PCC Honors Program Grade Report Form
Instructions: If you are interested in applying to the Honors Program before your final grades
for the current semester have been submitted by your professors, you may use this form to do
so. Doing so may allow you to join the Honors Program before registration for the next
semester begins, giving you access to Honors courses. If your current PCC GPA is above 3.2
but you have not yet completed ESL 33B or English 100, it is only necessary to have your
English or ESL teacher sign off on your current grade. If you need your current course grades
in order to meet the GPA requirement, you must have all of the professors for your current
classes sign the form. Your professors should fill out the form (including your current grade)
and sign. You may only submit this form after the eighth week of the semester. Once the
form is complete it should be returned to the Honors Office (C-352D) or to the Honors
Program mailbox in the IT building. Please contact the Honors office (honors@pasadena.edu)
if you have any questions.
Student name____________________________________
PCC Student ID #_________________________________
The student above is applying to the PCC Honors program. The Honors program requires that
a student have a 3.2 GPA or above and be English 1a ready. In order to process the
application in time for the student to enroll in Spring classes, we need to know current grades.
To the best of your ability, please estimate the students’ current grade in your class, indicating
“+” or “-” if these apply (for example, “B+”). Please contact Derek Milne, Honors Program
Coordinator at honors@pasadena.edu if you have any questions.
Class name CRN (section) # Grade Professor name (print) Professor signature
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________