DHS-3159-ENG 5-18
Minnesota Voluntary Recognition of Parentage
Signing and filing this Recognition of Parentage (ROP) form establishes a legal relationship between a father and
child when the biological father is not married to the child's mother. Signing and filing this form:
Legally establishes the biological father's paternity
Creates and waives certain rights and responsibilities for the mother, father and child
Allows the father's name to be on the child's birth record
Provides a basis for establishing child support
Does not establish custody or parenting time.
Instructions for parents
Get answers to your questions before you sign this form. Signing this form is voluntary. If, you are unsure who the
biological father is, you should not sign this document and you should have a genetic test. To obtain a genetic test,
contact your county child support office or seek genetic testing services on your own. A Recognition of Parentage can
be revoked by either parent if a written revocation signed by that parent in front of a notary public is filed with the
Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Vital Records within 60 days after the Recognition of Parentage is signed.
After 60 days, a fully executed and filed Recognition of Parentage has the same force and effect as a court order
establishing paternity. Upon filing, the Department of Health will update the birth record with the father's name.
If you want to voluntarily establish the legal relationship between a father and child when the father is not married
to the child's mother:
Read all four pages of this form and the booklet Being a Legal Father: Parentage information for mothers and
fathers (DHS-3159A) carefully or have someone read them to you
Watch the paternity establishment video
If the mother was married to a person other than the child's biological father, the mother's spouse must also sign
and submit a Spouse's Non-Parentage Statement and file with the Minnesota Department of Health
Fill out all of this form with information that matches your child's birth record
Ask for a new form if you make a mistake. Do not cross out words, leave blanks or make corrections
Sign this form in front of a notary public
File this completed form with the Minnesota Department of Health.
When you sign this form, you may also change your child's last name from what is on your child's birth record. If
you want to change the last name and both parents agree, write your child's new last name in the designated box. If
you do not want to change the last name or if your child's birth record is not filed yet, write your child's current last
name in the box.
Instructions for assisting agencies
Provide verbal notice to the parents of their rights, responsibilities and their alternatives to signing this
Recognition of Parentage.
Complete the Agency section on the bottom of the completed Recognition of Parentage by checking a box and
writing the name of the agency where the form is completed.
Fax or send the form to the Minnesota Department of Health.
Give each parent a copy of the form and keep the original or a copy for your records.
Follow your agency's policies and procedures for contacting the parents to sign and file a new form if you
become aware that the form is rejected by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Fax this completed form to 651-215-5834.
If you are unable to fax this form, mail it to:
Minnesota Department of Health
Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 64499
St. Paul, MN 55164-0499
For accessible formats of this publication or
assistance with additional equal access to
human services, write to DHS.Info@state.mn.us,
call 651-431-4400, or use your preferred relay
service. (ADA1 [9-15])
DHS-3159-ENG 5-18
Minnesota Voluntary Recognition of Parentage
Do you want to change your child's last name?
Yes No
If yes, write the new last name in the box to the right.
If no, write the current last name in the box to the right.
Were you married to a person other than the biological father when this child was conceived or born?
Yes No If yes, the spouse/ex-spouse must also file a Spouse's Non-parentage Statement (Form DHS-3159C) within one
year of this child's birth to put the name of the biological father on this child's birth record.
By signing this Recognition of Parentage, I swear or affirm all the following:
I am the biological parent of the child named above.
The rights, responsibilities, alternatives and legal consequences
associated with signing this form as outlined in the Parent's
statement, Waiver of rights and Custody and parenting time
information sections of this form have been explained to me
verbally and/or in writing and I understand and accept them
To the best of my knowledge, all of the above information is true
and correct.
I understand that I have the right to genetic tests. If I have not had
genetic testing, I am certain that the father listed above is the
biological father of the child.
I understand that signing this form does not establish custody or
parenting time and the mother has sole custody until a court
orders otherwise.
I understand that signing this form allows the court to order
child support.
I am voluntarily signing this form for the purpose of establishing
paternity for my child and making sure both parents are listed on
my child's birth record.
I understand that I have the right to revoke this Recognition of
Parentage within 60 days. I understand that I may revoke the
Recognition of Parentage by signing a written revocation in front
of a notary public and filing it with the Minnesota Department of
Health, Office of Vital Records. I understand that if the
Recognition of Parentage is not revoked within 60 days, it has
the same force and effect as a court order establishing paternity
and would take a court order to undo.
