Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Form 710 Page 1 of 4 February 2013
If you are experiencing a temporary or long-term hardship and need help, you must complete and submit this form along
with other required documentation to be considered for available solutions. On this page, you must disclose information
about (1) you and your intentions to either keep or transition out of your home; (2) the property’s status; (3) bankruptcy;
and (4) your credit counseling agency.
On Page 2, you must disclose information about all of your income, expenses and assets. Page 2 also lists the required
income documentation that you must submit in support of your request for assistance. Then on Page 3, you must
complete the Hardship Affidavit in which you disclose the nature of your hardship. The Hardship Affidavit informs you of
the required documentation that you must submit in support of your hardship claim.
NOTICE: In addition, when you sign and date this form, you will make important certifications, representations and
agreements, including certifying that all of the information in this Borrower Assistance Form is accurate and truthful
and any identified hardship has contributed to your submission of this request for mortgage relief.
REMINDER: The Borrower Response Package you need to return consists of: (1) this completed, signed and dated
Borrower Assistance Form; (2) completed and signed IRS Form 4506T-EZ (4506T for self-employed borrowers or
borrowers with rental income); (3) required income documentation; and (4) required hardship documentation.
Loan Number ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ (usually found on your monthly mortgage statement)
Servicer’s Nameͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ
I want to: Keep the Property Vacate the Property Sell the Property Undecided
The property is currently: My Primary Residence A Second Home An Investment Property
The property is currently: Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Vacant
Is the property listed for sale? Yes No
If yes, what was the listing date? ___________
If property has been listed for sale, have you received an offer on the
Yes No
Date of offer: ___________ Amount of Offer: $ _______________
Agent’s Name: ____________________________________________
Agent’s Phone Number:
For Sale by Owner? Yes No
Have you contacted a credit counseling agency for help?
Yes No
If yes, please complete the counselor contact information below:
Counselor’s Name: ___________________________________
Agency’s Name: ___________________________________
Counselor’s Phone Number: ____________________________
Counselor’s Email Address: ____________________________
Do you have condominium or homeowner association (HOA) fees? Yes No
Total monthly amount: $ Name and address that fees are paid to:
Have you filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If yes: Chapter 7 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13
If yes, what is the filing Date: __________ Has your bankruptcy been discharged? Yes No Bankruptcy case number: ______________
Is any Borrower an active duty service member?
Has any Borrower been deployed away from his/her primary residence or received a Permanent Change of Station order?
Is any Borrower the surviving spouse of a deceased service member who was on active duty at the time of death? Yes No
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Form 710 Page 2 of 4 February 2013
Any other liens (mortgage liens, mechanics liens, tax liens, etc.)
Lien Holder’s Name
Balance and Interest Rate
Lien Holder’s Phone Number
Required Income Documentation
Do you earn a salary or hourly wage?
For each borrower who is a salaried employee or
paid by the hour, include paystub(s) reflecting the
most recent 30 daysearnings and documentation
reflecting year-to-date earnings, if not reported
on the paystubs (e.g. signed letter or printout
from employer).
Are you self-employed?
For each borrower who receives self-employed income, include a complete, signed
individual federal income tax return and, as applicable, the business tax return; AND
either the most recent signed and dated quarterly or year-to-date profit/loss statement
that reflects activity for the most recent three months; OR copies of bank statements for
the business account for the last two months evidencing continuation of business
Do you have any additional sources of income? Provide for each borrower as applicable:
“Other Earned Income” such as bonuses, commissions, housing allowance, tips, or overtime:
Reliable third-party documentation describing the amount and nature of the income (e.g., paystub, employment contract or printouts
documenting tip income).
Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, public assistance, or adoption assistance:
Documentation showing the amount and frequency of the benefits, such as letters, exhibits, disability policy or benefits statement from the
provider, and
Documentation showing the receipt of payment, such as copies of the two most recent bank statements showing deposit amounts.
