From Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics by Diane Heacox, Ed.D., and Richard M. Cash, Ed.D., copyright © 2020. This page may be
reproduced for individual, classroom, or small group work only. For all other uses, contact Free Spirit Publishing Inc. at
1. What is one area of your school performance you really want to improve? This is your long-term goal. It may
take you several weeks, months, or even a whole school year to accomplish this goal.
2. What is one thing you can do to help you reach your goal? This is your short-term goal. You can accomplish
this goal in two to four weeks.
3. What steps do you need to take to reach your goal?
4. What would be good about reaching your goal?
5. What things or people might keep you from reaching your goal? These are your obstacles. What can you
do to get around your obstacles? These are your solutions.
• Obstacles
• Solutions
6. What special materials or help do you need to reach your goal? These are your resources.
7. How will you reward yourself if you reach your goal? These are your incentives.
Goal Setting Plan
Adapted from Up from Underachievement by Diane Heacox, Free Spirit Publishing, 1991.
From Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics by Diane Heacox, Ed.D., and Richard M. Cash, Ed.D., copyright © 2020. This page may be
reproduced for individual, classroom, or small group work only. For all other uses, contact Free Spirit Publishing Inc. at
8. How and when will you check on your progress? Who will help you do this—a teacher, a parent, a friend?
Write down your checkpoint dates.
• Checkpoint Dates
• Signature
Today’s Date
Sign here
Have a parent, teacher, or friend sign here
Clip and Post
Write your goal below. Cut off this part of your Goal Setting Plan and post it somewhere you will
see it every day.
Adapted from Up from Underachievement by Diane Heacox, Free Spirit Publishing, 1991.
Goal Setting Plan (continued)