom or ofce. (See “School Security Levels” sections.)
5. Close and lock all doors.
6. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from doors and windows.
7. Turn off the lights in classrooms and ofces.
8. Use caution and discretion in allowing individuals and students into the classroom.
9. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room.
10. Obtain the lockdown folder, and place the placards in the exterior window and in the door window
(or under the door and into the hall if there is no window in the door).
11. All doors should remain locked; staff and students shall remain sheltered until a BLIMT member
comes to your room with directions or a police ofcer arrives with directions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 41
Death of a
In the event of the death of a student or staff member,
a call should be directed immediately to Security/
District Operations Center at 485-3121.
Principals may request the assistance from the Coun-
seling Response Team, 24 hours a day, through the
Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121.
The DLIMT will make appropriate notications.
The Counseling Response Team may help in:
Providing an Operations Leader and Team to
assist with the school-based response
Providing counseling support to students, staff,
and families
Gathering information about community
resources for distribution
Creating a follow-up plan for the school
If a student, staff member, or visitor dies on school
property, immediately call 9-911 and the Security/
District Operations Center at 485-3121. Security and
Investigations will initiate a critical incident investi-
gation and contact other agencies as needed.
General Staff Procedures
Death of a Student/Staff Member
1. Call 9-911 and 485-3121.
2. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself, and ask them to notify the school nurse if
applicable and to send a rst aid provider to your location.
3. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
4. Remove all students from the area.
5. Wait for further instructions.
42 Jefferson County Public Schools
Drop Procedure
An earthquake is shaking or trembling of the earth.
To establish emergency procedures to be used in
the event an earthquake or disaster occurs. During
an earthquake drill, have students demonstrate their
ability to react appropriately to your command.
An earthquake is rolling or shaking movement of
the building and the ground.
All school personnel must be aware of emergen-
cy procedures established for the building and be
ready to react when necessary.
Because earthquakes can strike without warning, the
immediate need is to protect lives by taking the best
available cover. All other actions must wait until the
tremor subsides.
1. Staff should direct students to “Duck, Cover,
and Hold On.”
2. Students should use desks or tables for cover.
3. The Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager) shall advise staff to evacuate
the building if required after the shaking stops.
4. After shaking ceases and initial evaluation of the
building structure is complete, the custodian and/
or maintenance personnel shall assist with shut-
ting down the facilitys mechanical, electrical,
water, and gas systems if required.
5. Dial 9-911, if necessary.
6. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments, if necessary.
7. At no time, either from the building or from des-
ignated evacuation sites, should students or staff
be dismissed until the JCPS Emergency Dis-
missal Procedures have been implemented. This
precaution is crucial for accounting for students
and staff and because the possible condition of
the surrounding community may not be known.
8. Students shall not reenter the school building
until the re department ofcial declares this
area safe.
9. Render rst aid, if necessary.
10. The principal or designee will direct any other
action as directed by the on-scene commander.
General Staff Procedures
1. Duck, Cover, and Hold On, by dropping to knees.
2. Use desks and tables for cover, protect head by covering with arms and back should be towards
wi ndow.
3. Remain in covered position for at least 60 seconds after shaking ceases.
4. Listen for instructions, and be prepared to evacuate if instructed to do so.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 43
An explosion is a sudden, violent release of energy
from its contained environment.
In the event an explosion occurs at the school site, do
the following.
The Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager) will determine if the explosion
is internal and if it affects the structure of the
Internal Explosion
1. Initiate the Evacuation Plan. (See “Evacuation
2. Use the re alarm to evacuate the building.
3. Take emergency supplies.
4. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an
outside line).
5. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
6. Transfer school-site operation only by direction
of the JCPS superintendent or his or her designee
or local authority having jurisdiction (re depart-
ment, police department, etc.).
7. Students and/or staff shall not reenter a vacat-
ed building if there is any doubt concerning
the safety of the structure. In the event that the
structure of the buildings safety is in question,
an inspection must be requested and performed
by the JCPS Maintenance Department, the re
department, or a professional engineer before the
occupants may reenter the building.
8. Render rst aid, if necessary.
9. The principal or designee will direct any other
action as directed by the on-scene commander.
External (Outdoor) Explosion
If explosion occurs outside:
1. Shelter-in-Place Procedures should be imple-
2. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an
outside line).
2. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
3. Shelter-in-Place shall be maintained until the all-
clear is given by Emergency Responders.
General Staff Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm or verbal command is sounded/given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building if the explosion is internal using the exit route designated for that area
of the building you are located in at the time the alarm is sounded. (See “Evacuation Procedures.”)
5. Assist those needing special assistance.
6. Close door as leaving room.
7. Bring roll book or class roster to account for all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear from the Site Incident Commander before reentering the building.
44 Jefferson County Public Schools
Fallen Aircraft
A fallen-aircraft emergency occurs when an aircraft falls near a school or on a portion of the school building.
If a fallen aircraft endangers the school population, do the following:
If smoke or fumes threaten the building, initiate the schools external chemical leak procedures. (See
Evacuation Procedures.”)
1. Alert staff with the following announcement: “All staff are to implement external chemical leak proce-
du res imme diat ely.
2. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an outside line).
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the proper
JCPS departments.
4. Render rst aid, if necessary.
5. The principal or designee will determine and direct any other action as required.
General Staff Procedures
Fallen Aircraft
If an aircraft falls near the school, the following will be implemented:
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement external chemical leak procedures
im me d iately.
4. Proceed to the designated shelter-in-place location.
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 45
If an aircraft falls on a portion of the school, do the following.
Initiate the school’s Evacuation Plan. (SeeEvacuation Procedures.”)
1. Alert staff to evacuate the building.
2. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an outside line).
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the proper
JCPS departments.
4. Staff will evacuate students from the buildings to a safe area as directed.
5. All students and staff will be kept at a safe distance, upwind, allowing for possible explosions. (Note: In
case of jet aircraft, the minimum safe distance is 500 yards.)
6. Students and staff shall not reenter the school until the re department ofcial declares the area safe.
7. Render rst aid, if necessary.
8. The principal or designee will announce any other action as directed by the on-scene commander.
General Staff Procedures
Fallen Aircraft
If an aircraft falls on a portion of the school, the following will be implemented:
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the exit route designated for your area of the building if unaffected by
the event. (See “Evacuation Procedures.”)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close the door as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) before reentering the building.
46 Jefferson County Public Schools
A re occurs when combustible materials ignite in
the presence of oxygen and heat.
All school personnel must be aware of the emergency
procedures established for their building and must be
ready to react when necessary. There shall be at least
two re drills held within the rst 30 days of school
and one a month for the remainder of the school year.
In the event a re is detected within a school build-
ing, the following actions should be taken:
Notication of the re department is mandatory
for all res.
1. Sound the re alarm. This will implement the
Fire Drill Evacuation Procedures.
2. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an
outside line).
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
4. Students and staff shall evacuate the building and
should not return to the school until re depart-
ment ofcials declare the area is safe.
5. Render rst aid, if necessary.
6. The principal or designee will direct any other
action as directed by the on-scene commander.
Note: All re-alarm activations must be called in to
9-911 or the appropriate re administration and to the
JCPS Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121.
All res must be reported immediately by dialing 9,
then 911.
Occupied Facility
If the re alarm is activated while the building is
occupied, initiate the Evacuation Plan and dial 9,
then 911 to report the sounding of the re alarm.
1. Give the name of the school, address, and the
zone indication shown on the re-alarm panel.
2. Call the JCPS Security/District Operations Cen-
ter at 485-3121. If a staff member has observed
or has reason to believe that a person pulled a re
alarm for malicious reasons, notify the school
ofce. The ofce may then silence the re alarm
and activate the all-clear signal, ceasing the evac-
uation process upon conrmation.
3. If a manual re-alarm box has been pulled by
an unknown individual, up to ve minutes may
be taken to locate the pulled, manual re-alarm
4. If the re-alarm box cannot be located within
ve minutes, do the following:
—Dial 9, then 911.
Call the JCPS Security/District Operations
Center at 485-3121.
If staff locate the pulled, manual re-alarm
station and it was maliciously operated, the re
alarm may be silenced (but not reset) and the
recall signal given to allow students and staff to
return to the school. A staff member shall then
notify the re administration at:
Louisville Metro ……………9-574-3220
Jefferson County ……...9-574-7599
Advise that a malicious false alarm has occurred
and that staff and students have returned to the
5. Staff members must bear in mind that there is
automatic re-detection equipment in schools,
which may also activate the re-alarm system.
Staff members should not assume a re alarm
is false until the device activating the system
has been found and a reason for the activation
6. Should the alarm be activated by smoke, heat
detectors, or by the sprinkler system, do the
—Dial 9, then 911.
—Call 485-3121 im me diat ely.
Do not reset the re-alarm system until
advised to do so by the re department.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 47
7. Under no circumstance should the re-alarm
system be shut off or taken out of service.
8. If, for reasons beyond the control of JCPS, the
re-alarm system is not operational, a re watch
shall be implemented. This re watch can only
be established after the acknowledgment from
the Safety and Environmental Services Depart-
ment and prior notication of the local re
9. The JCPS Security/District Operations Center
may call the school to determine the status of the
re alarm after ve minutes have lapsed. If the
school cannot conrm that the alarm was a mali-
cious false alarm, security may direct the school
to dial 9, then 911. Security may also make a
secondary call to conrm this was done by the
school. If the JCPS Security/District Operations
Center cannot contact the school to determine
the cause of the re alarm, the re department
shall be notied immediately.
Unoccupied Facility
If the re alarm is activated while the building is
unoccupied, the following procedures should be
1. The Security/District Operations Center should
call the re department by dialing 9, then 911
upon receiving the alarm and then call the JCPS
General Maintenance Department. Under no
circumstances should the alarm system be
2. Security should perform a visual inspection from
the outside of the building, open the building for
the re department, and act as a liaison with local
re department personnel upon their arrival.
Fire-Drill Procedures
The JCPS Security/District Operations Center must
be advised of any re drills well in advance of and,
if possible, immediately prior to the drill. Call 485-
3121. If this does not occur, the JCPS Security Ofce
may believe there is a re at the school.
General Staff Procedures
1. Pull the alarm.
2. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
3. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
4. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is given, as required.
5. Immediately exit the building using the exit route designated for your area of the building. (See
“Evacuation Procedures.”)
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Close the door as you are leaving the room.
8. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
9. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
10. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) before reentering the building.
48 Jefferson County Public Schools
A ood exists when a given location, site, or area is either covered by water or is at eminent risk of being
covered by water to the degree that normal activities must be suspended or transportation to that location is
General Procedures
Cancellations for schools under ood watch or that are already ooded will be determined and announced
by the Central Ofce through local radio and television station broadcasts.
When ood conditions in specic school locations exist, parents/guardians and school employees are
advised to listen to their local radio and television statements for information related to early school dis-
missals and/or cancellations.
Early dismissals due to pending ood conditions will be determined by the central ofce. Schools will
be notied through the EARS.
Parents/Guardians and employees will be notied of early dismissals by school personnel and the Central
Custodial and administrative staff members are to take precautionary measures to minimize ood dam-
age to the facility.
Do not enter ooded areas.
General Staff Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Do not enter ooded areas.
4. Wait for further instructions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 49
Hostage-taking is a violent offense involving the
holding of an individual or individuals hostage or
exercising or attempting to exercise control over the
individual or individuals by the use of force or threat
of force or by other violent behavioral/verbal action,
which, if carried out, would result in a departure from
the organizations normal course of action by using
the threat of violence to secure the fulllment of cer-
tain demands. This does not have to be the removal
of a person from the site but can be the detaining of
a person on a school site by an unauthorized person.
These situations are probably the least predictable
and the most dangerous of the emergency situa-
tions that may confront the Building Principal/Site
Initiate lockdown procedures. (See “ALICE
1. Make the following building announcement:
All staff are to implement ALICE proce-
dures immediately.
2. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access
an outside number). Make sure the 911 operator
understands that this is a hostage situation, and
give the hostages last known location. Stay on
the line until you are instructed to disconnect by
the emergency operator.
3. Notify the JCPS Security/District Operations
Center at 485-3121.
4. Tell all students outside of their classrooms,
including those outside the school building, to
report to the nearest safe classroom. All staff
should make certain that any stray student is
brought into a locked area.
5. All doors should remain locked. Students and
staff should move away from the doors and
windows, turn out the lights, and remain quiet
until the all-clear signal is given by the police or
6. Assist police as directed. Expect the police to
enter the building rapidly without warning.
7. When confronted by police, raise your hands
above your head and identify yourself.
8. Blueprints shall be available for emergency
General Staff Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement your ALICE procedures immediately.
4. Check the hallway immediately outside of your room, and bring uninvolved, nonthreatening stu-
dents into your classroom or ofce. (See “School Security Levels” section.)
5. Close and lock all doors, or evacuate if safe to do so.
6. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from doors and windows. (See ALICE procedures.)
7. Turn off lights in classrooms and ofces.
8. Use caution and discretion in allowing individuals or students into the classroom.
9. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room, or at the rally
10. Upon notication, obtain the lockdown folder, and place the placards in the exterior window and in
the door window (or under the door and into the hall if there is no window in the door).
11. All doors should remain locked; staff and students shall remain sheltered until a BLIMT member
comes to your room with directions or a police ofcer arrives with directions.
50 Jefferson County Public Schools
Intruder in Building
An intruder is an individual in the building who has
not followed established visitor procedures and who
appears suspicious.
Safety Advisory
Any school personnel who observes an individual
in the building without a JCPS ID or a Visitor’s
Pass or who appears suspicious should notify the
ofce immediately and report the individuals
location and description.
The building principal will determine if it is an
emergency situation.
Initiate lockdown procedures (See “Building
Security Levels.”)
1. Alert staff to implement Security Level 4 (or 5)
im me d iately.
2. Dial 9, then 911. Make sure the 911 operator
understands that there is an intruder inside the
school and whether the person is armed. Give
the intruders last known location. Stay on the
line until you are instructed to disconnect by the
emergency operator.
3. Notify the JCPS Security/District Operations
Center at 485-3121.
4. Notify all students outside their classrooms,
including those outside the school building, to
report to the nearest safe classroom. All staff
should make certain that any stray student is
brought into a locked area.
5. All doors should remain locked; students and
staff should move away from the doors and
windows, turn out the lights, and remain quiet
until the all-clear signal is given by the police or
6. Assist police as directed. Expect the police to
enter the building rapidly without warning.
7. When confronted by police, raise your hands
above your head and identify yourself.
8. Blueprints shall be available for emergency
General Staff Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement Security Level 4 (or 5).
4. Check the hallway immediately outside of your room, and bring uninvolved, nonthreatening stu-
dents into your classroom or ofce. (See “School Security Levels” section.)
5. Close and lock all doors.
6. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from doors and windows.
7. Use caution and discretion in allowing individuals or students into the classroom.
8. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room.
9. Upon notication, obtain the lockdown folder, and place the placards in the exterior window and in
the door window (or under the door and into the hall if there is no window in the door).
10. All doors should remain locked; staff and students shall remain sheltered until a BLIMT member
comes to your room with directions or a police ofcer arrives with directions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 51
A medical emergency exists anytime a school inci-
dent involving physical injury, illness, medical condi-
tion, etc., exceeds the need for basic rst aid.
In case of a medical emergency, check the scene for
safety. Remove yourself and others from harms way.
1. Notify Emergency Medical Services (EMS) by
dialing 9, then 911, and 485-3121 as well as the
school nurse if applicable. Be prepared to state
the nature of the emergency and location (e.g.,
address, building entrance). Provide the EMS
personnel with any known information about the
health concerns of the individual: medications,
allergies, healthcare provider, etc.
2. Initiate or prompt rst aid:
Call rst-aid responders to the scene. The rst-
aid responders will provide CPR/rst aid as nec-
essary until back-up services arrive at the scene.
First aid is the immediate and temporary care
given to a victim of an accident or sudden illness
until the services of a physician can be obtained.
The First Aid Manual provided during training
is the denitive source for references.
Check for poisoning or ingestion of chemicals.
Refer to the student’s Emergency Informa-
tion Card and Primary Care Provider (PCP)
Authorization Form to determine if he or she
has a special health concern that requires spe-
cic care (e.g., epilepsy/seizures, diabetes/insulin
shock, allergy/asthma).
Do not give medication by mouth unless speci-
cally ordered to do so by the PCP Authorization
Form on le. The person must be conscious in
order to administer medication by mouth.
People in the building with known life-threaten-
ing allergies should be identied. They should
have in place an emergency protocol developed
by a medical provider and included on the PCP
form. By law, each school must have staff trained
each school year on emergency medications.
Call Health Services at 485-3387 regarding such
3. Notify the parent as soon as possible. Inform par-
ents of any rst aid or illness that occurs while
the student is at school. Stay with the student
until dismissed to the parent or until returned to
the classroom. In the event of ambulance trans-
port to a healthcare facility, the principal shall
designate a school staff person to stay with the
student until the parent is present. No seriously
ill or injured student should be allowed to go
home without being accompanied by a respon-
sible adult. Likewise, a student should not be left
at home unattended unless there is a responsible
person present to take care of him or her.
4. All student injuries and the provisions of rst aid
should be documented accordingly on the online
Student Accident Report Form.
General Staff Procedures
Medical Emergencies
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself. Immediately notify the school nurse and/
or rst aid provider.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Advise of the patients condition and any rst aid given.
4. Assist the student or staff member until the help/rst-aid provider arrives.
52 Jefferson County Public Schools
Natural Gas Emergency
A natural gas emergency occurs when natural gas escapes from its controlled environment.
Remember, the possibility of a gas leak and the possible concentration of gas or buildup within a build-
ing should not be taken lightly. Establish emergency procedures to be used in the event of a natural gas
If a gas leak is suspected or detected, implement the following:
Initiate the School’s Evacuation Plan. (See “Evacuation Procedures.”)
1. Alert staff to evacuate the building.
2. Take emergency supplies.
3. Evacuate students and staff a safe distance from the building or the suspected leak site.
4. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an outside line), and tell the dispatcher you smell gas.
5. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the proper
JCPS departments and LG&E.
6. Render rst aid if necessary.
7. The building or suspected leak site shall not be reentered until authorization is given by the re department.
Safety Advisory
If there is ever any doubt, follow the evacuation procedures immediately.
If a strong concentration of gas is noted in the early morning hours when the custodian opens the school, the
Building Principal/Site Manager shall be notied immediately and no one will be allowed to enter the build-
ing until the all-clear signal is given.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 53
General Staff Procedures
Internal Natural Gas Emergency
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the exit route designated for your area of the building. (See
“Evacuation” section.)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close the door as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) before reentering the building.
General Staff Procedures
External Natural Gas Emergency
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement external chemical leak procedures
im me d iately.
4. Proceed to the designated shelter-in-place location.
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager).
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
54 Jefferson County Public Schools
Physical assault is considered to be any intentional
act of hitting, pushing, sexual assault/attack, scratch-
ing, biting, kicking, or any other such physical
contact engaged in, by, or directed toward another
student, staff, or visitor to the facility, which results
or is intended to result in death, physical injury, or
mental/emotional damage.
