Extension Agreement
Date __________________________________ MLS # _______________________
Office Name: _________________________________________Office City: _______________________________
Agent Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
MLS Office Code: ______________________________ Co List Office Code: ____________________________
Owner(s) Name:_______________________________________________________________________________
It is hereby agreed that:
(New Expiration Date)
on ________________________________. The listed property is located at
(Original Listing Expiration Date)
All other terms and conditions set forth in the Original Listing Agreement shall remain the same and apply to this
Listing Extension Agreement, with the following exception(s) (if none, so indicate):
_____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________
(Owner) (Owner) (Date)
Broker/Agent Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Broker/Agent Signature______________________________________________________ _________________
A Listing may be extended up to 30 days after its expiration with only a duly-signed extension form. After 30 days have
passed, however, the original listing cannot be extended; it must be entered as a new listing, accompanied by a new listing
agreement and entered and submitted in the same manner as a new listing. If a new listing agreement is signed during the
30-day period after expiration, then it also must be entered and submitted as a new listing (even if it is with the same listing
OneKey MLS policy requires the listing agent/office to make all changes to listings directly in the MLS system. A copy of this form must then be
uploaded into the listing document folder by the listing agent/office.
The undersigned grants to ______________________________ a renewal and extension of
(Listing Office Name)
the (check one) Exclusive Right to Sell/Rent Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement (Original Listing)
to and including ___________
________________________, which said Original Listing expired/expires