Purpose(s) for which the company is organized and proposes to conduct business in Illinois (see Note 2):
The Limited Liability Company: (check one)
is managed by the manager(s) or
has management vested in the member(s):
List names and business addresses of all managers and any member with the authority of manager:
The Illinois Secretary of State is hereby appointed the agent of the Limited Liability Company for service of process under
circumstances set forth in subsection (b) of Section 1-50 of the Illinois Limited Liability Company Act.
This application is accompanied by a Certificate of Good Standing or Existence, duly authenticated within the last 60
days, by the officer of the state or country wherein the LLC is formed.
The undersigned affirms, under penalties of perjury, having authority to sign hereto, that this application for admission to transact
business is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.
Dated: ____________________________________________
Month, Day, Year
Name and Title (type or print)
If applicant is signing for a company or other entity,
state name of company or entity.
Note 1: The name must contain the term Limited Liability Company, LLC or L.L.C. The name cannot contain any of the following terms:
“Corporation,” “Corp.” “Incorporated,” “Inc.,” “Ltd.,” “Co.,” “Limited Partnership” or “LP.” However, a limited liability company that will provide
services licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation must instead contain the term Professional Limited
Liability Company, PLLC or P.L.L.C. in the name.
Note 2: A professional limited liability company must state the specific professional service or related professional services to be rendered
by the professional limited liability company.