The violations included in this section are found in
the JCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior and Disci-
pline and are as follows:
Fighting: the use of physical force between two
or more students, serious enough to warrant a
Central Ofce suspension
Intimidating: through violence
Exhibitionism: the exposure of the unclothed
or apparently unclothed human male or female
genitals, pubic areas, buttocks, or female breasts
(ref. KRS.531.300{4d})
Sexual Harassment: unwelcome sexual advanc-
es, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature
Assault: of school personnel/student
Sexual Assault: any sexual act or attempted sex-
ual act without the individuals consent
Arson: with staff and students present
Extortion: obtaining something from an individ-
ual by the use of illegal pressure
Since physical/sexual assaults are criminal acts, the
jurisdiction of such attacks also exists with local
law enforcement agencies. At any time, a local law
enforcement agency may be involved in an assault
case. School administrators, the students, and/or the
students parents may seek law enforcement involve-
ment in response to an assault. For immediate assis-
tance, call 9-911.
An informal hearing is required and will be con-
ducted by the principal/designee before a student is
suspended for an assault. The process will include
the following steps:
1. Call the Security and Investigations Unit at
2. Contact the CACU by dialing 9, then 574-2465.
3. For sexual assault, do not question the victim
or perpetrator until authorized by the police or
Security and Investigations. To do so may com-
promise a criminal investigation.
Prior to initiating any corrective discipline/progres-
sive assistance, the supervisor should review the
requirements associated with due process and just
cause. Each case has to be handled on an individual
For assistance, call the director of Employee Rela-
tions at 485-3151 and refer to the JCPS Personnel
Policies and Procedures Manual.
1. In all cases of suspected physical/sexual assault
by staff or students, call 485-3121.
2. Actions must be taken to protect students from
staff and/or the other student(s) involved during
the investigation.
Other Adults
Any other adults on school property who engage in
assaultive behavior should be treated as intruders.
Assess the situation and, if necessary, call the police
to have them assist in handling the situation and call
the Security and Investigations Unit at 485-3121.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 55
General Staff Procedures
Physical/Sexual Assault
Fighting, Intimidation, Exhibitionism, Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Sexual Assault
Physical assault is considered to be any intentional act of hitting, pushing, sexual assault/attack,
scratching, biting, kicking, or any other such physical contact engaged in, by, or directed toward
another student, staff, or visitor to the facility, which results or is intended to result in death, physical
injury, or mental/emotional damage.
Adult visitors on board property who engage in assaultive behaviors should be treated as intruders.
Since physical assault/sexual assault is a criminal act, jurisdiction also exists with outside law enforce-
ment, which may be involved at any time by administrators, visitors, staff, and the victim or his or her
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Ensure the safety of students and staff.
4. Isolate the situation, if possible.
5. Assist the victim, if possible.
56 Jefferson County Public Schools
Power Failure
A power failure occurs when normal activities are
disturbed due to loss of electrical power.
A power failure can affect the normal, everyday rou-
tine of a school. Issues to consider in developing your
plan are creating food menus, maintaining food stor-
age temperature, communicating with staff, conduct-
ing exterior communications, providing auxiliary
emergency lighting, gauging length of outage, and
establishing an alternate site.
Evacuation procedures will need to take the following
into consideration: the extent of lighting; establishing
an alternate site; moving students and staff to and
from that alternate site; establishing student dismiss-
al procedures; relocating nonambulatory, physically
disabled students; designating staff responsibilities;
maintaining security; maintaining student account-
ability, etc.
Should a power failure occur, do the following:
1. Make sure students and staff are safe.
2. Keep the staff informed. Use of staff radios is
very important.
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
4. Raise shades/open curtains, etc., to let in as much
natural light as possible. Emergency and natu-
ral lighting may allow students to remain in the
classrooms or move to a better location within
the building until the power outage is corrected.
5. Evacuate the building if advised by the principal
or designee.
6. Evacuation sites will be used, if necessary.
7. If required, students will be sent home by bus, or
parents may pick them up at the alternate loca-
tion. Information concerning student pickup will
be supplied by the JCPS District administration
and will be relayed to the radio and television
8. Render rst aid, if necessary.
9. The principal will announce if further action is
Safety Advisory
No students shall be sent home or released until the
order is received from the superintendent or designee.
General Staff Procedures
Power Failure
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Limit movement.
4. Wait for further instructions by the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
5. Be prepared to evacuate if advised to do so.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 57
Public Assembly
A public assembly is a meeting with an occupancy of
300 or more persons who are gathered in one area or
place in a building.
All facilities that contain an area where 300 or more
people may be assembled in one room are required
to maintain Emergency Preparedness Plans for the
orderly evacuation or shelter-in-place of the people
assembled at that location in case of an emergency.
Initiate the Evacuation Plan. (SeeEvacuation
1. Alert occupants to evacuate the building.
2. Take emergency supplies.
3. Dial 9, then 911, and report the situation.
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
5. Verify that the building is clear and that all the
occupants have evacuated.
6. Render rst aid, if necessary.
7. The principal or designee will meet the rst
responders and relay all pertinent information.
Initiate Shelter-in-Place Plan/lockdown proce-
dures. (See “Shelter-in-Place Procedures.” )
1. Alert occupants to implement shelter-in-place/
lockdown procedures.
2. Direct the occupants to the appropriate shelter-in-
place/lockdown location(s) within the building.
3. Dial 9, then 911, and report the situation.
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments.
5. The principal or designee will meet the rst
responders and relay all pertinent information.
Suggested Actions to Be Taken
Before an Assembly Occurs
1. Principal or designee will see that employees
or other personnel serving at a public event
are instructed and drilled in the duties they are
to perform during an emergency evacuation.
Records of training shall be kept in the princi-
pals ofce and made available to any re code
ofcial upon request.
2. Principal or designee shall be responsible for
ensuring that the posted occupant load is not
3. Principal or designee shall check all exits before
the public arrives to ensure that all exits are
clear and unlocked from the inside.
4. Flashlights shall be made available to employees
to assist occupants in the evacuation in case the
normal lighting or the emergency lighting fails.
5. Prior to the beginning of an event, the public
address announcer will point out emergency
exits and the need for aisles and exits to be kept
6. Any re will be reported by activating the Fire
Alarm System. An announcement on the public
address sound system will be used to explain the
problem. Security and attendants will assist in
providing an orderly exit. Dial 9, then 911. Then
notify the Security/District Operations Center at
58 Jefferson County Public Schools
7. All assembly activities are supervised by the
principal or designee. Designated school person-
nel in attendance will:
a. Assist with crowd control.
b. Determine when the occupant load is
c. Be available for emergency situations.
d. See that the emergency evacuation proce-
dures are announced to the audience.
e. Inspect the Fire Alarm System and emergen-
cy lighting before the beginning of the sched-
uled performance.
8. The principal or designee shall provide trafc
control before and after an event.
Suggested Action When an
Emergency Occurs
1. The principal or designee shall implement build-
ing evacuation procedures.
2. Personnel who have been designated shall assist
with ashlights during evacuation.
3. Alert others who may have remained in the
building that the building is to be evacuated.
4. Dial 9, then 911, and the Security/District Oper-
ations Center at 485-3121.
5. Guide emergency vehicles to the proper entrance.
6. Keep people calm while they are moving toward
lighted exits.
7. Keep people informed to prevent panic.
8. Following an emergency evacuation, inter-
nal security will be implemented by school
Crowd Manager
In assemblies where 1,000 people or more gather,
there shall be trained crowd managers at a ratio of 1
per 250 occupants. These managers shall be trained
on crowd-management techniques.
General Staff Procedures
Public Assembly Emergency Preparedness
A public assembly is a meeting of 300 or more persons who are gathered in one area in a building.
1. Be aware of the evacuation, shelter-in-place, and lockdown plans, and follow the appropriate proce-
dures for that particular assembly area.
2. Carry out assigned duties related to evacuating, shelter-in-place, or lockdown procedures for the
assembly area.
3. Ensure that all corridors and exit doors are cleared and unlocked.
4. Report to assigned assembly area, and account for all participants.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 59
Severe Weather
Severe Winds)
A severe weather alert occurs when the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
issues a severe thunderstorm warning, tornado watch,
or tornado warning.
All school personnel must be aware of the emergency
procedures established for their building and must be
ready to react when necessary.
A safe area means a designated space including an
enclosed area with no windows, a basement or the
lowest oor using the interior hallway or rooms, or
taking shelter under study furniture.
At the sound of an emergency siren, an alert from
the JCPS EARS, or any information indicating
that severe weather is present, immediately imple-
ment your emergency procedures.
Initiate the school’s Safe Area/Shelter-in-Place
Plan. (See “Shelter-in-Place Procedures.”)
1. Alert staff with the following announcement:
All staff are to implement your severe weath-
er procedures immediately.”
2. Maintain sheltered positions, and remain in safe
area until the all-clear notice is received.
3. Dial 9, then 911 (9 must be pushed to access an
outside line) and the District Operations Center at
485-3121, if emergency responders are needed.
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 if damage occurs; Security/Radio
Room personnel will notify the proper JCPS
5. Render rst aid if necessary.
6. The principal or designee will direct any other
action as required.
7. School personnel shall monitor the JCPS EARS
and local radio, television broadcasts, and/or
NOAA weather radios for additional information.
Severe Weather Emergency
1. At the sound of an EMERGENCY WARN-
ING SIREN during severe weather conditions,
immediately implement your emergency proce-
dures and maintain sheltered positions in desig-
nated safe area until the all-clear notice is given.
2. For a TOR NA D O WATCH, review emergency
procedures and be prepared to implement them,
vacate outside portable buildings, check radio
and TV for additional information, and monitor
the JCPS EARS and NOAA weather radio. Des-
ignated school personnel should observe outside
weather conditions.
3. When a TORNADO WARNING is issued,
all school staff and students should implement
emergency procedures, including sheltering posi-
tions in designated safe area.
all school staff and students should implement
emergency procedures, including sheltering posi-
tions in designated safe area.
NADO WARNING is issued during ARRIVAL
time, implement your emergency procedures and
maintain sheltered positions in safe area until the
all-clear is given. Entrances usually utilized for
entry should be monitored to allow bus riders,
car riders, and walkers to enter the building, if
at DISMISSAL time, all dismissal procedures
shall be held until warnings have expired. Imple-
ment your emergency procedures and maintain
shelter positions in safe area.
Know your plan.
4. When weather conditions in your area are severe,
follow procedures for a tornado warning. Imple-
ment evacuation from outside portable buildings
to sheltered positions inside the school. All staff
and students must proceed to designated areas,
assume an appropriate position, and remain until
the all-clear signal is received.
60 Jefferson County Public Schools
5. The District Operations Center’s radio opera-
tor will issue information as it becomes avail-
able from the NOAA, the Emergency Program
Information Circuit (EPIC) broadcast systems,
and local TV and radio broadcasts. School per-
sonnel shall monitor the JCPS EARS and local
If there are questions concerning any drills, proce-
dures, plans, etc., please call Safety and Environmen-
tal Services at 485-3298 or 485-3698 for assistance.
The purpose of severe weather drills is to ensure the
efcient and safe use of the occupied building. Prac-
tice drills ensure order and controlled movement to
prevent panic, which has been responsible for injuries
and loss of life.
A minimum of two severe weather drills must be
held during the school year. The rst drill should be
held within the rst 30 instructional days , with the
second drill held in January. Addtional drills may be
Preinstructions to Faculty, Adult Personnel, and
The faculty and all other adult school personnel
shall be assigned and informed of every detail of the
plan, such as the warning signal, safe areas, and all
Each teacher is assigned a safe area for his or her
class. Appoint an aide to assist disabled students and
staff. Safe areas in the building are designated for
each classroom in the school.
The proper positions that students may take in shelter
areas are listed and explained below. One of these
positions should be used:
Rest on knees, lean forward, and cover back of
head and neck.
Sit on oor, cross legs, and cover back of head
and neck.
If space does not permit use of the rst or sec-
ond suggested position, stand and cover back of
head and neck with crossed arms. Wraps or coats
should be used as coverings in case of a tornado.
Open books can be used during an event for
Students and teachers should remain in the
assigned safety areas until the all-clear signal is
The Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager) of each building will be responsible
for preparing and posting all emergency procedures
for each classroom.
Teachers using corridors as shelter areas will be
responsible for the closing of any corridor door with-
in the area. Doors will be closed only after all stu-
dents are in a designated area.
Staff should be assigned to gather students from the
playground or from other outdoor areas during a tor-
nado warning or severe storm/severe thunderstorm
Selection of Protection or Safety Areas
Students who are housed in one-story buildings and
in portables shall be brought into the windowless
interior room or halls of the main building.
Students who are housed in two-story buildings
should be evacuated from the top oor to interior
rooms and halls on the lower oor.
Potentially Hazardous Elements
Windows at the end of corridors, particularly
those facing south and west, are very dangerous.
They probably will be blown down the corridor.
Acrylic or polycarbonate plastics are more resis-
tant to impact than glass, but the large panes may
pop out.
Long-span rooms almost always have high ceil-
ings. Gymnasiums, cafeterias, and auditori-
ums should not be used for shelter-in-place
assembly areas unless prior approval has
been obtained.
High walls often collapse into the long-span
areas, causing roofs, which depend on the walls
for support, to fall in.
Lightweight roofs, such as steel deck, wood
plank, and plywood, will usually be lifted up and
partially carried away, with debris falling into
the room below.
Heavier roofs, especially precast concrete planks,
may lift up, move slightly, and then fall. If the
support has collapsed, the heavy roof may fall
onto the oor below.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 61
Wind tunnels occur in unprotected corridors fac-
ing the oncoming winds, which usually come
from the south or west. Openings facing these
directions allow the winds to penetrate into inte-
rior spaces.
Windward side walls, which usually are in the
south and west, receive the full strength of the
Load-bearing walls are the sole support for oors
or roofs above.
Masonry exterior walls higher than ten feet are
potentially hazardous.
Protective Elements
The safest spaces are those with two or more of
these protective elements and with no potentially
hazardous elements.
The lowest oor is usually the safest.
Below-ground space is almost always the safest
location for shelter.
Interior spaces often form a protective core. A
completely interior room protects against debris
and the wind-tunnel effect.
Avoid interior partitions that contain windows.
Short spans on the roof or oor structure usually
remain intact.
Framed construction usually remains intact. Any
structural system that is rigidly framed together
is superior to load-bearing walls.
Poured-in-place, reinforced concrete usually
remains after a storm.
Generally, the heavier the oor or roof system, the
more resistant it is to being lifted and removed.
Spaces that have no walls on the exterior of the
building (avoid interior spaces with large spans)
are to be checked also.
Short spans: Seek out a number of smaller spaces.
Portions of buildings supported by rigid structur-
al frames, such as steel, concrete, or wood, are
better than those portions that have load-bearing
Avoid spaces opposite doorways or opening into
rooms that have windows in the exterior walls,
particularly those facing south or west.
Avoid interior locations that contain windows,
such as display cases, transoms above doors, and
door sidelights.
General Staff Procedures
Severe Weather
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. When you hear the severe weather announcement/siren, proceed at once to your safe area of the
building. (See “Shelter-in-Place” Section.)
4. Take the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Assume appropriate shelter positions.
7. Doors in the safe area should be closed.
8. Swing area of doors should not be used for sheltering.
9. Secure glass doors open to prevent glass from shattering.
10. Take attendance, and report the information to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager).
11. Maintain sheltered position until the all-clear signal is given.
62 Jefferson County Public Schools
Substance Abuse
Emergency Overdose
A student who has taken an unidentied substance or
amount of substances is handled as any other emer-
gency medical procedure. Call EMS (if you are using
JCPS telephones, you should give school name and
location) at 9-911 and 485-3121.
The parent/guardian is to be notied about what has
been done and where the student is to be transported.
The JCPS Zero-Tolerance Policy on substance abuse
states that any student is in violation if he or she is
under the inuence of alcohol or other drugs, is in
possession of alcohol or other drugs, or is involved in
providing or selling alcohol or any other drug.
1. Call the Security and Investigations Unit at
Evidence is any contraband/material (e.g., drugs,
alcohol, look-a-likes, or paraphernalia) conscated
from a student or found on site.
1. Call the Security and Investigations Unit at 485-
3121 to request that district security personnel
respond to collect the evidence.
2. When the ofcer picks up the evidence, he or
she must sign a receipt or log to maintain the
Staff Under the Inuence/in Possession/Trafcking
Prior to initiating any corrective discipline/progres-
sive assistance, the supervisor should review the
requirements associated with due process and just
cause. Each case has to be handled on an individual
For assistance, call the director of Employee Rela-
tions at 485-3151 and refer to the JCPS Policies and
Procedures Manual.
Other Adults Under the Inuence/in Possession/
Any other adults on school property who may be
under the inuence, in possession of, or trafck-
ing such a substance should be treated as intruders.
Assess the situation, and if necessary, call the police
to have them assist in handling the situation.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 63
General Staff Procedures
Substance Abuse
Adult visitors on school property engaging in theses activities should be treated as intruders.
Emergency Overdose
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Assist the student or staff member until help arrives.
4. Provide a written statement to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Under the Influence, in Possession, and Trafficking
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Share information of suspected abuse, possession of drugs, and/or alcohol on board property.
4. If possible, conne the individual to the immediate location or escort the student to the ofce.
5. Provide a written statement to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
64 Jefferson County Public Schools
Suicide Ideation
Suicide ideation refers to a student or staff member
who admits to being suicidal (wanting to take his or
her own life or do harm to himself or herself) while
on the school site.
1. Maintain the student in the company of a certi-
ed district staff member until the parent/guard-
ian arrives at the school to accept custody. At no
time should this student be allowed out of this
staff member’s sight. (Caution: Do not use a
parent volunteer or classied staff to serve in this
2. Contact the parent/guardian to come to the school
immediately to take custody.
3. Once the parent/guardian arrives at the school,
impress upon him or her the need to seek medi-
cal/mental health assistance immediately to sta-
bilize the situation. (You may want to assist the
family in accessing services with acute psychiat-
ric or other emergency services.)
4. Document steps taken and to whom the student
is released.
5. If necessary, dial 9, then 911 (police or EMS),
and 485-3121. Refer to the emergency contact
information card; gather all signicant docu-
mentation, descriptions, and actions; and submit
this information to the police or EMS upon their
General Staff Procedures
Suicide Ideation
The following procedure should be followed when a student or staff member indicates or admits to
being suicidal during the school day or during other school activities. This occurs when he or she,
verbally or in writing, makes statements as to a desire to hurt himself or herself or take his or her life.
1. Certied staff should supervise the student or staff member at all times.
2. Immediately notify the front ofce, identify yourself, and ask them to contact the school nurse if
applicable. If necessary, dial 9, then 911 (police or EMS) and 485-3121.
3. Give the location, the nature of the emergency, and any other pertinent information.
4. Escort the student or staff member to the ofce for parent or family notication and further admin-
istrative interventions.
5. Provide a written statement to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 65
Terroristic Threatening
1. Start identifying the individuals involved and gathering contact information.
2. Call the JCPS Security and Investigations Unit at 485-3121 for guidance on how to handle the incident.
3. The Security and Investigations Unit will initiate an investigation or contact the appropriate law enforce-
ment agency.