Mother's signature x_______________________________ Biological father's signature x_______________________
In the state of _________________, County of______________________
Signed and sworn/affirmed to before me this (mm/dd/yy):
/ /
Notary Public Signature
My commission expires
In the state of _________________, County of______________________
Signed and sworn/affirmed to before me this (mm/dd/yy):
/ /
Notary Public Signature
My commission expires
Form completed at:
MDH DHS County Hospital
(agency name)
DHS-3159-ENG 5-18
Clear Form
Parent's statement
I swear/affirm that:
I have been told about the Recognition of Parentage
form and understand my rights and responsibilities
created and waived by signing this form.
I have a copy of Being a Legal Father: Parentage
information for mothers and fathers (DHS-3159A). I
read the booklet or had someone else read it to me.
I have received additional oral notice about my rights,
responsibilities and alternatives to signing this form,
and/or had the opportunity the view the paternity
establishment video which is available online and at
all county child support offices.
I understand that either of us may choose not to
acknowledge paternity. As alternatives to signing the
Recognition of Parentage, either of us could ask the
court to decide on paternity or we could acknowledge
paternity later.
I acknowledge that we are the biological parents of the
child named in this Recognition of Parentage.
I understand that this Recognition of Parentage
does not give custody or parenting time to the legal
father. However, this Recognition of Parentage gives
the father the right to ask the court for temporary or
permanent custody and/or parenting time.
If I sign this Recognition of Parentage and pursue a
court order for custody, I understand that under
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 518, there is no
presumption for or against joint physical custody
except in cases involving domestic abuse between the
I understand that either of us can take legal action to
establish paternity instead of signing the Recognition
of Parentage and that either of us may apply for
paternity establishment services at our local child
support office.
I understand that either of us can choose to have
genetic testing done before we sign the Recognition of
I accept responsibility to provide financial child
support for my child. I understand that a court can
order financial child support that can include
payments for basic, medical and child care support
going back to the date of my child's birth or two years
from the start of a legal action, whichever is earlier,
and continuing until a court order for support ends.
I understand that financial support can also include
the following: reimbursement of public assistance
furnished for the benefit of my child, reimbursement
of the pregnancy and confinement expenses
associated with my child's birth, reimbursement of
any genetic testing fees paid by the public authority.
I understand that both parents have the right to all
notices of any adoption proceedings.
I understand that this is a legal document. If we are
both age 18 or older when we sign this form, this
Recognition of Parentage is the same as a court order
determining the legal relationship between a father
and child.
I understand that if either of us is under age 18 when
we sign this form, this Recognition of Parentage is only
a presumption of paternity. It is not final. I understand
that I have six months after the youngest of us turns 18
to take legal action to declare the nonexistence of the
father and child relationship.
I understand that either of us can cancel this
Recognition of Parentage by stating in writing that, "I
am revoking the Recognition of Parentage." I
understand that I must sign the revocation in front of a
notary public and that I must file the revocation with
the Office of Vital Records within 60 days after I sign
this form. If I have not filed a revocation within 60
days, I understand that this Recognition of Parentage
will have the same force and effect as a court order
establishing paternity. If I still want to cancel this
Recognition of Parentage after the 60 days, I
understand that I will need to take legal action to
request that the court change any of the information in
this Recognition of Parentage which the court may or
may not do.
I understand that this Recognition of Parentage will
not be considered valid if the mother of the child was
married to another person at the time this child was
conceived or born unless this Recognition of Parentage
is filed in conjunction with a Spouse's Non-parentage
To the best of my knowledge, the information on this
form is true.
I am signing this form voluntarily. No one forced me
to sign this Recognition of Parentage.
Waiver of rights
By signing this Minnesota Voluntary ROP form
(DHS-3159), you give up the right to:
Participate in a paternity proceeding, where an
attorney could represent me
A trial to determine if the man is the biological father
of the child
Cross-examine witnesses in a paternity proceeding
Testify about who is the biological father of the child in
a paternity proceeding.
Custody and parenting time information
When a child is born to parents who are not married to
each other the law gives custody of the child to the
mother. If either parent wants a different custody
arrangement, the parents must go to court.
Please contact an attorney if there are any questions.