Rental income:
Copy of the most recent filed federal tax return with all schedules, including Schedule ESupplement Income and Loss. Rental income for
qualifying purposes will be 75% of the gross rent you reported reduced by the monthly debt service on the property, if applicable; or
If rental income is not reported on Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss, provide a copy of the current lease agreement with either
bank statements or cancelled rent checks demonstrating receipt of rent.
Investment income:
Copies of the two most recent investment statements or bank statements supporting receipt of this income.
Alimony, child support, or separation maintenance payments as qualifying income:*
Copy of divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written legal agreement filed with a court, or court decree that states the amount
of the alimony, child support, or separation maintenance payments and the period of time over which the payments will be received, and
Copies of your two most recent bank statements or other third-party documents showing receipt of payment.
*Notice: Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not choose to have it considered for repaying
this loan.
Monthly Household Income
Monthly Household Expenses and Debt
Household Assets (associated with the
property and/or borrower(s)excluding
retirement funds)
Gross wages
First Mortgage Payment
Checking Account(s)
Second Mortgage Payment
Checking Account(s)
Child Support / Alimony*
Homeowner’s Insurance
Savings / Money Market
Non-taxable social security/SSDI
Property Taxes
Taxable SS benefits or other monthly
income from annuities or retirement
Credit Cards / Installment Loan(s) (total
minimum payment per month)
Stocks / Bonds
Tips, commissions, bonus and self-
employed income
Alimony, child support payments
Other Cash on Hand
Rents Received
Car Lease Payments
Other Real Estate (estimated value)
Unemployment Income
HOA/Condo Fees/Property Maintenance
Food Stamps/Welfare
Mortgage Payments on other properties
Total (Gross income)
Total Household Expenses and Debt
Total Assets
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Form 710 Page 3 of 4 February 2013
I am requesting review of my current financial situation to determine whether I qualify for temporary or permanent mortgage loan relief
options. Date Hardship Began is:
I believe that my situation is:
Short-term (under 6 months) Medium-term (6 12 months) Long-term or Permanent Hardship (greater than 12 months)
I am having difficulty making my monthly payment because of reason set forth below:
(Please check the primary reason and submit required documentation demonstrating your primary hardship)
If Your Hardship is:
Then the Required Hardship Documentation is:
Unemployment No hardship documentation required
Reduction in Income: a hardship that
has caused a decrease in your income
due to circumstances outside your
control (e.g., elimination of overtime,
reduction in regular working hours, a
reduction in base pay)
No hardship documentation required
Increase in Housing Expenses: a
hardship that has caused an increase in
your housing expenses due to
circumstances outside your control
No hardship documentation required
Divorce or legal separation; Separation
of Borrowers unrelated by marriage,
civil union or similar domestic
partnership under applicable law
Divorce decree signed by the court; OR
Separation agreement signed by the court; OR
Current credit report evidencing divorce, separation, or non-occupying
borrower has a different address; OR
Recorded quitclaim deed evidencing that the non-occupying Borrower or co-
Borrower has relinquished all rights to the property
Death of a borrower or death of either
the primary or secondary wage earner
in the household
Death certificate; OR
Obituary or newspaper article reporting the death
Long-term or permanent disability;
Serious illness of a borrower/co-
borrower or dependent family member
Proof of monthly insurance benefits or government assistance (if applicable); OR
Written statement or other documentation verifying disability or illness; OR
Doctor’s certificate of illness or disability; OR
Medical bills
None of the above shall require providing detailed medical information.
Disaster (natural or man-made)
adversely impacting the property or
Borrower’s place of employment
Insurance claim; OR
Federal Emergency Management Agency grant or Small Business Administration
loan; OR
Borrower or Employer property located in a federally declared disaster area
Distant employment transfer / Relocation For active duty service members: Notice of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or
actual PCS orders.
For employment transfers/new employment:
Copy of signed offer letter or notice from employer showing transfer to a new
employment location; OR
Pay stub from new employer; OR
If none of these apply, provide written explanation
In addition to the above, documentation that reflects the amount of any relocation
assistance provided, if applicable (not required for those with PCS orders).