General Staff Procedures
Terroristic Threatening
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Gather information if staff members are experiencing any form of property loss or safety issues
related to any district activities.
66 Jefferson County Public Schools
Water Failure
A water failure occurs when normal, everyday activi-
ties are disrupted due to nonpotable water or loss of
water pressure.
In the event of a water failure, many factors need to
be taken into consideration. These would include, but
not be limited to, sanitation, food preparation, and
potable water needs.
Should a water failure impact the school population,
do the following:
1. Initiate the BLIMT.
2. Keep staff informed.
3. Notify the Security/District Operations Center
at 485-3121 immediately; they will notify the
proper JCPS departments. (In most incidents
involving water failure, the Central Ofce has
prearranged plans in place with the Louisville
Water Company to allow school and other facili-
ties to continue normal operations. Each incident
will be evaluated by the Central Ofce to deter-
mine the appropriate steps to be taken.)
4. Check with the JCPS Safety and Environmental
Services Ofce before using water after a public
water failure has occurred.
5. The principal or designee will direct any other
action as needed.
General Staff Procedures
Water Failure
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Do not use or drink water until advised to do so by the Site Incident Commander (Building Prin-
cipal/Site Manager).
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 67
Armed Offender
An armed offender is a person possessing a weapon
capable of deadly force and whose intent is to pose a
threat, inict harm, or carry out a personal objective.
The armed person may be a student, staff member, or
community member.
The JCPS Code of Acceptable Behavior and Dis-
cipline forbids possession of, carrying, storing, or
using deadly weapons on school proper ty.
The Kentucky law governing this offense states that
unlawful possession of a weapon on school property
in Kentucky is a felony punishable by a maximum
of ve (5) years in prison and a ten thousand dollar
($10,000) ne. KRS 527.070
1. Alert staff with the following announcement:
All staff are to initiate lockdown procedures
2. Dial 9, then 911. Make sure the 911 operator
understands that there is an armed offender in
the building, his or her location, and any other
pertinent information. If possible, stay on the
line until you are instructed to disconnect by the
emergency operator.
3. Keep all students inside the classrooms until fur-
ther notice. All classroom doors should be locked
at the sound of the emergency signal.
4. Notify the Security/District Operations Center at
5. Notify all students outside their classrooms to
report to the safest classroom. All staff mem-
bers should make certain that any stray student
is brought into a locked area.
6. Staff and students outside the building should
report to arriving police or to the schools alter-
native site.
7. All doors should remain locked; students and
staff should move away from doors and win-
dows, turn out the lights, and remain quiet until
the all-clear signal is given by the police or the
8. Assist police as directed.
These procedures apply if the armed offender has
not threatened anyone with the weapon. If a threat is
made; then ALICE procedures apply.
68 Jefferson County Public Schools
General Staff Procedures
Weapons Possession (By a Student)
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. If possible, isolate the student from other students and staff.
4. Document the incident, and when appropriate, provide a written disciplinary referral.
General Staff Procedures
Weapons Possession
(By a Hostage, Intruder, Armed Offender, or Civil Disturbance/Gangs)
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. Check the hallway immediately outside your room, and bring uninvolved, nonthreatening students
into your classroom or ofce. (See “School Security Levels” Sections.)
4. Close and lock all doors in Security Level 5.
5. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from doors and windows.
6. Turn off the lights in the classrooms and ofces.
7. Use caution and discretion in allowing individuals/students entry into the classroom.
8. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room.
9. Upon notication, obtain the lockdown folder, and place the placards in the exterior window and in
the door window (or under the door and into the hall if there is no window in the door).
10. All doors should remain locked; staff and students shall remain sheltered until a BLIMT member
or a police ofcer arrives with directions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 69
School Safety and Emergency
Procedures Plan
Effective Date: ___/___/___
Date Revised: ___/___/___
Discussed with school staff: Date: ___/___/___ Time ______________
(Revise/Update annually.)
Name of School/Site:
Main Building/Site Contact Person:
Main Contact Number:
General Directions:
70 Jefferson County Public Schools
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 71
Building Level Incident
Management Team
Command Structure
Responsibilities of Personnel
During and After an Emergency
All staff should inform their family members that
they may be required to remain at school to assist in
an emergency situation.
Building Level Incident
Management Team
List the names of the Building Level Incident Man-
agement Team (BLIMT) members, their positions,
and their duties in terms of responding to an emer-
gency and assisting the Site Incident Commander
(Building Principal/Site Manager) during an emer-
gency situation. Add other names, positions, and
duties as appropriate and in compliance with the
National Incident Management System (NIMS).
Team members should be cross-trained in the event
that a member is absent from the building during an
emergency or crisis event.
Principal/Site Manager
The Principal/Site Manager shall serve as the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) and shall be responsible for the overall
direction of emergency procedures at the school or
building site. Responsibilities include the following:
Take necessary steps to ensure the safety of stu-
dents, staff, and other individuals in the imple-
mentation of the schools safety and emergency
Determine the appropriate emergency procedure
to initiate (i.e., Evacuation, Shelter-in-Place, and/
or Lockdown).
Activate the BLIMT as needed.
Arrange for the transfer of students, staff, and
other individuals when their safety is threatened
by a disaster.
Work with emergency service personnel.
Depending on the incident, a community agency
(such as the police or re department) may have
jurisdiction over investigations, rescue proce-
dures, etc.
Consult with the school nurse for medical deci-
sions where applicable.
Incident Command System
Site Incident Commanders (Building Principal/
Site Manager’s) Name:
Direct Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Who stands in for the Site Incident Commander
(Building Principal/Site Manager) when he or she
is not in the building?
Site Deputy Commander’s Name:
Direct Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
dept principal
72 Jefferson County Public Schools
The Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager) is dened as the on-site person who
assumes the overall command of the emergency inci-
dent. Given the magnitude of the incident or emer-
gency, he or she may assign the following roles and
duties to other members of the BLIMT:
The Public Information Ofcer (PIO) works with
the media and distributes messages to the public
and local community.
The Safety and Security Ofcer focuses on the
safety of all people who respond to the incident.
The Liaison Ofcer serves as a link to external
partners and organizations and supports them.
The Operations Ofcers handle key actions,
including rst aid, search and rescue, re sup-
pression, and securing the site.
The Planning Ofcers gather information, think
ahead, and keep all team members informed and
The Logistics Ofcers nd, distribute, and store
all necessary resources, such as supplies and
people, to respond appropriately.
The Finance/Administration Ofcers track all
expenses, claims, and activities and are the record
keepers for the incident.
The Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) assigns specic staff members to the
following roles and duties.
Specific Staff Duties/Roles
The Public Information Officer works with the media and distributes messages to the public and local
community. (Possible choices: assistant principal, counselor, Family Resource and Youth Services Center
[FRYSC] coordinator, etc.)
Name: Position:
The Safety and Security Officer focuses on the safety of all people responding to the incident. (Possible
choices: assistant principal, security monitor, etc.)
Name: Position:
The Liaison Ofcer links to and supports external partners and organizations. (Possible choices: counselor,
FRYSC coordinator, etc.)
Name: Position:
The Operations Team handles key actions, including rst-aid, search and rescue, re suppression, and
securing the site. (Possible choices: assistant principal, plant operator, health teacher, school nurse, etc.)
Name: Position:
Name: Position:
The Planning Team gathers information, thinks ahead, and keeps all team members informed and com-
municating. (Possible choices: school secretary, FRYSC coordinator, assistant principal, counselor, etc.)
Name: Position:
Name: Position:
The Logistics Team nds, distributes, and stores all necessary resources, such as supplies and people, to
respond appropriately. (Possible choices: plant operator, counselor, FRYSC coordinator, food service per-
sonnel, etc.)
Name: Position:
Name: Position:
The Finance/Administration Team tracks all expenses, claims, and activities and is the record keeper for
the incident. (Possible choices: school secretary, school bookkeeper, etc.)
Name: Position:
Name: Position:
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 73
Public Information Officer
The PIO provides factual updates during an emergency situation. The PIO keeps students and staff
informed as appropriate. A decision as to whether an interim or full story is released is made by the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) in conjunction with the PIO and with the advice
of EMS, the re department, and/or police personnel when appropriate.
It is imperative that only accurate, veried information of a public nature be shared. For this reason, it is
best to limit the spokesperson for the situation to one individual.
All student and employee information, including names, is condential and cannot be shared with the
media. All media inquiries regarding students and employees must be referred to the districts Public
Information Ofce at 485-3357.
Although schools are public institutions, you have the right to limit access in the building and on school
grounds for the safety of students and staff and to avoid disruption of the instructional environment.
Reporters should be aware that they cannot interrupt classes, school programs, and school business and
cannot interfere with school and police investigations. If reporters forget, remind them politely.
Public Information Officer:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
The primary duties of the PIO during an emergency are to contact the appropriate outside agency/agencies
and to perform other duties as directed by the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Who stands in for the PIO when he or she is not in the building?
PIO Designee/Alternate:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
74 Jefferson County Public Schools
Building Administrative Secretary
and/or Bookkeeper
The Building Administrative Secretary and/or
Bookkeeper is responsible for reporting an emer-
gency situation as directed by the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager)
and/or Deputy Commander.
He or she is responsible for enrollment cards,
medications (if applicable), and sign-out sheets
for off-site student release.
Building Administrative Secretary and/or Bookkeeper:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
The primary duties of the Building Administrative Secretary and/or Bookkeeper during an emergency are
to contact the appropriate outside agency/agencies and to perform other duties as directed by the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Who stands in for the secretary and/or bookkeeper when he or she is not in the building?
Secretary and/or Bookkeeper Designee/Alternate:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
He or she answers phones, assists in receiving
inbound calls, provides consistent information to
callers, and monitors the Emergency Alert Radio
System (EARS) broadcasts.
He or she assists in the emergency as directed by
the Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager).
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 75
School Nurse and/or CPR and First
Aid Responders
Where assigned, the School Nurse and/or CPR and
First Aid Responders will provide the following med-
ical support services during an emergency situation:
Maintaining relevant medical supplies and
Establishing, supervising, and coordinating the
sites rst-aid station during an emergency
Providing rst aid and CPR
Dispensing medication
Assisting the responding EMS
Documenting the medical services provided
Providing other functions as directed by the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager)
Providing guidance/direction on when EMS should
be called and determining medical services needed
The school nurse must be a member of the
School Nurse and/or CPR and First Aid Responders:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
The primary duties of the School Nurse and/or CPR and First Aid Responders during an emergency are to
contact the appropriate outside agency/agencies and to perform other duties as directed by the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Who stands in for the School Nurse and/or CPR and First Aid Responders when he or she is not in the
School Nurse and/or CPR and First Aid Responders Designee/Alternate:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
76 Jefferson County Public Schools
Plant Operator/Custodian
The Plant Operator/Custodian shall be responsible
for the use of emergency equipment, the handling of
the buildings supplies, and the safe use of available
utilities. His or her duties also include:
Surveying and reporting building and grounds
damages to the Site Incident Commander (Build-
ing Principal/Site Manager).
Assisting with rescue operations as directed.
Controlling the main shut-off valves for gas and
water as well as the main switches for ventilation
and electr icit y.
Helping minimize hazards that result from bro-
ken gas and water lines or broken or downed
power lines.
Assisting in the disbursement of supplies and
equipment and conserving usable water and oth-
er supplies.
Assisting as directed by the Site Incident Com-
mander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Using his or her working knowledge of building
systems to assist the responding agencies, pro-
viding keys and access to other areas of the facil-
ity, and providing other pertinent information
concerning the overall operation of the building
The Plant Operator must be a member of the
Plant Operator/Custodian:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
The primary duties of the Plant Operator/Custodian during an emergency are to contact the appropriate
outside agency/agencies and to perform other duties as directed by the Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager).
Who stands in for the Plant Operator/Custodian when he or she is not in the building?
Plant Operator/Custodian Designee/Alternate:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 77
Food Services/Cafeteria Workers
Food Services/Cafeteria Workers’ duties include:
Using, preparing, and serving—on a rationed basiscafeteria food and water during an emergency or
Providing other assistance as directed by the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Man-
ager) during an emergency or disaster.
Food Services/Cafeteria Workers:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
The primary duties of the Food Services/Cafeteria Workers during an emergency are to contact the appro-
priate outside agency/agencies and to perform other duties as directed by the Site Incident Commander
(Building Principal/Site Manager).
Who stands in for the Food Services/Cafeteria Workers when they are not in the building?
Food Services/Cafeteria Workers Designee/Alternate:
Phone Number:
Radio Channel:
Cell Phone Number:
78 Jefferson County Public Schools
Administrative and Other Personnel Assignments
Assistant Principal: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
Assistant Principal: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
Counselor: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
Counselor: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
School Admin. Mgr.
(SAM): Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
School Nurse: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
FRYSC Coordinator: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
Plant Operator/
Custodian: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 79
Administrative and Other Personnel Assignments Continued
Security Staff: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
The school security staff will provide a heightened level of surveillance and security during an emer-
gency. The security staff will assist the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) in
the analysis of the emergency.
Food Service
Representative: Phone Number: Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Duties/Role Assigned During an Emergency:
80 Jefferson County Public Schools
Teaching Staff
Teachers’ duties include:
Supervising students and all student-related pro-
cedures when responding to an emergency or
Providing the direct supervision of their students
in their designated assembly areas in accordance
with written notication or plans adopted by the
school or as directed in the Safety and Emergen-
cy Procedures Manual.
Bringing their grade book and calling roll at the
assembly location and again after the evacua-
tion and/or shelter-in-place procedure has con-
cluded. The purpose of this is to account for all
Reporting missing students and staff to the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
Assisting as directed by the Site Incident Com-
mander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Arranging for student restroom access during the
emergency as directed by the BLIMT.
All teaching staff not assigned other specic
duties during an emergency or disaster will pri-
marily be responsible for the supervision of and
accounting for students.
Bus Drivers
Bus Drivers’ duties include:
Supervising students if an emergency/disaster
occurs while students are on the bus.
Transferring students to a new location as
Using the bus radios as an emergency commu-
nication system during an emergency or disaster
as directed.
Following procedures as required by their depart-
ments transportation policies for emergency
Auxiliary Emergency Staff
There are often individuals at schools who have expe-
rience or special training in areas that could help dur-
ing emergency situations. These special experiences,
skills, and background training (e.g., training in CPR
and rst aid, volunteer reghting, or law enforce-
ment) could be used during an emergency. They
could also assist with emergency incident training at
your school. Survey your staff to determine who has
the skills to assist your school, and incorporate those
individuals into the appropriate component of your
schools safety and emergency planning.
List any other staff member who may be involved
in carrying out the buildings emergency procedures
and the duties they are expected to perform.
Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Radio Channel: Cell Phone Number:
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 81
Out Building, Wing, or Floor Managers
List the types, phone numbers, uses, and locations of all buildings on the school campus. Identify the individ-
uals in each building and on each wing or oor who are responsible for assisting with emergency procedures.
This assistance may include conrming that the building or area is clear during evacuations, communicating
with people in the command structure and/or the building occupants, and reporting/accounting for occu-
pants. List their names and locations below.
Out Building, Wing, or Floor:
Out Building, Wing, or Floor:
Out Building, Wing, or Floor:
Out Building, Wing, or Floor:
Safety Advisory
These responsibilities are vital to safety and should be assigned to meet the needs of your specic school or
82 Jefferson County Public Schools
Administrative Emergency Response
When an emergency situation requires the evacuation and/or the sheltering-in-place of the entire school, the
following organizational aids should be considered.
Signage and personnel should be used appropriately to help direct occupants, parents, news media, and
outside emergency responders to the appropriate locations (e.g., the assembly area, student release area,
public relations area, rescue areas, alternate site).
Name and role tags should be used to identify the names and roles of staff members during an emer-
gency (e.g., rst-aid provider, student release personnel).
Scheduled BLIMT Meetings
After the initial development of the schools emergency procedures plan, monthly meetings to review it are
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 83
Utility/Ventilation Cut-Offs
Locations of the main gas cut-off:
Locations of the main electrical cut-off:
Locations of the main water cut-off:
Locations of the main ventilation system cut-off:
Locations of the sprinkler system cut-off (if equipped):
The Plant Operator must conduct an annual personal tour of the facility with all members of the BLIMT
to familiarize them with the locations and operation of the cut-off valves and electrical switches. The Plant
Operator will ensure that these valves and switches are clearly marked and included on the diagram of the
facility, which is attached to this manual.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 85
Utility Cut-Off Map Attachment
Include a map of the utility/ventilation cut-offs, sprinkler cut-offs, re alarm panel, re extinguishers, etc.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 87
Communication Systems
Inbound Calls
Consider how the building will be contacted by
outside sources (e.g., the police, re department,
Main Building/School Telephone
Number: _____________________________
Cafeteria Telephone Number:
Alternate Phone Numbers/Lines
Staff Building Position Phone No.
Cell Phones
If the school has a cell phone, list that number rst.
Then check with various administrators and teachers
for cell phone numbers that could be used during an
emergency situation, and list these numbers.
Staff Position Phone No.
External Communications/
Outbound Calls
Dial 9 and then 911–Police, Fire, or EMS
Dial 485-3121–JCPS 24-Hour Radio/Security
Use the above phone numbers for all emergencies.
The JCPS Security/District Operations Center will
notify the appropriate JCPS District departments in
response to the buildings emergency needs.
Safety Advisory
In an emergency, call:
9-911: Police, Fire Department, and /or EMS
485-3121: JCPS 24-Hour Radio/Security Room
Identify the location and operational procedures
of the ERGON security radio, if so equipped. The
ERGON security radio is monitored by the JCPS
Radio/Security Room and can be used as an alternate
emergency communication system.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) weather radios have been distributed by the
Homeland Security Agency and can be monitored
along with television and radio station broadcasts.
NOAA should be used as a backup to the Emergency
Alert Radio System (EARS).
88 Jefferson County Public Schools
Code Red Alert
All JCPS facilities have been registered utilizing the
main building phone number to receive emergency
and severe weather notications from MetroSafe
or the National Weather Service utilizing the Code
Red Alert Emergency Alert System. This is a
rst alert emergency notication system based on
geographic areas and received in the form of a pre-
recorded phone message (at minimum). All school
principals and building managers should discuss
with any staff that may answer the phone line to
listen, document hazard and requested action, and
to immediately relay information to the appropriate
school administrator for response.
It should be noted that all existing communications
will remain; this is an additional geographic rst
alert emergency notication.
JCPS Emergency Alert Radio
System (EARS)
JCPS has a plan for the rapid dissemination of infor-
mation pertaining to emergencies. All schools are
contacted through the EARS. For your information,
EARS will be activated monthly. This test activation
will be performed randomly during the school day,
and telephone conrmation is required. Each school
has a designated Central Ofce number and contact
person to call after receipt of the test warning.
EARS is the initial method of communication in case
of an emergency. All emergency alert radios shall be
restored to normal operation as promptly as possible
after each test and shall be kept in normal condition
for operation at all times. Your safety and emergency
procedure guidelines should name who will reset
the emergency alert radio after a test. Should your
EARS fail, you must request a work order online
or by calling 485-3565 immediately.
Identify the location and person responsible for mon-
itoring the EARS.
Location: _________________________________
Responsible Personnel:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 89
JCPS Emergency Alert Radio System
90 Jefferson County Public Schools
9. PTT (push-to-talk) Remove Microphone from holder. Press the button then speak into
the microphone, release to listen. Return microphone to holder
when finished.
(refer to page 2, “RADIO PROCEDURES”)
(Do not press the PTT button on the microphone when the led indicator is GREEN. The green led
indicates the radio channel is busy.)
Emergency Alert Button
This button should be pressed when there is an immediate threat to the
safety and security of persons in the building. When this button is activated
it will be presumed that there is a need for immediate response from law
enforcement, and other first responders.
All available POLICE will be dispatched to the location (expect
Lights & Sirens).
All available Security and Investigation personnel will be
dispatched to location.
This response cannot be cancelled until arriving units can assess
the situation.
Push To Talk (PTT) microphone Use the microphone to
contact the Radio Room directly when you need to talk with
security about emergencies or non emergencies.
Phone service is interrupted.
Situations requiring 911 services are to still use 911 services.
The Emergency Alert Button is NOT to be used in
lieu of 911 services.
1. (Power) Switch DISABLED
2. Volume UP/DOWN Increase/Decrease Speaker Volume.
3. LCD Display Displays Alert Messages.
5. LED Indicator Lights RED when Radio is Transmitting.
Lights GREEN when Channel is busy.
6. Emergency Alert Press and Hold for 4 seconds to transmit a “silent” Emergency
Alert to JCPS Security, then release. (The radio LCD display
will go “blank” for a moment to indicate a successful alert)
(refer to page 2, “RADIO PROCEDURES”)
7. Radio Monitor Press to ENABLE/DISABLE.
8. Silence Alert Tone Press to Silence the Alert/Message Tone.
Situations requiring 911 are to still use
the 911 services when phone service is
The Emergency Alert Button is NOT
to be used in lieu of 911
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 91
9. PTT (push-to-talk) Remove Microphone from holder. Press the button then speak into
the microphone, release to listen. Return microphone to holder
when finished.
(refer to page 2, “RADIO PROCEDURES”)
(Do not press the PTT button on the microphone when the led indicator is GREEN. The green led
indicates the radio channel is busy.)
Emergency Alert Button
This button should be pressed when th
ere is an immediate threat to the
safety and security of persons in the building. When this button is activated
it will be presumed that there is a
need for immediate response from law
enforcement, and other first responders.
All available POLICE will be dispatched to the location (expect
Lights & Sirens).
All available Security and Investigation personnel will be
dispatched to location.
This response cannot be cancelled until arriving units can assess
the situation.
Push To Talk (PTT) microphone Use the microphone to
contact the Radio Room directly when you need to talk with
security about emergencies or non emergencies.
Phone service is interrupted.
Situations requiring 911 services are to still use 911 services.
The Emergency Alert Button is NOT to be used in
lieu of 911 services.
92 Jefferson County Public Schools
Envelope ICON – Flashes on the LCD display when you receive an
Alert/Message, stays illuminated when messages
are stored in memory.
The ID of the radio originating the call.
The ID precedes the Alert/Emergency message.
(Security Base = JCPS Radio Room)
PRESS to silence the alert tone,
No further action is necessary.
PRESS to silence the alert tone,
Initiate appropriate procedures.
PRESS to silence the alert tone,
Initiate appropriate procedures.
PRESS to silence the alert tone,
Initiate appropriate procedures.
PRESS to silence the alert tone,
Initiate appropriate procedures.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 93
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 95
Internal Communications
Identify the staff members who should be called when an emergency occurs and their phone numbers.
Internal Contact Numbers
List the internal contact numbers to call in case of an emergency. (The rst number is the main number to
Phone No.:
Phone No.:
Phone No.:
Auxiliary Communication System/Two-Way Radio
If radios are available at your location, list the location of all radios and the individuals who will carry them
during an emergency.
The designated JCPS emergency channel for all two-way radios is 1. The schools two-way radio fre-
quency will allow district personnel and community responders to communicate directly with the school and
monitor communications within the school.
Frequency: ________________________________
Designated Uses of the School’s Two-Way Radio Channels
Channel 1 JCPS Emergency Channel
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
96 Jefferson County Public Schools
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 97
Form a plan for disseminating information to the staff. Two-way radios, megaphones, runners, tones, and
intercom systems are important tools for the building principal to use to communicate effectively with build-
ing occupants.
Each school and/or JCPS facility will use three basic alarms/announcements to communicate that an emer-
gency exists that requires one of three responses to an incident. The three responses are Evacuation,
Shelter-in-Place, and Lockdown.
A. EvacuationFire, Internal Chemical Release, Etc.
In general, a re alarm will be used to evacuate the building. Additional announcements and communica-
tions will be made, depending on the specic emergency (e.g., internal gas or chemical release, bomb threat,
building collapse). The announcement should always direct occupants away from hazardous areas.
What re alarm brand and model is used at your facility?
Where is the re alarm main control panel located?
B. Shelter-in-Place/Safe AreaSevere Weather, External Chemical
Release, Etc.
The standard command/announcement should be, “All staff are to implement severe weather procedures
immediately,” or “All staff are to implement external chemical release procedures immediately.
C. Lockdown Procedures—Intruder, Hostage, Armed Offender, Etc.
The standard command/announcement should be, “All staff are to implement the schools lockdown proce-
du res imme diat ely.
Emergency Alerts
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 99
In general, an evacuation of a building is necessary when there is a re; explosion; gas leak; and/or other
internal, life-threatening emergency that requires that the occupants immediately leave the building.
To ensure proper evacuation, the following must be identied:
Evacuation Procedures
Building Evacuation Routes/Exits
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 1, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 2, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 3, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 4, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 5, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 6, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit 7, and proceed to your assembly area.
If additional exit routes are needed, include them using the above format. Staff members from all areas need
to know their secondary evacuation route.
• Exit routes
Potential hazards along those routes
Where the occupants of the building will assemble
Roll book or class rosters must be utilized for
accountability of all students
An accounting procedure for staff must be includ-
ed in planning.
• That each occupant of the building is accounted for
The location of the command post
How and where to release students to parents
Each school must identify both a primary and secondary evacuation route. These evacuation routes shall be
posted in each room in the school. This can be accomplished by posting “Emergency Procedures” on page
119 with marked building oor plan.
100 Jefferson County Public Schools
Building Evacuation Routes/Exits
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
If additional exit routes are needed, include them using the above format. Staff members from all areas need
to know their secondary evacuation route.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 101
Building Evacuation Routes/Exits
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
Rooms: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Use Exit ____, and proceed to your assembly area.
If additional exit routes are needed, include them using the above format. Staff members from all areas need
to know their secondary evacuation route.
102 Jefferson County Public Schools
Numbered Exits
The numbering of exits and placards was completed by the general maintenance department. Use those num-
bers when determining appropriate exits. If the numbering of exits has not been completed at your building,
Exit 1 starts at the main entrance looking at the front door from the exterior and the numbers for the exits
increase clockwise with every outside exit door being numbered. This will be consistent with other JCPS
Designated Evacuation Routes to the Assembly Area
Describe the buildings evacuation routes, and include a map of these designated routes with attachments.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
If descriptions of additional exit routes are needed, include them using the above format.
Safety Advisory
Evacuation Routes
Attach a map of your schools evacuation routes with your schools safety and emergency procedures plan.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 103
Exterior Hazards
Specify the details and locations of potential hazards and the mitigation plan.
Internal Hazards
Specify the details and locations of potential hazards and the mitigation plan.
104 Jefferson County Public Schools
General Staff Procedures
1. Notify the front ofce of the release, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the route designated for your location.
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close the door as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
8. Once everyone has safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) before
reentering the building.
Safety Advisory
The Emergency Procedures Form and a building oor plan with primary, secondary evac-
uation routes, and safe area properly identied must be posted in all rooms. (See sample
on page 105.)
The Staff Safety Procedures Supplement may be posted also or may be completed and
placed in the teachers handbook.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 105
Assembly Area Components
An outdoor assembly area should be designated for evacuations. In the event of an evacuation, all students
and employees shall go to the designated assembly area. This assembly area should be free of overhead
obstruction (e.g., power lines, transformers, large trees) and away from power sources.
The classes should be placed in the assembly area in such a way that dismissal of students and staff will be
orderly and efcient. The class locations should be designated on a map of the site plan. Include the assembly
area location in the “Attachments” section.
Within close proximity of the assembly area, a student release station, rst-aid station, and command com-
munications station should be set up and shown on the site plan. All staff shall be aware of the location of the
assembly area as well as all stations. Include the student release, rst aid, command, and other stations in the
“At t a ch m ent s section.
Safety Advisory
No student shall be dismissed until the appropriate procedures are implemented.
Transportation will be provided to another location or to home as required by the specic incident. The
assembly area is to be considered a waiting area until proper departments and agencies can respond.
Safety Advisory
No student shall be moved from the waiting area until the order is received from the superintendent or
106 Jefferson County Public Schools
Assembly Area Components (continued)
List the location of the outside assembly area and the location of each of the following stations. Include a map
of the assembly area with your attachments.
In the space provided below, indicate each classrooms specic location in the outside assembly area.
Specic Classroom Locations:
Command Post:
First-Aid Area:
Student Release Area:
Potential Hazards Locations:
Media Area:
Be careful to coordinate news releases with the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) since
he or she should approve them. All information should be accurate and related to the emergency incident.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 107
Include the locations of exit routes, hazards along routes and assembly area stations, classroom locations, command
post location, the rst-aid station, the student-release station, media station, etc. Include this information in attach-
ments for the school site plan.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 109
54 Jefferson County Public Schools
Emergency Procedures
Signal: __________________________________________________
Do This: Immediately evacuate the building, and follow the
route below.
Tornado/Severe Weather Warning
Signal: _____________________________________________
Do This:At the direction of the building principal,
follow the route below to the designated safe area and
assume the sheltering position.
 
Do This:Close and lock the door. Refer to the Lockdown Procedures folder on the
back of the door.
Room: ______________________________ Date Posted: ____________________
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
76742 WF Emergency Procedures Form 4/09rj
Equal Opportunity/Afrmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
110 Jefferson County Public Schools
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 111
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual _
This page to be completed by Principal
Building Managers:
Those responsible for questions and implementing the
procedures and working directly with
In An Emergency Situation Call:
Responsible for calling 9-911 and
Severe Weather
Emergency Procedures:
1. When youhearthesevereweather signal/sirenproceed at once to
your designated area of the building (base ment).
2. Have students assume appropriate shelter positions.
3. Doors in shelter area should be closed.
4. Sw ing area of doors should not be used for sheltering.
5. Secure glass doors open to prevent glass from becoming missiles.
6. Maintain sheltered position until the ALL-CLEAR is given.
Communication Personnel & Floor managers (FM):
floor: (NAME) (FM) (NUMBER), (NAME) (FM) (NUMBER)---
Second floor:(NAME) (FM) (NUMBER), (NAME)
Basement: (NAME) (FM) (NUMBER)
These individuals are responsible for sharing information and checking
their respective floor to ensure everyone is
accounted for during an emergency.
Two-way Radios: (LIST
Plant Operator: (NAME)(NUMBER)
Responsible to cut off gas, water
electrical service, if
Building Safety
Committee/Technical Staff
Main entrance
All visitors are to sign-in in the front lobby.
Safety/First Aid Kit Locations
Principal’s office, Sick room, Room 215, P.E.
office Contents: First Aid Kit, floor plan,
flashlights/batteries, Safety Procedures Manual
Primary Shelter:
(KET area)
Secondary Shelter:
Use interior corridors and small interior
rooms if unable to proceed to the basement
(KET area).
Take additional
action, such as getting
a desk or heavy
Call Front Office
External Chemical Leak
1. Initiate Shelter In Place
2. Shut all windows and
3. Disable heating,
ventilation, and air
conditioning units.
4. Turn on the radio and
television for additional
5. Do not proceed outside
unless directed.
1. Duck, Cover and Hold On.
2. Utilize desks and tables
for shelter.
3. Re main in sheltered
position for at least 60
seconds after shaking
4. Listen for instructions, be
prepared to evacuate if
Fire, Bomb Threat, Building
Internal Gas or Chemical
Explosions, Falling Aircraft,
1. The fire alarm or verbal comma nd is
sounded/given, as required.
2. Close door as leaving room.
3. I mme dia tely exit the building using the
exit route designated for that area of the
building you are located in at the ti me
the alarm is sounded.
4. Once safely evacuated proceed to the
following location:
Bomb or Internal Gas/C he mi cal Release
Evacuate the building immediately upon the
fire alarm/announcement
Evacuation Route
VanHoose Exit:
Rooms: 103, 104,&106, 217, 217A,
Lane Exit:
Rooms: 208, 207, 206, 205, 204 203,
202, 201, and the JCPS
Front Door Exit:
Rooms: 101, 102, 215, 214, 213, 209, 210,
211 and 222
Once safely evacuated fromthe building report
to your department locations or meeting points
to be accounted for.
South West Section of the
Auxiliary Parking Lot
Clear Channel
Meeting Points
Basement Personnel:
First Floor Personnel:
Second Floor:
Building in the VanHoose Parking Lot.
department will account for employees
and report to Jean Morgan
Power Failure
1. Ensure safety of students.
2. Li mi t move ment.
3. Wait for further instructions by
building man ager.
4. Be prepared to evacuate if
Water Failure
1. Report water failure/probl ems to
the building manager
2. Do not use/drink water tilladvised
so by the building ma nager.
The Stairwell Landings
If injured move to the VanHoose or
KET/Gardiner Lane stairwell landings.
Supplement to the JCPS Safety Procedures Manual
112 Jefferson County Public Schools
Staff Safety Procedures
This page to be completed by Principal
Criminal Activities/Others
Interventions/Support Services/Reporting
1. Immediately notify the office. The office will notify 9-911 and
security at 3121.
2. Identify yourself.
3. Provide all pertinent information; person abducted, abductor,
witnesses, place, time, description of vehicle, etc.
4. Stay on the line.
5. Assist with any emotional response to the incident.
Hostage, Intruder, Armed Offender, or Civil
Immediately notify the office. Give the location, nature of the
situation, and any other pertinent information.
Building Announcement:
“Please Initiate Your Lock-Down Procedures
1. Attempt to have all persons report to the nearest safe room.
2. Keep all students inside their classroom.
3. Close and lock doors.
4. Staff and students should move away from doors and windows.
5. All doors should remain locked; students and staff remain
sheltered till the ALL-CLEAR is given or further instructions.
6. If the situation is contained in one section of the building,
evacuate the building if directed to a designated safe area.
7. Comply with police directives.
Physical/Sexual Assault
Fighting, Intimidation, Exhibitionism, Sexual Harassment,
Assault, Sexual Assault, Arson and/or Extortion
Physical assault is considered to be any intentional act of
hitting, pushing, sexual assault/attack, scratching, biting,
kicking, or any other such physical contact engaged in, by, or
directed toward another student, staff, or visitor to the facility,
which results or is intended to result in death, physical injury,
or mental/emotional damage.
1. Ensure safety of students/staff.
2. Isolate the situation, if possible.
3. Assist the victim, if possible.
4. Notify the principal/building manager.
Gather pertinent information.
Adult visitors on school property who engage in
assaultive behaviors should be treated as
Since physical assault/sexual assault is a criminal act,
jurisdiction also exists with outside law enforcement, which
may be involved at any time by administrators, the student, or
their parents.
After-Hours Emergency Preparedness
After hours the designated building manager will be responsible to
monitor emergency alerts and implement emergency procedures.
1. Staff/occupants after hours are responsible to notify the
designee as to their presence in the building and follow
emergency procedures as directed by the designee.
Substance Abuse
A. Emergency Overdose
1. Call the office immediately, if the office cannot be reached call
2. Assist student/staff until help/first aid provider arrives.
B. Under the Influence, in Possession/Trafficking
1. Notify the office of suspected abuse, possession of drugs and/or
alcohol on school property.
2. If possible confine student/escort student to the office.
3. Provide written referral to the office
4. Adult visitors on school property engaging in theses activities
should be treated as intruders.
Child Abuse, Neglect, Dependency
An abused or neglected child is defined by state law; as a child
whose health or welfare is harmed or threatened when the person
exercising custodial control/supervision of the child inflicts or allows
to be inflicted upon the child physical or emotional injury (other than
accidental means), sexual abuse/exploitation, abandonment and/or
fails to provide adequate care for the child’s well-being.
1. Contact the Child Abuse CPS Hotline at 9-595-4550, or
if unavailable call 9-574-2465 Crimes Against Children
2. Gather pertinent information concerning the nature of
the abuse/neglect and general information about the
child suspected of being abused/neglected.
3. Immediately notify the office.
Public Assembly Emergency Preparedness
A public assembly is a meeting of 300 or more persons who are
gathered in one area in a building.
1. Be aware of the evacuation/shelter-in-place plan and
follow the appropriate procedures for that particular
assembly area.
2. Carry out assigned duties related to evacuating/shelter-
in-place for the assembly area.
3. Ensure that all corridors and exit doors are cleared and
4. Report to assigned evacuation assembly area/account
for all participants.
Notify the office and gather information if student or staff
members are experiencing any form of monetary/safety losses
relative to any school-related activities.
Threat of Violence
A threat of violence is any expression, verbal, or behavioral,
of the intent to inflict harm, injury, or damage to persons or
property. The threat of violence carries with it the implied
notions of a risk of violence and a high probability of harm or
1. If possible, intervene during the threatening
2. Assists the student/staff being threatened, or
separate antagonists.
3. Call for staff assistance.
4. Notify the principal/building manager.
5. Adult visitors on school property who engage in
assaultive behaviors should be treated as
Suicide Ideation
A student or staff member who indicates/admits to being
suicidal during school day and/or activities.
1. Certified staff should supervise the student at all times.
2. Notify the office immediately.
3. Escort the student to the office for parent notification
and further administrative interventions.
4. Document the incident.
Unwanted Attention/Stalking
Unwanted attention is conduct that includes persistent/repetitive
and unwelcome contacts with an employee, which contacts are
intended to have the effect of alarming, annoying, or harassing.
Stalking is similar to unwanted attention but includes the additional
element of a physical following or effort to be physically present
with or around the victim.
1. Avoid stalker or person giving unwanted attention.
2. Assist student/staff being stalked or given unwanted
3. Notify the principal/building manager.
4. Adult visitors on school property who engage in such
behaviors should be treated as intruders.
Weapons Possession
1. If possible, safely take possession of the weapon/dangerous
2. If possible confine the student to the immediate location or
escort the student to the office.
3. Immediately report the incident to the office.
4. Document the incident and when appropriate provide a
written disciplinary referral.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 113
Assembly Area Attachment
Include a map of primary and secondary evacuation routes to the assembly area. Identify the hazard locations
and types along these routes.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 115
Off-Campus Evacuation/Alternate Site
In some emergency situations, the occupants of
a building may need to assemble and/or take tem-
porary shelter at an alternate site. For these emer-
gency situations (when remaining at the school
location is no longer viable), it is important that
each school develop a plan for evacuating the occu-
pants of the building to an off-campus/alternate site.