Business Failure Tax return from the previous year (including all schedules) AND
Proof of business failure supported by one of the following:
Bankruptcy filing for the business; OR
Two months recent bank statements for the business account evidencing
cessation of business activity; OR
Most recent signed and dated quarterly or year-to-date profit and loss
Other: a hardship that is not covered
Written explanation describing the details of the hardship and relevant
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Form 710 Page 4 of 4 February 2013
Borrower/Co-Borrower Acknowledgement and Agreement
I certify, acknowledge, and agree to the following:
1. All of the information in this Borrower Assistance Form is truthful and the hardship that I have identified
contributed to my need for mortgage relief.
2. The accuracy of my statements may be reviewed by the Servicer, owner or guarantor of my mortgage, their
agent(s), or an authorized third party*, and I may be required to provide additional supporting documentation.
I will provide all requested documents and will respond timely to all Servicer, or authorized third party*,
3. Knowingly submitting false information may violate Federal and other applicable law.
4. If I have intentionally defaulted on my existing mortgage, engaged in fraud or misrepresented any fact(s) in
connection with this request for mortgage relief or if I do not provide all required documentation, the Servicer
may cancel any mortgage relief granted and may pursue foreclosure on my home and/or pursue any available
legal remedies.
5. The Servicer is not obligated to offer me assistance based solely on the representations in this document or
other documentation submitted in connection with my request.
6. I may be eligible for a trial period plan, repayment plan, or forbearance plan. If I am eligible for one of these
plans, I agree that:
a. All the terms of this Acknowledgment and Agreement are incorporated into such plan by reference as
if set forth in such plan in full.
b. My first timely payment under the plan will serve as acceptance of the terms set forth in the notice of
the plan sent by the Servicer.
c. The Servicer’s acceptance of any payments under the plan will not be a waiver of any acceleration of
my loan or foreclosure action that has occurred and will not cure my default unless such payments are
sufficient to completely cure my entire default under my loan.
d. Payments due under a trial period plan for a modification will contain escrow amounts. If I was not
previously required to pay escrow amounts, and my trial period plan contains escrow amounts, I agree
to the establishment of an escrow account and agree that any prior waiver is revoked. Payments due
under a repayment plan or forbearance plan may or may not contain escrow amounts. If I was not
previously required to pay escrow amounts and my repayment plan or forbearance plan contains
escrow amounts, I agree to the establishment of an escrow account and agree that any prior escrow
waiver is revoked.
7. A condemnation notice has not been issued for the property.
8. The Servicer or authorized third party* will obtain a current credit report on all borrowers obligated on the
9. The Servicer or authorized third party* will collect and record personal information that I submit in this
Borrower Response Package and during the evaluation process. This personal information may include, but is
not limited to: (a) my name, address, telephone number, (b) my social security number, (c) my credit score, (d)
my income, and (e) my payment history and information about my account balances and activity. I understand
and consent to the Servicer or authorized third party*, as well as any investor or guarantor (such as Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac), disclosing my personal information and the terms of any relief or foreclosure alternative
that I receive to the following:
a. Any investor, insurer, guarantor, or servicer that owns, insures, guarantees, or services my first lien or
subordinate lien (if applicable) mortgage loan(s) or any companies that perform support services to
them; and
b. The U.S. Department of Treasury, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in conjunction with their
responsibilities under the Making Home Affordable program, or any companies that perform support
services to them.
10. I consent to being contacted concerning this request for mortgage assistance at any telephone number,
including mobile telephone number, or email address I have provided to the Lender/Servicer/ or authorized
third party*. By checking this box, I also consent to being contacted by
text messaging.
_________________________________ __________ ___________________________ __________
Borrower Signature Date Co-Borrower Signature Date
*An authorized third party may include, but is not limited to, a counseling agency, Housing Finance Agency (HFA) or
other similar entity that is assisting me in obtaining a foreclosure prevention alternative.