In case of inclement weather, plans should be
made where practical to evacuate to an adja-
cent or alternate building(s) that could temporar-
ily house students and staff until transportation
is provided. Such alternate sites include church-
es, community centers, and recreation centers.
Facilities located in close proximity to the school
should be considered. If at all possible, the facility
chosen should be within a short walking distance of
the school and efforts should be made for someone
at the school to secure keys to the facility to avoid
delays in moving students to the site.
Information on providing transportation to and from
the alternate site should be included in the schools
Alternate Site Location
If the building assembly area is not available, evacuate all students and staff to the following location.
Alternate Site Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Alternate Site Address: __________________________________________________________________
Alternate Site Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________
Alternate Site Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________
Alternate Site Conrmation Date: __/__/____
Drinking Water and Restrooms
The alternate facility should have access to water and
Student Release
A student release station for parents/guardians should
be located at a different site. When it’s deemed appro-
priate, students should be taken to the student release
and parent location. The parent should sign out each
student as he or she is released into the custody of
the parent.
Transportation/Assembly Plan
School transportation personnel should be aware of
the evacuation site as well as alternative routes to
relocate students. School staff also should carry a
student roster so that every student is accounted for.
List the location of the loading area for an off-cam-
pus evacuation.
Safety Advisory
Off-Campus Alternative Evacuation/Assembly
The central ofce must be notied if an alternative evacuation/assembly is necessary. The Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) or his or her designee must accompany the occupants to the
off-campus location.
116 Jefferson County Public Schools
Shelter-in-Place Procedures
In general, a shelter-in-place response to an emergency is necessary when a tornado; severe weather; an
external chemical leak; and/or other external, life-threatening emergency threatens the occupants of a
building requiring that they take shelter within the building to better ensure their safety.
Each school must identify severe weather safe zones and these areas must be reviewed by the local re
marshal. These safe zones shall be posted in each room of the school. This can be accomplished by posting
“Emergency Procedures” on page 119 with marked building oor plan.
Severe Weather
List the shelter location for specic classrooms/rooms during severe weather. All staff and students located in
outside portables shall proceed to the main building for shelter in severe weather conditions.
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Additions: Using the above format, add buildings, rooms, and shelter locations as applicable.
Safety Advisory
During severe weather, take shelter away from external walls, windows, and doors. Move toward the center
of the building—the lowest oor is the best—preferably where walls are closer together. Avoid wide expanses,
such as gyms and cafeterias. Basement locations are best. Follow additional protective procedures.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 117
Severe Weather
List the shelter location for specic classrooms/rooms during severe weather. All staff and students located in
outside portables shall proceed to the main building for shelter in severe weather conditions.
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Rooms: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Proceed to the following shelter location: ____________________________________________________
Additions: Using the above format, add buildings, rooms, and shelter locations as applicable.
118 Jefferson County Public Schools
Shelter-in-Place/Safe Area Plan
List your specic sites shelter-in-place plans.
General Staff Procedures
Shelter-in-Place/Safe Area
1. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
2. Follow the building announcement: “All staff are to implement shelter-in-place procedures immediately.
(Severe weather, external chemical leak, etc.)
3. Proceed to the designated shelter-in-place location.
4. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for all students.
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Shut all windows and doors, if possible.
7. Take attendance, and report the information to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
8. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
9. Stay away from all doors and windows.
10. Wait for further instructions.
Safety Advisory
The Emergency Procedures Form and a building oor plan with primary, secondary evac-
uation routes and safe area properly identied must be posted in all rooms. (See sample
on next page.)
The Staff Safety Procedures Supplement may be posted also or may be completed and
placed in the teachers handbook.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 119
Shelter-in-Place Attachment
Include a map highlighting the buildings primary shelter-in-place locations for severe weather.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 121
Threat-Oriented Protective Posture (TOPP) is estab-
lished to protect the building and all occupants
against intruders, crime, and violence, based on both
known and unknown threats and risks. Building
Security Levels are how we accomplish that in JCPS
facilities. Each of the ve security levels has required
and recommended procedures for maintaining the
safety of all personnel in a building. The follow-
ing procedures are the minimum District standards
except underlined items which are required by law.
(Refer to ALICE procedures for active aggressor/
For the purposes of this document, the term
Building Manager refers to the person with
administrative responsibility for a building. Nor-
mally, the Building Manager is the Site Incident
Commander. However, the Site Incident Com-
mander may be another individual, based on his
or her training and experience. In the case of a
school, the Site Incident Commander is the Prin-
cipal. If the normal Building Manager is unable
to carry out that role, the next in line will assume
the duties of Incident Commander. The Incident
Commander will determine the security level for
his or her building.
The term personnel refers to any occupant of a
building performing duties related to that build-
ing. This includes, but is not necessarily limited
to, JCPS employees assigned to that location at
that time, volunteers doing work for the school,
and students at a school.
Normal operations refers to the regular tasks
and duties of building personnel.
The term Building Security Level or Security
Level refers to any one of ve designated levels
of security. It is recommended that all parts of a
building be at the same security level at any giv-
en time, as well as all buildings at a multibuild-
ing property, especially if those buildings are
interdependent. If buildings on a property have
different Incident Commanders, those building
managers or Site Incident Commander should
opt to place all buildings at the highest security
level in effect on that property.
Lockdown refers to the highest security level
(Security Level 5). When this security level is in
effect, all normal operations cease and all per-
sonnel will go to a safe place, lock all doors, and
turn out the lights.
General Procedures
An emergency signal or code word should not
be used to identify when a building will change
security levels. It is highly recommended that
Incident Commanders use “plain textnotica-
tions. Signals and code words may confuse peo-
ple who are not familiar with building policies,
such as substitutes and visitors. The term lock-
down refers to Security Level 5 only and can be
used interchangeably. When reporting going to
Security Level 5, “lockdown” can be used. It is
recommended that the term lockdown is used to
order the building to a lockdown status, instead
of its Security Level 5 designation, in order to
expedite implementation of those procedures.
For other security levels, use the security level
designation (e.g., Security Level 3) for notica-
tion to change to that security level.
A buildingwide announcement is not required
for changing between Security Levels 1, 2 or 3.
Notify Security/the District Operations Center at
485-3121 when the security level is raised above
Level 2.
At each security level, additional special proce-
dures may be implemented by the Site Incident
Commander as needed. Incident Commanders
are free to modify these procedures to raise the
standards and enhance security (e.g., having visi-
tors sign in when at Security Level 1, or requiring
employees to wear ID cards in Security Level 2).
Only the building manager or Site Incident Com-
mander at the site has enough information to
make the best possible decision about what levels
of security are needed. The Director of Security
or District Operations Center may make a rec-
ommendation, but only the Site Incident Com-
mander has the best opportunity to know and
consider all factors that will affect establishing a
given security level.
Building Security Levels:
Threat-Oriented Protective Posture
122 Jefferson County Public Schools
Planning and Preparation
During planning and preparation, a lockdown
folder should be constructed and kept readily
available in each classroom or ofce. This folder
should consist of the following:
o Two green 8 x 11 placards
o Two red 8 x 11 placards
o One black ip-chart marker
The room number should be clearly printed
in large letters with a black marker in order to
facilitate easy reading of the room number at a
The purpose of the lockdown folder is to provide
each room with the placards and marker needed
during a lockdown. These placards serve the
function of helping emergency responders (secu-
rity, police, and EMS) prioritize which rooms
need to be searched rst, which rooms need to be
evacuated rst because of injured occupants, and
how large a rescue team is needed to evacuate a
room based on the number of occupants. Without
these placards, the SWAT team will start at their
entry point (the door they decided to enter) to
search and evacuate one room at a time until they
nd the injured. Any room without a placard will
be treated as high risk with a suspect possibly
holding hostages until it is veried otherwise. It
may be stormed or bypassed.
Lockdown placards will be placed in the hallway
when directed to do so by the Site Incident Com-
mander, security, or police.
Local law enforcement agencies shall be invit-
ed to observe lockdown drills and assist in the
Lockdown Drills
State law requires schools to conduct two lock-
down drills during the school year. The rst
must be within the rst 30 instructional days
after school opens. The second is in the month
of January. However, principals are encouraged
to conduct additional lockdown drills as needed
and during periods of increased threats.
To avoid confusion about real lockdowns and
drills, it is important that the JCPS District Oper-
ations Center is called prior to and after the drill.
It is critical that the District Operations Center
is called before a lockdown drill so that if any
outsiders (parents, neighbors, JCPS employees)
call the District Operations Center, they will be
advised that it’s only a drill. The public address
(PA) system announcement is designed to prevent
confusion and unnecessary fear that the school
is being placed on lockdown. Listed below are
standardized points that will reduce the chance
of a drill being mistaken for an actual lockdown
or lockdown for a drill:
Standardize phrase, This is a drill; this is only
a drill. Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown. This
is only a drill.
The term drill is used before and after the term
lockdown. “Drill” should be repeated a mini-
mum of three times. This is important to avoid
confusing someone who walks into the build-
ing in the middle of the announcement and
only hears part of the announcement.
When executing an actual lockdown, never use
drill” in the announcement statement, (For
example, dont say, “This is not a drill.)
Announce when the drill is completed so that
if an event occurs later that requires an actu-
al lockdown, there wont be confusion about
whether it’s a drill or the “real thing.
Principal/Designee will:
1. Notify the JCPS District Operations Center
by phone at 485-3121 or by the Emergency
Notication Radio System that the building
is conducting a lockdown drill. The caller
will give the radio operator his or her name
and school name.
2. Announce over the PA system, “This is a
drill; this is only a drill. Lockdown, lock-
down, lockdown. This is only a drill.
3. At the conclusion of the drill, the adminis-
trator will announce over the PA, “This con-
cludes the drill; all classes and operations are
to return to normal.
4. Call the District Operations Center and noti-
fy the operator that “… the drill at (name of
school) is completed.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 123
Prevention and Mitigation
TOPP/Building Security Levels are intended to
provide Building Managers with exible and pro-
active best practices guidelines for increasing the
security of their building based on all available
information about possible threats. The exibil-
ity is obtained from ve levels of recommended
procedures and the use of guidelines instead of
black and white rules.
Furthermore, the intent is to have standardized
procedures across the district so that all employ-
ees have an understanding of what is expected
regardless of what building they are in.
Security Levels
Security Level 1—Mass Traffic/Special
Students, parents, and visitors entering or leaving
the building in large numbers
Special events in the building: PTA, programs,
ceremonies, open house, etc.
Security is focused on restricting access to
unused parts of the building.
This is the lowest level of security. Used for short
periods when there are a large number of visitors.
This is when utility becomes balanced with secu-
rity. If the Site Incident Commander has the staff
to keep the building at Security Level 2, then the
Site Incident Commander may elect to do that.
Unlocked entrances are limited based on avail-
able staff that will remain at entrances to greet
and monitor visitors and students entering and
exiting the building.
at the ofce or receptionist desk is not
required but desired if practical.
Internal doors of all rooms and hallways that
are not monitored by staff will be secured and
locked. This includes storage rooms, vacant
ofces, and classrooms, etc.
Security or designated staff will patrol building
to ensure no students and visitors are in unau-
thorized areas.
At the conclusion of the event or close of busi-
ness, Security or designated staff will search
the building to ensure all external entrances are
secured and no unauthorized persons remain in
the building.
Security Level 2—Normal Operations
No known threats
Normal building operations
Security is exible based on available resources.
The purpose is to balance utility with security for
daily operations. Building managers may elect to
increase security measures for a more restrictive
environment, but the state law requires that the
below underlined guidelines are considered as
minimum legal standards for schools.
All external entrances are locked and secure.
Video cameras and remote control locks may
be used to control access. The front (prima-
ry) entrance must be controlled electronically
(Aiphone) or with a greeter (recommended for
administrative buildings but not required by law).
All visitors to include all JCPS employees are
directed by signs or staff to go directly to the
ofce to sign in. Visitors must sign in and show a
valid photo ID (driver license, agency employee
ID cards, government ID cards, etc.). If a photo
ID is not available, two other forms of identi-
cation will be required (Social Security card,
medical insurance card, and/or credit card, etc.).
They must also state their reason for entering the
school (recommended for administrative build-
ings but not required by law).*
Doors to classrooms are kept locked. Doors to
all other rooms should be locked. Leaving locked
but open is optional. Doors to vacant ofces and
storage rooms should be closed and locked.
Visitors are required to wear badges or employee
ID cards on their outer clothing visible from the
front (recommended for administrative building
but not required by law).
It is recommended that all buildings consider
establishing a policy for their own employees
to wear ID cards visible. But, State law requires
visitors to wear badges or their agencys ID cards
or badge.
124 Jefferson County Public Schools
*All JCPS personnel entering buildings during non-
business hours, will follow the building entry pro-
cedures. Employee calls the District Operations
Center (DOC) at 485-3121 and gives his or her name,
school/department, and section of building he or she
is entering (e.g., wing, oor, gym, room number).
Employee calls DOC when leaving to notify them of
his or her exit.
Response to Incidents
Incidents include both external and internal
threats made against the building in general
or particular individuals in the building (social
media threats, bomb threats, terminated employ-
ees, etc.).
Police activity in the neighborhood
Domestic/Intimate partner violence involving
staff or students in the building
Threatening visitors in the building
Armed intruders
Active shooters
Security Level 3: Secured Building
Known, identiable threat to building, personnel,
or immediate area
Secured building operations
All external entrances are locked and under staff
control for ingress. Video cameras and remote
control locks may be used to control access, but
staff will greet visitors at the door and escort
them to the ofce.
Once escorted to the ofce, visitors must sign in
and show a valid photo ID (driver license, agency
employee ID cards, government ID cards, etc.).
If a photo ID is not available, two other forms
of identication will be required (Social Security
card, medical insurance card, and/or credit card,
etc.). They must also state their reason for enter-
ing the school.
Visitors must wear visitor badges or agency ID
cards continuously while in the building.
All students will be brought inside the building,
including organized class activities. Staff and
students who are outside have little protection
other than safety in numbers.
All students and visitors will be supervised
by staff members continuously, including in
hallways, to ensure they do not open doors for
potential perpetrators. If students are allowed to
move in the hallways unsupervised, then there is
a risk that a student will open a door for an adult
who knocks on it.
Doors to classrooms are kept locked. Doors to
all other rooms should be locked. Leaving locked
but open is optional. Doors to vacant ofces and
storage rooms should be closed and locked.
Security Level 4: High Security
Imminent danger to the building or any of its
Operations are limited to those that can be con-
ducted safely within these guidelines.
Security takes precedence over normal
All external entrances are locked, and a building
administrator must approve entrance of visitors.
It is important that the administrator carefully
consider anyone who has valid reason and need
to enter the building before opening the entrance
to allow them to enter. Scan the area to make
sure no one is waiting to rush in when the door
is opened.
Visitors must identify themselves with accept-
able identication before entering: Visitors
must sign in and show a valid photo ID (driver
license, agency employee ID cards, government
ID cards, etc.). If a photo ID is not available, two
other forms of identication will be required, e.g.
(Social Security card, medical insurance card,
and/or credit card, etc.). They must also state
their reason for entering the school. Ask to see
their ID and verify their identity before opening
the door.
Only visitors with a valid urgent need and
approved by an administrator will be allowed
entry during Security Level 4. Visitors will be
escorted at all times by security or a designated
staff member.
All students will be brought inside the building,
including organized class activities.
Students will be kept out of halls unless escorted
by staff. If students are allowed to move in the
hallways unsupervised, then there is a risk that
one will open a door if someone calls to them.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 125
Also, staff will need to be close to students and
ready to quickly move them to a safe location if
the school goes to a full lockdown.
All doors (both interior and exterior) are locked
and closed. This will allow for a quick transition
to lockdown.
All doors will be locked and only opened to
allow ingress or egress of authorized persons.
Staff members who are not supervising students
will monitor hallways.
Security Level 5: Lockdown
Life-threatening situation inside or outside
All normal operations cease immediately.
All personnel remain in their secure location
until the all-clear is given.
Lock-down is initiated by the Principal/Building
Manager or the designated representative.
Security is now the only priority.
All personnel nd cover from gunre when pos-
sible and conceal themselves.
Immediately notify all personnel to go to
lockdown status. “Lockdown, lockdown,
Go to the nearest lockable room, and dont try to
return to classrooms and ofces that are distant.
Large rooms, like gyms and cafeterias, should be
evacuated to smaller rooms that can be secured.
Teachers/Staff should check the hallway imme-
diately outside their room and bring uninvolved,
nonthreatening students into their classroom or
Close and lock all external and internal doors.
Once external doors are locked, all staff and stu-
dents outside the building should go directly to
the schools designated alternate site/location.
No visitors will be allowed entry. Nonthreatening
visitors should be brought into secure locations.
Turn off lights in classrooms and ofces. In turn-
ing off lights, keep in mind the goal is to make
the room dark enough to prevent the intruder
from looking into the room to see occupants.
Therefore, it may be necessary to also lower the
shades to darken the room further.
Move personnel away from and out of view of
windows and doors.
All personnel (staff, visitors, students) not direct-
ly involved in crisis response will maintain a
sterile” environmentno sound and no move-
ment visible to the windows and doors.
Everyone is in their hiding and lockdown loca-
tions. No one moves in the hallways once all stu-
dents are secured until police are in control.
After gunshots are heard or the announcement
is made: “ALICE, ALICE, ALICE! Implement
ALICE procedures!” initiate ALICE procedures.
(Refer to ALICE procedures.)
When notied by police, administrator, or
security: The person in charge of each room
will obtain the lockdown folder and place the fol-
lowing placards in the exterior window and slide
under the door face up into the hall. (Be care-
ful not to push too hard.) Placards should be put
out when an announcement is made over the PA
system or when police come through the hallway
asking for them. Lockdown folders are to assist
in communicating with police so that they can
prioritize which rooms to rescue rst.
a. If there are no injuries and the room is
secured, the green placards will be used.
With the black marker, indicate the number
of room occupants in parentheses next to the
room number, such as 105 (20) to indicate 20
people in room 105.
b. If there are injuries and immediate medical
help is needed, then the red placards will
be used. With the black marker, indicate the
number of room occupants and the number of
people needing medical attention in parenthe-
ses next to the room number, such as 105 (20
2) to indicate 20 people in room 105, with 2
needing medical attention.
The main ofce should assign someone to moni-
tor the emergency radio and primary phone line.
The assigned employee can do this from under
a desk.
Lockdown is ended only when the police or Site
Incident Commander announces all clear.
126 Jefferson County Public Schools
Recovery From Incident
Meet with those involved as soon as possible to
recount the sequence of events directly related to
the incident using chronological time references.
For signicant emergency incidents, using the
JCPS School Emergency Incident Debrieng
Report (page 149) is recommended.
Safety Advisory
The Emergency Procedures Form and a building oor plan with primary, secondary evac-
uation routes and safe areas properly identied must be posted in all rooms. (See sample
on next page.)
The Staff Safety Procedures Supplement may be posted also or may be completed and
placed in the teachers handbook.
Conduct an After-Action Review within seven
days to determine lessons learned for further
staff training and to improve the schools safety
Replenish the lockdown folders and return thm
to their original location.
General Staff Procedures
Lockdown Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce of the emergency, and identify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All staff are to implement your lockdown procedures
im me d iately.
4. Check the hallway immediately outside your room, and bring uninvolved students into your class-
room or ofce. (See “JCPS School Security Levels” section.)
5. Close and lock all doors.
6. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from doors and windows.
7. Turn off lights in classrooms and ofces.
8. Use caution when allowing individuals into the classroom.
9. Upon notication, obtain the lockdown folder, and place the placards in the exterior window and in
the door window (or under the door and into the hall if there is no window in the door).
10. All doors should remain locked. Staff and students should remain sheltered until a BLIMT member
or police ofcer comes to the room with directions.
11. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing students and extra students in the room.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 127
54 Jefferson County Public Schools
Emergency Procedures
Signal: __________________________________________________
Do This: Immediately evacuate the building, and follow the
route below.
Tornado/Severe Weather Warning
Signal: _____________________________________________
Do This:At the direction of the building principal,
follow the route below to the designated safe area and
assume the sheltering position.
 
Do This:Close and lock the door. Refer to the Lockdown Procedures folder on the
back of the door.
Room: ______________________________ Date Posted: ____________________
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
76742 WF Emergency Procedures Form 4/09rj
Equal Opportunity/Afrmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 129
Building Security Levels Quick Reference Sheet
Security Level 1
Mass Traffic
Security Level 2
Normal Operations
Security Level 3
Secured Building
Security Level 4
High Security
Security Level 5
Large numbers of people
entering or
“Business as Usual”
No known threats
Possible threat identified
to building, personnel, or
Imminent danger to
building or personnel
situation in progress
Changes to Normal
Increased number of
No outside activities
Minimized to those
activities which may be
safely conducted
Normal operations cease
Security Focus
Crowd control and
General safety
Exterior access control
Access and movement
Crisis response; Cover &
Exterior Doors
Doors not related to
activity are locked
Unlocked doors
monitored by staff if
Locked unless guarded
staff “greeter” or
receptionist; can be
electronically controlled
Locked and under staff
to prevent doors
being held opened for
unauthorized persons
Administrator or
designee must approve
All locked
Interior Doors
Unmonitored areas
Vacant room doors
and closed; all
doors locked
, and open
Vacant room doors
locked and closed
; all
doors locked
, open
Locked and closed
Locked and closed
As appropriate for event
Normal operations,
supervised as needed
Directly monitored at all
Movement minimized
All in supervised rooms
Brought immediately
into secure
Staff Members
Control access to unused
parts of school
Crowd control
Normal operations
Supervise students
Watch for unattended
Supervise students,
Actively monitor
Bring unattended
students in
to secure
As appropriate for event
Directed to sign in with
must present
, and
wear visitor badges
Escorted to office to sign
in and present photo ID
Must wear
Must present photo ID to
enter building
Escorted at all times
Must wear visitor badges
No entry or exit,
involved visitors
brought to secure
As appropriate for event
Normal operations
Hallway traffic
minimized and
In hallway only if
Movement unrelated to
response ceases
All perso
nnel Locked-
Developed by JCPS Security and Investigations Unit for JCPS Safety & Emerg
ency Procedures Manual: Rev 7-10-15
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 131
Procedures for Visitors
in the School
JCPS values parent and community involvement and support. Visitors are always welcome; however, safety
is a primary concern. Enforce the requirement that all visitors sign in at the ofce so that there is a record
of everyone who is physically present in the building. All visitors should have an appropriate ID badge and
wear it at all times. Provide escorts for all visitors. Although schools are public institutions, you have the right
to limit access within the building for the safety of students and staff and so as not to disrupt the instruc-
tional environment. Visitors should be aware that they may not interrupt classes, school programs, or school
Visitor appointments shall not interrupt instructional time. The School-Based Decision Making (SBDM)
Council should develop and approve visitation policies.
Safety Advisory
All visitors to the building must sign in at the main ofce, state their business, and receive a dated ID badge.
Access Control Procedures
1. Unless a door is designated as a primary entrance,
it should be locked. Unlocked entrances need to
be monitored, and entry through these entrances
needs to be supervised.
2. The A-Phone system can be used to control
entrance into the building.
When using the A-Phone system, staff members
must view the monitor and identify the indi-
vidual requesting entry into the building before
unlocking the door.
Before unlocking the door, the staff member
should direct the visitor to come to the ofce
and sign in.
If the individual fails to come to the ofce to sign
in, he or she should be considered an intruder.
3. Schools may elect to use other methods to moni-
tor and to supervise all entries into the building
to ensure that all visitors are identied, that the
purpose of their visit is determined, that they
have signed in, and that they have been granted
permission to proceed. (These methods may
include a staff member stationed at the entrance,
the use of a video camera/intercom system, or
the use of a buzzer or bell requiring a staff mem-
ber to physically open the main door.)
4. Visitors entering the building are required to
provide valid identication, state purpose of visit
and sign in.
5. Signage should be posted at all entrances direct-
ing visitors to go to the main ofce and sign in.
6. Establish and enforce policies that prohibit stu-
dents and staff from opening locked secondary
doors for visitors. Visitors should be directed
by all staff and students to enter the building
through the main entrance into the building.
Controlling Access to Individual
If a classroom is equipped with hardware that allows
the door to be locked from the outside but opened
from the inside, the door should remain locked
during instructional time.
1. Visitors are required to sign in at the main ofce
when entering the building. All visitors entering
the building will be supervised and accounted
for as they come into the main ofce to sign in.
2. The visitors name and signature should be veri-
ed using some form of government-issued pho-
to identication (ID) card. If a photo ID is not
available, two other forms of identication will
132 Jefferson County Public Schools
be required, e.g., a Social Security card, and/or
medical insurance card, and/or credit card. (This
requirement may be waived if ofce staff mem-
bers know the visitor personally and can vouch
for the visitors identity and business with the
3. Sign-in forms will require the following
Visitors printed name and signature
Date and time of arrival and departure
Purpose of the visit or name of person being
Initials of the staff member verifying the visitors
4. Visitors should be provided with and required to
wear a visitors badge on their outer garment that
contains the persons name and the date and time
he or she is in the building. (Stick-on name badg-
es with colors that change daily are preferred.)
5. JCPS employees visiting the building should be
directed to wear their photo ID card or a visitor’s
badge if they dont have their photo ID card.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 133
Emergency Student
ReleaseDismissal Procedures
Once the dismissal order is received from the superintendent or the designated school authority, the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) will do the following:
1. Relay dismissal instructions to every classroom by the most rapid and efcient means.
2. Review the dismissal procedure already provided to parents to ensure that it will be followed. Inform
parents that they need to make special arrangements for childcare in the event that school is dismissed
and the parents are not at home.
3. Ensure that designated school personnel will inspect the entire structure once dismissal is completed
to ensure that the building is empty and that any precautions dictated by the re plan or other specic
disaster plans are taken.
4. If necessary, request assistance from the administration and law-enforcement agencies to ensure that
students disperse from the school building to minimize hazards and congestion.
5. Ensure that all dealings with the news media and the public are handled by the districts public informa-
tion ofcer at 485-3357.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 135
During an emergency, procedures will be used to account for all building occupants.
Accounting for Students
List how classroom and oor managers will account for the buildings occupants (e.g., student grade books,
staff lists).
List the plan for accounting for each occupant to the Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
Student Release/Authorized Release List
List the BLIMT’s emergency plan for releasing students to parents/guardians or to other designated adults
who have been identied by current Student Emergency Cards.
Accountability/Student Release
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 137
JCPS Emergency
Student Release Form
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 139
List the plan for transporting and distributing medication during an emergency, and follow Health Services
guidelines and procedures related to medication administration. Please note that, by law, anyone distribut-
ing medication must complete training each school year before distributing any medication. Please contact
Health Services at 485-3387 for more information.
List the person responsible for transporting and distributing medication during an emergency.
Name: ___________________________________
Alternate Person: ___________________________
First-Aid/CPR Staff
Identify the staff members at your school who have training in rst aid and/or CPR.
First-Aid/CPR Staff Certication Date
On-Site Medication/First-Aid
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 141
Emergency Evacuation or Drill
Rescue Area
Each Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/
Site Manager) should designate a Rescue Area on
every oor with the exception of the rst oor. Res-
cue Areas are specically designated for non-ambu-
latory students and staff who cannot safely evacuate
at the time of the event.
The Rescue Area might be the stairwell or an adja-
cent classroom, depending on the design of the build-
ing and the trafc ow during an evacuation.
The Rescue Area should also be designated on the
building oor plans and included in the written pro-
cedures for evacuating the building that are posted in
each classroom. (Include Rescue Areas on a oor
plan in theAttachments” section.)
During an evacuation of a building, evacuate all stu-
dents and personnel safely from the building.
Identifying Physically Disabled
Students/Staff in Need of Assistance
The Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager) should determine the number of
physically disabled students and staff by period, day,
room, and oor who will need assistance during an
Personnel on that oor should be assigned to assist
specic students and staff with evacuating either
with their class or to a Rescue Area.
Personnel not assigned other duties during an emer-
gency should be assigned to assist with evacuating
those students and staff who have been moved to the
Rescue Area.
All personnel should be told that, if they nd them-
selves available, they should proceed to work their
way from the top-oor Rescue Areas to lower-oor
Rescue Areas to assist in any necessary evacuations.
The principal should consult with the responding re
department to help develop the schools evacuation
plan. This includes designating Rescue Areas and
plans for reghters to assist in evacuation. These
plans should be reviewed annually at the beginning
of each school year with local re ofcials.
Fireghters should be notied immediately upon
arrival of the number of non-ambulatory, physi-
cally disabled, or other health-impaired individuals
who will need assistance during the evacuation. The
evacuation of non-ambulatory individuals requires
preplanning, which must be included in your schools
or facilitys Safety and Emergency Procedures Man-
ual plan.
If personnel are assigned to evacuate physically
disabled students, they should receive ongoing pro-
fessional development (PD) in safe and appropriate
lifting and carrying procedures. Have appropriate
staff members participate in this training, and plan
the steps to be taken in an actual emergency.
Do not carry non-ambulatory individuals down
stairwells during a drill.
Routine evacuation drills should be scheduled to
provide an opportunity for personnel and students to
practice evacuating from different classrooms at dif-
ferent periods of the day and on different days of the
week. Personnel and students should be made aware
that the actual emergency may determine exit proce-
dures, since certain stairwells or parts of the building
may be blocked or inaccessible.
All students and staff, especially those who are non-
ambulatory, should be informed of the emergency
evacuation procedures and should know who will
assist them.
All students and staff should be taught appropriate
safety procedures for exiting the building in the event
of a re or an emergency (e.g., the need to remain
calm, what to do if there is heavy smoke, how to
react if clothing catches on re).
Designate areas within the building where the emer-
gency responders (e.g., police, re, or EMS) can
assist and remove non-ambulatory occupants. Rescue
Areas are the rst place that emergency responders
know to search for non-ambulatory/injured occu-
pants. Contact the local re department to help you
identify the buildings or sites best Rescue Areas.
Rescue Areas
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 143
Rescue Areas
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 145
The principal will review the Safety and Emergency
Procedures Manual with the school staff before the
rst instructional day of the school year and as need-
ed as staff changes.
Recognizing and responding to emergencies takes
practice. Training and practice drills take place
throughout the school year. The more a plan is
practiced and reviewed, the better that plan will be
implemented. This will enhance the comfort level
of the faculty and reinforce that the school is pre-
pared for an emergency. It is important to involve in
this training the various community agencies (e.g.,
police, re, EMS) who might be called to respond in
the event of an emergency, whenever possible. This
Drill Procedures and
Training of Staff and Students
process allows the school planners and community
agencies to identify and anticipate problem areas and
work together to develop more effective plans. These
groups can assist in crisis and emergency planning.
When they are directly involved, they can better
understand and assist in an emergency event. Both
site plans and building oor plans should be available
to these representatives prior to the actual meetings.
Safety Advisory
Emergency Drills
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 147
Emergency Drill Information
Each facility shall have emergency drills as required by law at a minimum.
Required Drills:
Two Fire Exit Drills the rst 30 instructional days of a school term
One Fire Exit Drillper month for the remainder of the school term. In climates where the weather
is severe, the monthly re exit drills shall be permitted to be deferred providing that the required
number of re exit drills is achieved and at least four are conducted before the drills are deferred.
Two Earthquake Drillsduring the rst 30 instructional days and during the month of January.
Two Tornado/Severe Weather Drills—during the rst 30 instructional days and during the month
of Ja nu a r y.
Two Lockdown Drillsduring the rst 30 instructional days and during the month of January.
The Emergency Warning All Call Radio will be tested randomly during the school day, and
telephone conrmation is required.
Two Automatic External Debrillator (AED) Drillsif a school has a AED(s) two drills must be
conducted every six months. Drills are recommended in September and March and should include
announcement, response, review, check current certications, and check dates on AED pads for
These are the minimum requirements; additional are encouraged.
Recommended Drills:
It is recommended that various other Disaster Drills be held during the school year. Examples include,
but are not limited to, Bomb Threat, Chemical Release, and Intruder in Building.
The following page is a sample drill log. Drill logs shall be documented and kept in the Safety Proce-
dures Manual on page 149.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 149
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 151
List the items that are included in your schools Emergency Supply Kit and their location.
Item Location (e.g., wheeled cooler kept in the main ofce sick
room or the counselor’s ofce) Note: It is recommended that
emergency supplies be stored in one location.
List the person responsible for transferring the kit during an emergency.
The BLIMT must ensure that the Emergency Supply Kit is portable and available to be transported to the
appropriate locations in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Supplies
and Locations
The following items are recommended. These items will also assist the police and re departments in dealing
with an emergency at your school. For easier maneuverability and transportation, a cooler/chest on wheels is rec-
ommended for your schools Emergency Supply Kit.
___ Student emergency cards __ JCPS Student Release Forms
___ Master bus schedule __ Master roster of all classes
___ Class period schedule __ Facility information sheets
___ Current copy of the Safety and Emergency __ Student medication and medication authorization forms
Procedures Manual __ Flashlights
___ Notepads/Pens/Pencils __ First-aid kit with manual
___ Locations of and instructions for __ Nonlatex gloves
mechanical systems (e.g., water, electric, __ List of students and staff who require assistance
gas shutoffs, cable TV line) __ Blank nametags and markers
___ JCPS Administrative Directory __ Local telephone directory
___ Extra school radios __ JCPS Principal’s Planner
___ Cellular phones __ Visitors’ Log
Others: Others:
_________________________________ ____________________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Responsible Staff Member
Name: _____________________________________________________ Position: _____________________
Alternate’s Name: ____________________________________________ Position: _____________________
Supply Location: _____________________________________________________________________
The maintenance of the items contained in the Emergency Supply Kit should be assigned to one staff member and an
alternate. He or she should be given a xed schedule for the maintenance of the kit as it relates to batteries, document
revisions, etc.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 153
School/Site: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Person Reporting: _____________________________________________________________________
Briey describe the incident.
Approximate Time Summary of Events Decisions/Responses
JCPS School Emergency Incident Debriefing Report
(Not Required)
Closing an Emergency Incident
154 Jefferson County Public Schools
Consider using the following checklist.
___All of the occupants have been accounted for.
___Collaboration with district and community responders has come to a close.
___The building grounds and the facility have been secured.
___The student and staff activities have returned to normal.
___The operation of the plant has been restored, and the utility/ventilation cut-offs have been turned back on,
if applicable.
___The BLIMT has come together to ensure that the following ofcers have carried out their duties:
___ Public Information Ofcer
___ Safety Ofcer
___ Operations Ofcer
___ Planning Ofcer
___ Logistics Ofcer
___ Finance/Administration Ofcer
___ Counseling Ofcer
___The BLIMT has assessed the teams effectiveness in responding to the emergency incident.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 155
How do you communicate your emergency procedures to JCPS Central Ofce, parents, and other community
Community Awareness/Emergency Linkage
A site visit and a review of the buildings emergency procedures plan with personnel from the below-
mentioned agencies are required.
Contact Officers
Fire Department: ______________________________________________________________________
Ofcer’s Name: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________
Date of Visit: ________
Police Department: ____________________________________________________________________
Ofcer’s Name: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________
Date of Visit: ________
Emergency Medical Service: _____________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________
Date of Visit: ________
Awareness Plan
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 157
___The BLIMT has debriefed and documented the event from its beginning to its conclusion.
In the case of loss of life or a traumatic event, the schools recovery process and procedures (emotional and
therapeutic support) should be initiated. Contact the DLIMT at 485-3121 for assistance.
Effective Date
Staff Safety and
Emergency Procedures Guide
158 Jefferson County Public Schools
In an emergency situation, call:
Name: ____________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________
Alternate: _________________________________________ Alternate Phone Number: _____________
This person is responsible for calling 9-911 and 485-3121 (security).
Visitors’ Access
All visitors to the building will sign in, state their business, and receive a dated visitors ID badge.
Site Incident Commanders (Principal/Building Managers) are responsible for answering questions,
implementing the emergency procedures, and working directly with the police and re departments and the
Name: ____________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________
Alternate: _________________________________________ Alternate Phone Number: _____________
Building, Wing, or Floor Managers are responsible for sharing information and checking their respective
areas to ensure that everyone is accounted for during an emergency.
Building, Wing,
or Floor Area
Designated Area
Phone Number Alternate Alternate
Phone Number
The Plant Operator is responsible for cutting off gas, water, and electrical service, if required.
Plant Operator: _______________________________________________________________________
Alternate: ____________________________________________________________________________
Night Lead: __________________________________________________________________________
Alternate: ____________________________________________________________________________
dept principal
dept principal
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 159
List team members here.
Name BLIMT Duties (Roles) Phone Number
Safety/First-Aid Kit Location
Room No.: ________________
CPR/First-Aid Staff/School Nurse (if applicable)
Name Room/Location
160 Jefferson County Public Schools
Abduction Procedures/Missing
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Provide all pertinent information (e.g., per-
son abducted, abductor, witnesses, place, time,
description of vehicle).
3. Stay on the line.
4. Assist with any emotional response to the
ALICE: Active Aggressor/Shooter
(ALICE is a set of proactive strategies that
increase chances of survival during an active
aggressor/shooter event.” ALICE is not designed
to be sequential.)
1. A L E RT: Initial alert could be gunshot, PA
announcement, etc. Alert those around you rst
and then call 911, and the ofce when safe to do
2. LOCKDOWN: If evacuation is not safe option,
barricade entry points. Prepare to evacuate or
counter if needed.
3. INFORM: Communicate real time information
on shooter location and description to the ofce
or designated command post. Use clear and
direct language using any communication means
possible: room phone, mobile phone.
4. COUNTER: As a last resort, distract shooters
ability to shoot accurately. Move toward exits
while making noise, throwing objects or adults
swarm shooter.
5. EVACUATE: Run from danger when safe to do
so using non-traditional exits if necessary. Go to
predetermined rallying points or report to arriv-
ing police to give them information about the
shooter and situation.
After-Hours Emergency
After hours, the designated Site Incident Com-
mander (Building Principal/Site Manager) will
be responsible for monitoring emergency alerts
and implementing emergency procedures.
After normal business hours, staff members are
responsible for notifying the Site Incident Com-
mander (Building Principal/Site Manager) or
designee of their presence in the building and for
following emergency procedures as directed.
In the event of an emergency, immediately
notify the Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager) and identify yourself.
Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
Bomb Threat Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Evacuate the building immediately if directed to
do so in an announcement.
4. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
5. Stay clear of the building.
6. A representative from each department will
account for employees and students and report
to Area Managers. Area Managers will account
for employees and students and report to the Site
Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site
7. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) before reentering the building.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 161
Internal Chemical Release
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Evacuate the building immediately if directed to
do so in an announcement.
4. Immediately exit the building using the desig-
nated exit route.
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close all doors as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly
Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) before reentering the building.
External Chemical Release
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All staff
are to implement external chemical leak pro-
cedures immediately.”
4. Proceed to the designated shelter-in-place
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to
the Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager).
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
Child Abuse, Neglect, Dependency
The term abused or neglected child is dened by state
law as “a child whose health or welfare is harmed or
threatened when the person exercising custodial con-
trol/supervision of the child inicts or allows to be
inicted upon the child physical or emotional injury
(other than accidental means), sexual abuse/exploita-
tion, abandonment and/or fails to provide adequate
care for the childs well-being.
If abuse is suspected:
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Gather pertinent information concerning the
nature of the abuse/neglect and general informa-
tion about the child suspected of being abused/
3. In consultation with the Site Incident Command-
er (Building Principal/Site Manager), contact
the CPS Hotline by dialing 9, then 595-4550.
Or contact the Crimes Against Children Unit by
dialing 9, then 574-2465.
162 Jefferson County Public Schools
Earthquake Procedures
1. Duck, cover, and hold on by dropping to knees.
2. Use desks and tables for shelter protecting head
with covering with arms and back should be
towards window.
3. Remain in a sheltered position for at least 60 sec-
onds after shaking ceases.
4. Listen for instructions. Be prepared to evacuate
if instructed. (See “Evacuation” section.)
Explosion Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is
given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the desig-
nated exit route at the time the alarm is sounded.
(See “Evacuation” section.)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close all doors as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly
Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) before reentering the building.
Falling Aircraft Procedures
If an aircraft falls on a portion of the school, the
following will be implemented:
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is
given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the desig-
nated exit route at the time the alarm is sounded.
(See “Evacuation” section.)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close all doors as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly
Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager)
before reentering the building.
If an aircraft falls near the school, the following
will be implemented:
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All staff
are to implement external chemical leak pro-
cedures immediately.”
4. Proceed to the designated shelter-in-place/safe
area location.
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to
the Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager).
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 163
Fire Procedures
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The re alarm is sounded or verbal command is
given, as required.
4. Immediately exit the building using the desig-
nated exit route at the time the alarm is sounded.
(See “Evacuation” section.)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close all doors as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly
Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) before reentering the building.
Flood Procedures
1. During periods of heavy rain when ooding may
occur, listen to your local radio and television
broadcasts for news of possible ooding in the
2. The Central Ofce will announce school clos-
ings and/or early dismissals for the school loca-
tions directly affected by ood conditions.
Intruder, Hostage, Civil
Disturbance, Armed Offender
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All
staff to implement your lockdown procedures
4. Check the hallway immediately outside of your
room, and bring uninvolved, nonthreatening stu-
dents into your classroom or ofce. (See “JCPS
School Security Levels” section.)
5. Close and lock all doors.
6. Keep all students sitting on the oor away from
doors and windows.
7. Turn off lights in classrooms and in ofces.
8. Use caution and discretion in allowing individu-
als or students into the classroom.
9. Take attendance, and prepare a list of missing
students and extra students in the room.
10. Obtain the lockdown folder, and place the plac-
ards in the exterior window and in the door win-
dow (or under the door and into the hall if there
is no window in the door).
11. All doors should remain locked. Staff and stu-
dents shall remain sheltered until a BLIMT mem-
ber or a police ofcer arrives with directions.
The purpose of this section is to protect the occupants
of JCPS schools and other facilities from intruders
who may commit acts of crime or violence. (Refer
to ALICE procedures for active aggressor/shooter.)
164 Jefferson County Public Schools
Security Level 1: Blue—Mass Traffic
CircumstancesLarge numbers of people enter-
ing or exiting a building
Changes to Normal OperationsNot applicable
The security focus should be crowd control and
Exterior doors not related to the activity are
locked. Unlocked doors are monitored by staff
if possible.
Interior doors of vacant rooms should be locked.
StudentsAs appropriate for event
Staff members should control crowds and access
to unused parts of the school.
VisitorsAs appropriate for event
MovementAs appropriate for event
Security Level 2: Green—Normal
Circumstances are business as usual. There are
no known threats.
Changes to normal operations are not applicable.
The security focus should be general safety.
Exterior doors should be locked unless monitored.
Interior doors of all rooms should be locked.
StudentsNormal operations
Staff membersNormal operations
Visitors will be directed to sign in with the ofce.
Identication is required.
MovementNormal operations
Security Level 3: Yellow—Secured
Circumstances indicate that a possible threat
to the building, personnel, or area has been
Changes to normal operationsNo outside
The security focus should be controlling exterior
Exterior doors should be locked and under staff
Interior doors of all rooms should be locked.
Students should be directly monitored at all
times, and movement should be minimized.
Staff members should supervise students and
watch for unattended visitors.
JCPS School Security Levels Quick Reference
Visitors should be escorted to the ofce to sign
in and present a photo ID. They must wear
MovementHallway trafc should be mini-
mized and monitored.
Security Level 4: Orange—High
Circumstances are an immediate danger to the
building or personnel.
Normal operations should be minimized to
activities that can be safely conducted.
The security focus should be access and move-
ment control.
Exterior doors should be locked. An adminis-
trator or designee must approve entrance to the
Interior doors should be locked and closed.
Staff members should supervise students in
rooms and monitor hallways.
Visitors must present photo ID to enter the build-
ing. They must be escorted at all times and must
wear identication.
Movement should be limited in the hallways and
should occur only if necessary.
Security Level 5: Red—Lockdown
Circumstances indicate that a life-threaten-
ing situation is in progress. (Refer to ALICE
Normal operations cease.
The security focus should be responding to the
All interior and exterior doors should be locked
and closed.
Students should be brought immediately into
shelter-in-place locations.
Staff members should bring unattended students
into secure locations and begin shelter-in-place
No visitors are to enter or exit. Noninvolved visi-
tors should be brought to secure locations and
begin shelter-in-place procedures.
Movement unrelated to the crisis response should
cease. All personnel should begin shelter-in-
place procedures. (Refer to ALICE procedures.)
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 165
Medical Emergencies
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself. If your school has a school nurse
on-site, notify him or her immediately.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Describe the patient’s condition and rst aid
4. Assist the students and staff until help or the rst-
aid provider arrives.
Natural Gas Release
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Evacuate the building immediately if directed to
do so in an announcement.
4. Immediately exit the building using the desig-
nated exit route at the time the alarm is sounded.
(See “Evacuation” section.)
5. Assist those with special needs.
6. Close the door as you leave the room.
7. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
8. Once safely evacuated, proceed to the Assembly
Area to be accounted for.
9. Wait for an all-clear signal from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
Manager) before reentering the building.
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All staff
are to implement external chemical leak pro-
cedures immediately.”
4. Proceed to designated shelter-in-place/safe area
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Shut all windows and doors.
8. Take attendance, and report the information to
the Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager).
9. Do not allow anyone to leave the shelter area.
10. Stay away from all doors and windows.
11. Wait for further instructions.
Physical/Sexual Assault
Physical/Sexual assault is considered to be any inten-
tional act of hitting, pushing, ghting, intimidation,
extortion, exhibitionism, sexual harassment, assault,
sexual assault, arson, scratching, biting, kicking, or
any other such physical contact engaged in, by, or
directed toward another staff member, student, or
visitor to the facility that results or is intended to
result in death, physical injury, or mental/emotional
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, nature of the situation, and any
other pertinent information.
3. Ensure the safety of students and staff.
4. Isolate the situation, if possible.
5. Assist the victim, if possible.
Adult visitors on district property who engage in
assaultive behaviors should be treated as intruders.
Since physical assaults/sexual assaults are criminal
acts, jurisdiction also exists with outside law enforce-
ment, which may be involved at any time.
166 Jefferson County Public Schools
Power Failure
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Limit movement.
4. Wait for further instructions from the Site Inci-
dent Commander (Building Principal/Site
5. Be prepared to evacuate if advised. (See “Evacu-
ation” section.)
Severe Weather
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. The building announcement will be, “All staff
are to implement severe weather procedures
4. When you hear the severe weather announcement
or siren, proceed at once to your designated area
of the building. (See “Shelter-in-Place” section.)
5. Bring the roll book or class roster to account for
all students.
6. Assist those with special needs.
7. Assume appropriate shelter positions.
8. The doors in the safe area should be closed.
9. The area surrounding doors should not be used
for sheltering.
10. Secure glass doors open to prevent glass from
11. Take attendance, and report the information to
the Site Incident Commander (Building Princi-
pal/Site Manager).
12. Maintain sheltered position until the all-clear
signal is given.
Substance Abuse
Emergency Overdose
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Assist the students and staff until help or the
rst-aid provider arrives.
4. Provide a written statement to the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Suicide Ideation
If a student or staff member indicates or admits to
being suicidal during the school day and/or dur-
ing district-sponsored activities, use the following
1. Certied staff should supervise the individual at
all times.
2. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
3. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
4. Ensure that the student is escorted to the ofce
for parent notication and further administrative
interventions. (The individual should be super-
vised at all times.)
5. Provide a written statement to the Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager).
Terroristic Threatening/Extortion
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Gather information if staff members are expe-
riencing any form of monetary/property loss or
safety issues related to any district activities.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 167
Water Failure
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. Do not use or drink water until advised to do so
by the Site Incident Commander (Building Prin-
cipal/Site Manager).
Weapons Possession
1. Immediately notify the front ofce, and iden-
tify yourself.
2. Give the location, the nature of the situation, and
any other pertinent information.
3. If possible, isolate the student from other stu-
dents and staff.
4. Document the incident, and—when appropriate—
provide a written disciplinary referral.
5. Initiate ALICE procedues if anyone is directly
threatened with a weapon.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 169
The following attachments are required for the completion of the Safety and Emergency Procedures
Attachment 1Include a map of the outside assembly area, including command post, rst-aid area, stu-
dent release area, specic classroom locations, and potential hazard locations.
Attachment 2Include a map of primary and secondary evacuation routes to the assembly area. Iden-
tify the hazard locations and types along these routes.
Attachment 3Include a map of the utility/ventilation cut-offs, sprinkler cut-offs, re alarm panel, re
extinguishers, etc.
Attachment 4Include a map highlighting the buildings primary shelter-in-place/safe area locations
for severe weather.
Attachment 5Include a map highlighting and numbering the buildings evacuation exits and rescue
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 171
Attachment 1
Include a map of the outside assembly area, including command post, rst-aid area, student release area,
specic classroom locations, and potential hazard locations.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 173
Attachment 2
Include a map of primary and secondary evacuation routes to the assembly area. Identify the hazard locations
and types along these routes.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 175
Attachment 3
Include a map of the utility/ventilation cut-offs, sprinkler cut-offs, re alarm panel, re extinguishers, etc.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 177
Attachment 4
Include a map highlighting the buildings primary shelter-in-place/safe area locations for severe weather.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 179
Attachment 5
Include a map highlighting and numbering the buildings evacuation exits and rescue areas.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 181
Pandemic Flu Event and
Levels of Response
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health
and Wellness and various JCPS departments have
developed the following school, district, and commu-
nity plan in response to an outbreak of a pandemic
inuenza event.
The Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual
includes the normal operational preparedness as
related to a variety of emergency contingencies and
regular standards for best hygiene practices, preven-
tion, and procedures against the spread of the pan-
demic u.
This section includes the following:
1. The Community and School Levels of Response
to a Pandemic Inuenza Event (Schematic)
2. The Pandemic Inuenza Level of Response
3. The JCPS Pandemic Inuenza Plan:
Level 1: Ongoing Community and District
Emergency Preparedness
Level 2: JCPS Plan for Mitigation and Preven-
tion of the Spread of the Inuenza
Level 3: Advance Precautions
Level 4: Initiative Surveillance, Reporting,
and Heightened Awareness
Level 5: Preparation for Possible School
Level 6: Public Health Emergency School
Level 7: Recovery
4. School Planning Instrument
This page has been intentionally left blank.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 183
A Continuum of
Responses to a pandemic
flu event as initiated in
collaboration with the
local, state and federal
health departments.
Medical Emergency
Community and School Levels of Response to a
Pandemic Influenza Event
Level 1
On-going Operational Community and District Emergency Preparedness
Level 2
ation and Prevention
Level 3
Advance Precautions
Level 4
Surveillance, Reporting and Heightened
Level 5
Preparation for Possible School
Level 6
Public Health Emergency
School Closures
Level 7
Level 5
Preparation for Possible School
184 Jefferson County Public Schools
WHO Phases
Response Stages
JCPS Levels of
No new influenza virus subtypes have been
detected in humans. An influenza virus subtype
that has caused human infection may be present
in animals. If present in animals, the risk of
human disease is considered to be low.
No new influenza virus subtypes have been
detected in humans. However, a circulating
animal influenza virus subtype poses a
substantial risk of human disease.
New domestic
outbreak in at-
risk country
Community &
New domestic
outbreak in at
Human infection(s) with a new subtype, but no
human-to-human spread, or at most rare instances
of spread to a close contact.
Small cluster(s) with limited human-to-human
transmission but spread is highly localized,
suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to
Larger cluster(s) but human-to-human spread still
localized, suggesting that the virus is becoming
increasingly better adapted to humans, but may not
yet be fully transmissible (substantial pandemic risk).
Maintain, update
and disseminate
HHS, CDC, and
other public
health data
Mitigation &
outbreaks in
First human
case in North
Reporting &
Preparation for
School Closure
United States
Implement local
community health
response plans
Public Health
hool Closures
Pandemic phase: Increased and sustained
transmission in general population.
Recovery and
preparation for
Tab 1
Pandemic Influenza Level of Response Chart
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 185
Community and School
Levels of Response to a
Pandemic Influenza Event
General Overview
Level 1 Preparedness
Ongoing Community and District Emergency
JCPS has established ongoing policies and procedures
for planned responses to emergencies involving the
community, school, individual students, and parents.
These safety and emergency procedures are compre-
hensive and cover numerous safety and emergency
topics, including planned responses for school evacu-
ations and shelter-in-place and lockdown procedures.
The departments of Physical Development and Health
Services; Student Relations and Safety; Safety, Envi-
ronmental, and Housekeeping Services; and Security
and Investigations work collaboratively to promote
best practices to ensure staff and student safety and
to maintain safe, orderly, and productive school envi-
ronments. The districts overall safety plan includes
building and grounds security, emergency prepared-
ness, and student management. JCPS has estab-
lished the District-Level Incident Management Team
(DLIMT) to rapidly mobilize a district and/or com-
munity response to assist schools when they are con-
fronted with an emergency event.
District Preparedness
The DLIMT is prepared to respond to individual
school emergencies and mobilize district and/or
community resources to assist a school in more
effectively managing an emergency. The DLIMT
activates on the specic needs of a school in an
emergency situation to:
Assist in communications.
Plan and deliver resources required by the local
school to help school personnel implement the
schools emergency plans.
Assist in the coordination of all responders.
The DLIMT works directly with the communitys
rst responders, such as emergency management,
re, police, public health, EMS and other federal,
state, and local agencies, to initiate the appropri-
ate response from the community and involve the
communitys rst responders in the district’s and the
local schools emergency planning.
The JCPS Pandemic Inuenza Plan (PIP) will be
built upon the districts existing safety and health
procedures and in accordance with the local, state,
and federal health departments’ advisories put into
action by the DLIMT. For example, the Health Ser-
vices staff currently works with the LMPHW in
issuing Community Health Advisories when a com-
municable disease is identied within a JCPS school.
The JCPS PIP will include a process for activating a
district-level process to respond to a pandemic inu-
enza event, which includes the following:
1. An ongoing command structure (DLIMT) will
work directly with the communitys health
departments to mitigate the adverse impact of an
inuenza event.
2. The DLIMT and Health Services will be respon-
sible for the planning, communications, logistics,
and operations of the districts response to an
inuenza event.
3. Roles and responsibilities will be aligned with
current JCPS job assignments to ensure an effec-
tive mobilization of responses and resources
(e.g., health services, food services, public rela-
tions, transportation, community and govern-
ment relations).
4. Individuals assigned, as related to roles and
responsibilities, will include the names of key
DLIMT committee members assigned to the
command structure of the JCPS PIP.
5. The JCPS PIP Committee will meet annually to
review the districts PIP for initiating a command
response for the local schools. This will include:
Communication process to community partners,
staff, students, and parents.
Availability and review of current school/site
maps inclusive of the ventilation system to con-
tain the spread of the u virus via air circulation
within the building.
Maintenance and inventory of supplies and
Maintenance of current contact list for staff, par-
ents, and students, including e-mail addresses
when available.
186 Jefferson County Public Schools
In addition, Level 1 Preparedness will include the
The sharing of information regarding prevention
activities via health-related brochures to families
and students during u season, such as:
Annually supporting an inuenza immuniza-
tion program for seasonal u.
Avoiding contact with individuals exhibiting
u-like symptoms.
Paying attention to hand and respiratory
Avoiding situations that promote spread-
ing the illness, such as sharing eating utensils,
drinking cups, etc.
Promoting increased laundering of personal
Sharing with staff, parents, and students the
methods and process that will be used to com-
municate health updates, school closings, relo-
cation of school assignments, location of health
supplies and services, and relocation of staff
Training JCPS key employees on incident-com-
mand structures and identifying responsibilities
and expectations specic to their position and
job responsibilities
JCPS will perform the following in preparation
for a pandemic inuenza event:
Ensure the permanent inclusion of health sup-
plies for each local school that would assist the
school in responding to a pandemic inuenza
event, such as appropriate cleaning supplies,
germicides, nonlatex gloves, and if necessary
other protective equipment.
Maintain above supplies in the sick room or
another designated location.
Identify a seclusion room to isolate staff and
students demonstrating u-like symptoms.
Develop a command structure at each local
school to include the building principal/des-
ignee, counselors, assistant principals, Family
Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC)
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 2
JCPS Plan for Mitigation and Prevention of the
Spread of Inuenza
World health ofcials are concerned that the H5N1
virus (avian u) could mutate and possibly cause a
global/local pandemic outbreak. The district should
be aware that the avian u virus has been conrmed
in other countries.
Response Preplanning Activities
JCPS will work with LMPHW and other state health
authorities for declaring a public health emergency
and identifying key health ofcials that will work
with the DLIMT to activate the JCPS PIP and the
Community Inuenza Plan.
Annual planning meetings will occur with LMPHW
to ensure common planning and communication
linkage between the two agencies. The districts pan-
demic inuenza plan will be shared with LMPHW.
The DLIMT will initiate discussions as to the avian
u world events and initiate a review of the JCPS/
Community Pandemic Inuenza Plan. Communi-
cation links between all supporting agencies will
conrm that a heightened awareness is in effect and
that the system is ready to respond if further develop-
ments warrant such a response.
A review of the districts emergency response and
infectious disease policies and procedures will be
conducted for necessary revisions. This review of
the JCPS/Community Inuenza Plan will be ongoing
with revisions in the plan posted by date. All plans
will be dated current as of each year.
Communitywide health surveillance will be
increased, and student absences will be monitored to
better detect patterns related to inuenza. The depart-
ment of Pupil Personnel and the ofce of Health Ser-
vices will report directly to the DLIMT the ndings
as related to cases of inuenza.
JCPS will sponsor the additional purchase and expan-
sion of health resources as required. Student training
on the prevention of diseases through hygienic disci-
plinary practices, such as washing hands thoroughly,
covering mouth when sneezing/coughing, and receiv-
ing health care, will be emphasized and added to the
school’s health curriculum.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 187
Pre-event planning will be incorporated into the dai-
ly school and district activities to maximize preven-
tion strategies.
An increase in the direct communication and train-
ing will occur that effectively provides critical infor-
mation about pandemic inuenza, including the
mechanisms for its transmission and basic prevention
School nurses and staff will be informed in u
symptom recognition, understanding that a person
who is infected does not show symptoms right away.
School nurses and staff will look for other indica-
tors and changes in behavior, such as lack of appe-
tite, complaints of not feeling well, and irritability
JCPS will review housekeeping practices, policies,
and supplies to determine the need for revisions and
staff development on maintaining clean and sani-
tized school environments.
JCPS Health Services will continue to implement its
active Clean Hands Up hand hygiene program for
students. A similar program will be started for JCPS
employees. This program will promote handwashing
using nonmedicated soap. Alcohol-based hand rubs
will be available and used only when soap and water
facilities are not readily available.
JCPS will implement and maintain a respiratory
hygiene and cough etiquette program that teaches stu-
dents and employees methods to prevent the spread
of respiratory illnesses. These methods include:
Covering a cough to contain nasal or respiratory
Using tissues to contain nasal or respiratory
Dispensing of used tissues properly.
Practicing proper hygiene for covering a cough.
Identifying a location within the building where
a student or staff member who demonstrates
u-like symptoms can be safely placed while
waiting for transportation home (Isolation Pro-
cedures). The location selected should be one
that minimizes return ventilation/exposure to the
larger facility and is stocked with hand and respi-
ratory hygienic products. Such locations as the
schools gym and/or other rooms with direct out-
side access for transportation and to minimize
additional exposure to others are recommended.
JCPS will review attendance policies related to
absences/excessive absences when inuenza is
involved. JCPS Health Services staff will continue to
provide attendance data to the LMPHW in order to
monitor spikes in absences. All absences related to
school closings due to a pandemic u outbreak will
be recorded as excused and will not be subject to a
response for excessive absences.
During a pandemic inuenza alert, JCPS will insti-
tute the use of an active illness recognition (Surveil-
lance) and management program that encourages and
expects employees and students to remain at home
when they demonstrate respiratory illness symptoms,
including fever with a cough, runny nose, body aches,
and/or diarrhea. School personnel should decide to
what extent they will encourage or require students
and staff to stay home when symptoms are observed.
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 3
Advance Precautions
The World Health Organization or the CDC reports
a case of human-to-human transmission of avian
u within the United States but not in the state of
Kentucky. Event planning is implemented when sus-
tained person-to-person transmission has been iden-
tied outside of the immediate vicinity. A heightened
alert, preparedness to respond, and surveillance are
initiated and maintained until the district is notied
by L M P H W.
A heightened level of awareness, coupled with addi-
tional precautionary measures, will be initiated by
the DLIMT through the appropriate departments to
the key staff members at the local schools (principals,
counselors, FRYSC coordinators, food services staff,
custodial staff, etc.). School staff will be directed to
initiate additional precautionary hygienic measures
to prevent the spread of inuenza or other diseases
and detect the possibility of avian u cases within
our schools and community.
The DLIMT will review the JCPS/Community Pan-
demic Inuenza Plan for possible full implementa-
tion by reporting update information coming from
the local and state health departments and the CDC.
As appropriate, daily updates, information, and
briengs will be provided to key JCPS staff with a
188 Jefferson County Public Schools
review of roles and responsibilities in the event of an
outbreak within the local community.
Parents/Guardians will be:
Provided with current information as to the level
of concern related to the avian u cases occur-
ring in the United States.
Reassured that the JCPS/Community Inuenza
Plan is in place to further protect their children
and the community in case of a local occurrence.
Provided with hygienic precautionary measures
for school-age children.
JCPS will institute a districtwide increase in disin-
fectant processes in all facilities and school buses.
Restrict or cancel out-of-county/state travel.
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 4
Initiate Surveillance, Reporting, and Heightened
LMPHW noties the district of suspected cases of
avian u within the state of Kentucky.
Intensify monitoring processes to assist LMPHW
in the detection of inuenza-like incidents via the
local schools, JCPS Department of Pupil Personnel,
JCPS Health Services, and the DLIMT. Follow the
established communication linkage (see owchart) to
transmit accurate information as related to the detec-
tion of inuenza-like incidents/cases.
Center for Disease Control
Federal Health Department
State Health Department
Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness and
Other Community Support Agencies
Health Services and/or
Department of Pupil Personnel
Local School
Fully initiate Level-4 Response,
and check for complete systemic
communication to provide brief-
ings to key staff and to prime
key staff for the full implementa-
tion of their designated roles and
Rapid and
Communication Linkage to Ensure Rapid and Accurate
Information Related to a Pandemic Influenza Event
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 189
Conrm that all schools are prepared to implement
the districts PIP and that they are ready to imple-
ment their isolation procedures for students and
staff who demonstrate inuenza-like symptoms,
including granting Sick-Day Leave and excused
absences. Provide for the immediate transportation
to their homes via private vehicles. All staff com-
ing into contact with infected individuals will take
precautions and practice other hygienic measures
to minimize their exposure to the inuenza virus.
Inform parents/guardians and students as to the
difference between a common cold and avian
inuenza, the importance of good hygiene prac-
tices, the importance of staying home when sick,
their important role as parents, and the seriousness
of a major pandemic inuenza outbreak.
Restrict and/or cancel out-of-county/state travel via
district activities, conferences, etc. Restrict/Limit
public assembly activities.
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 5
Preparation for Possible School Closures
LMPHW will notify JCPS if there has been a con-
rmed pandemic inuenza case in Jefferson County.
As directed by LMPHW, DLIMT will immediately
relay accurate information as to the nature of the
inuenza case(s) to key JCPS personnel and oth-
er community partners/agencies. Community and
school personnel will endeavor to keep the public
informed and calm as steps to treat and contain the
outbreak are initiated.
The JCPS Community Planning Team and the
DLIMT will activate the health-related emer-
gency communication plan at both the commu-
nity and school district level to inform and keep
students, staff, parents, and the public updated with
accurate information pertaining to the pandemic
inuenza incident. All key community and district
personnel will be kept informed through debriengs
organized in response to a Level-5 pandemic inu-
enza emergency.
Ongoing contacts will be maintained between the
state department of health, LMPHW, the DLIMT,
and other key JCPS personnel in preparation for
school closures and the possible mobilization of
other resources, such as the distribution of food via
School and Community Nutrition Services through
the Department of Education and the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture and/or the implementation of
contingency hospitals at school facilities.
The local schools and the department of Pupil Per-
sonnel will be prepared to furnish contact lists of stu-
dents to the LMPHW to trace possible contacts with
infected students and staff. JCPS will provide emer-
gency contacts for each student and staff member. A
phone tree will be established by the staff of each
school to expedite the process of contacting parents/
guardians regarding possible exposure.
All district travel plans are to be canceled.
Initiate isolation plans for all staff and students who
demonstrate inuenza symptoms by transporting
them home or to a health service center as soon as
Institute Level-3 rigorous cleaning policies and prac-
tices, and instruct students as to precautions related
to spreading the u virus.
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 6
Public Health Emergency School Closures
LMPHW mandates school closures.
The district activates school closure procedures
in consultation with the LMHW for those schools
affected by the mandate. Through the LMPHW
and DLIMT, key JCPS school ofcials (involving
the superintendent and the Jefferson County Board
of Education members) are consulted and informed
as to the school closings. Level 6 of the JCPS PIP
and the Community Inuenza Plan is initiated with
predetermined roles and responsibilities for action
clearly dened.
Plans will be implemented for continuing education-
al opportunities, such as JCPSeSchool and Indepen-
dent Studies through correspondence via U.S. mail
or Pony delivery to designated sites and/or instruc-
tion provided through the local radio and television
190 Jefferson County Public Schools
A notice of alternative school locations will be pro-
vided to parents of noninfected students ensuring the
continuation of instruction for noninfected students
if possible. The district will provide transportation
to the alternative sites where possible, given the
resources available during the pandemic inuenza
In the event of a case occurring at a school loca-
tion, the premises will be secured from outside non-
essential contacts and visitors. School closure will be
posted on all entries of the school buildings.
As directed by the Kentucky Department of Educa-
tion (KDE) and in collaboration/consultation with
the LMPHW and JCPS, the entire district may close
to strictly guard against the spread of the u virus
with a commitment to extend the school calendar to
make up for lost instructional time.
School facilities and other JCPS resources will be
made available to other local agencies responsible for
the implementation of the communitys response to a
pandemic inuenza incident where feasible without
endangering JCPS staff as directed by the LMPHW.
The LMPHW will determine the appropriate person-
al protective equipment (PPE) for JCPS to use when
school facilities must be opened for the implementa-
tion of a community response.
All groups will be informed via public announce-
ments, the Internet, phone trees, newsletters, etc. The
JCPS and Community Committee via the DLIMT
will remain in action to respond to the next anticipat-
ed wave of inuenza that typically reoccurs within
a few weeks of the initial incident. The Site Incident
Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) will
attempt to maintain minimum staff for maintenance
and security purposes.
As Determined by LMPHW
Level 7
LMPHW ofcially noties JCPS that the pandemic
inuenza incident has abated and schools can be
Upon the individual release by health ofcials, a per-
son exposed to the u virus may return to work or
school. School personnel should note that a person
can remain infectious up to 21 days from when he or
she rst displayed symptoms.
The symptoms of grief and trauma related to the
deaths of family members will be addressed by the
appropriate school and community support person-
nel for the period of time necessary for recovery.
The district and community will mobilize the Crisis
Recovery Team to support the emotional health of
families and children and their long-term recovery
from the inuenza incident.
Schools will institute and maintain Level-3 rigorous
cleaning policies and practices and instruct students
as to precautions related to spreading the u virus.
Debrief appropriate staff and students as required.
Review and debrief the JCPS and Community Com-
mittee’s response to the inuenza emergency, critique
its successes and shortcomings, and revise policies
and procedures as necessary.
Reactivate the ongoing PIP as related to regular
meetings, drills, alerts, test of communications, etc.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 191
Pandemic Influenza Planning Instrument Checklist
The following checklist was developed to assist schools in appropriately responding to a pandemic inuenza
event affecting the JCPS District. A pandemic inuenza virus is a worldwide outbreak of a disease for which
there is little or no natural immunity. During a pandemic inuenza event, a new strand of the inuenza virus
could potentially cause thousands or even millions of people to contract the disease and spread the illness to
others. Schools will be notied by the superintendent designee when a heightened level of surveillance
and responses on the part of the local schools are required.
Safety Advisory
Schools personnel are responsible for knowing and practicing preventative measures to reduce the spread of
the pandemic u. In an outbreak, complete and follow this Pandemic Inuenza School Planning Instrument
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 193
Pandemic Influenza School
Planning Instrument Checklist
Activity Personnel Responsible Initials Date
The school establishes a BLIMT for the
purpose of annually reviewing and, if nec-
essary, implementing the schools response
to a pandemic inuenza event. The school
reviews and implements the appropriate
activities outlined in this checklist.
Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager), Assistant Prin-
cipals, Counselors, FRYSC Coordina-
tor, Plant Operator, etc.
The Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager) ensures that school
staff are familiar with the districts seven
levels of responses to a pandemic inuenza
1. Ongoing community and district emer-
gency preparedness
2. JCPS Plan for Mitigation and Preven-
tion of the Spread of Inuenza
3. Advance precautions
4. Initiation of surveillance, reporting,
and heightened awareness
5. Preparation for possible school
6. Public health emergency school
7. Re cover y
Site Incident Commander, Deputy
Commander, Members of the BLIMT,
and the Entire School Faculty
The school provides families and students
with health brochures about seasonal and
pandemic inuenza, hygienic practices at
home, community health services, etc., as
School Nurse where available,
Counselor(s), FRYSC Coordinator, etc.
The following checklist was developed to assist schools in appropriately responding to a pandemic inuenza
event affecting the JCPS District. Complete the following checklist.
194 Jefferson County Public Schools
Activity Personnel Responsible Initials Date
The school maintains high levels of clean-
liness and sanitation by ensuring that water
fountains, bathroom facilities, etc., are
disinfected with the appropriate cleaning
products daily. The custodial staff enacts
an hourly disinfecting procedure during a
pandemic inuenza event.
Custodial Staff:
The school provides age-appropriate infor-
mation to students about pandemic inuen-
za and reviews cough and sneeze etiquette
and other important hygienic practices,
such as:
Covering a cough to contain nasal or
respiratory secretions.
Using a tissue to contain nasal or respi-
ratory secretions.
Properly disposing of used tissue.
Practicing hand hygiene after covering
a cough.
High-trafc areas to avoid.
Classroom Teachers and All Staff and
The school establishes a communication
system to notify parents when students
demonstrate inuenza-like symptoms. In
addition to public and school announce-
ments via local news media, notication
concerning school closings will include
a standardized letter to parents from the
Central Ofce Staff:
The school informs parents and students of
the state, district, and local school plans for
continuing educational instruction during
a pandemic inuenza event. This informa-
tion will be included in the parent/guardian
brochure addressing a pandemic inu-
enza event. For example, in the event that
schools are closed for an extended period
of time due to a pandemic inuenza event,
instruction will be provided via the local
radio and television networks.
Site Incident Commander (Building
Principal/Site Manager), Assistant
Principals, Counselors, and FRYSC
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 195
Activity Personnel Responsible Initials Date
The school maintains appropriate sup-
plies and equipment, such as tissues, and
nonlatex gloves. Tissues are made avail-
able for each classroom on a regular basis.
Building Principal, Assistant Princi-
pals, Counselors, FRYSC Coordina-
tors, Plant Operator, etc.:
The school should identify a room in which
to isolate or temporarily quarantine staff
and students who demonstrate u-like
symptoms. Students and staff members
demonstrating u-like symptoms can be
safely placed in this room while awaiting
transportation home (see “Isolation Pro-
cedures”). The school should select the
location that minimizes return ventila-
tion to the larger facility. It should also be
stocked with hand and respiratory hygienic
Building Principal, Assistant Princi-
pals, Counselors, FRYSC Coordina-
tors, Plant Operator, etc.:
The school should establish procedures for
shutting off the internal ventilating system
to contain the spread of the inuenza virus
during a pandemic inuenza event.
Custodial Staff:
School: __________________________________________________ School Year: ________________
Building Principals Signature: _______________________________ Date Submitted: ______________
When notified of a pandemic influenza event,
submit the above list to JCPS Health Services by fax to 3670.
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Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 197
The following instrument was developed to assist schools in appropriately preparing for and responding to a
pandemic inuenza event affecting the JCPS District. A pandemic inuenza virus is a worldwide outbreak
of a disease for which there is little or no natural immunity. During a pandemic inuenza event, a new strand
of the inuenza virus could cause thousands or even millions of people to contract the disease and spread the
illness to others. Schools will be notied by the superintendents designee(s) when a heightened level of
surveillance and responses on the part of the local schools is required. When notied by Central Ofce
of a pandemic inuenza event, refer to Section 23, “Medical Emergencies/Pandemic Inuenza.Complete
the Pandemic Inuenza School Planning Instrument Checklist, and submit it to Health Services as directed.
Safety Advisory
School personnel are responsible for knowing and practicing preventative measures to reduce the spread of a
pandemic u. In an outbreak, complete the Pandemic Inuenza School Planning Instrument Checklist in Section
Pandemic Influenza Planning Instrument
The school establishes a BLIMT for the purpose of annually reviewing and, if necessary, implementing
the schools response to a pandemic inuenza event. The school reviews and implements the appropriate
activities outlined in this checklist.
The Site Incident Commander (Building Principal/Site Manager) ensures that school staff are familiar with
the districts seven levels of responses to a pandemic inuenza event:
1. Ongoing community and district emergency preparedness
2. JCPS Plan for Mitigation and Prevention of the Spread of Inuenza
3. Advance precautions
4. Initiation of surveillance, reporting, and heightened awareness
5. Preparation for possible school closures
6. Public health emergency school closures
7. Re c over y
The school provides families and students with health brochures about seasonal and pandemic inuenza,
hygienic practices at home, community health services, etc., as directed.
The school maintains high levels of cleanliness and sanitation by ensuring that water fountains, bathroom
facilities, etc., are disinfected with the appropriate cleaning products daily. The custodial staff enacts an
hourly disinfecting procedure during a pandemic inuenza event.
The school provides age-appropriate information to students about pandemic inuenza and reviews cough
and sneeze etiquette and other important hygienic practices, such as:
Covering a cough to contain nasal or respiratory secretions.
Using a tissue to contain nasal or respiratory secretions.
Properly disposing of used tissue.
Practicing hand hygiene after covering a cough.
Pandemic Influenza
Planning Instrument
(continued on following page)
198 Jefferson County Public Schools
The school establishes a communication system to notify parents when students demonstrate inuenza-like
symptoms. In addition to public and school announcements via local news media, notication concerning
school closings will include a standardized letter to parents from the superintendent.
The school informs parents and students of the state, district, and local school plans for continuing edu-
cational instruction during a pandemic inuenza event. This information will be included in the parent/
guardian brochure addressing a pandemic inuenza event. For example, in the event that schools are closed
for an extended period of time due to a pandemic inuenza event, instruction will be provided via the local
radio and television networks.
The school should maintain appropriate supplies and equipment, such as tissues and nonlatex gloves. Tis-
sues are made available for each classroom on a regular basis.
The school should identify a room equipped with restroom facilities in which to isolate or temporarily
quarantine staff and students who demonstrate u-like symptoms. Students and staff members demonstrat-
ing u-like symptoms can be safely placed in this room while awaiting transportation home (see “Isolation
Procedures”). The school should select the location that minimizes return ventilation to the larger facility.
It should also be stocked with hand and respiratory hygienic products.
The school should establish procedures for shutting off the internal ventilating system to contain the spread
of the inuenza virus during a pandemic inuenza event.
Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual 199
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