This report, together with the required schedules, shall be
than the 10th day of the month following the report period. A
Beer Inventory and Acquisitions
1. Report beer inventory as of the beginning of the
reporting period. This should match the gallons
reported on line 21 for the prior period.
2. Report production by fermentation by the license
holder at the brewery location or location authorized
for brewing and bottling.
3. Report beer received at brewery from pilot brewery of
same brand owner
4. Enter all beer received from contracted agreements
with licensed M5, M6, M7, M8 and authorized ND
permit holders. Provide complete listing of contract
beer acquisitions by supplier using form 030 Schedule
A Brewer’s Report of Beer Acquisitions
5. Report beer imported from an authorized ND permit
6. Report any beer acquisitions not included above
7. Enter sum of lines 2 through line 6
8. Enter total gallons of beer reported on Form 030
Schedule F Contracted Beer Dispositions to Brand
Owner. Provide complete listing of contract beer
deliveries by consignee on form 030. This should
match the gallons reported on line 24B.
9. Enter the total of line 7 minus line 8
10. Enter any adjustments to inventory such as additions
disclosed by inventory
11. Enter the total of line 1, line 9 and line 10
Cider and Mead
12. Enter total Cider gallons produced by fermentation
during reporting period
13. Enter total Mead gallons produced by fermentation
during reporting period
Beer Dispositions
14. Enter on line 14 the total gallons of beer removed
for consumption, sale or transfer. Provide appropriate
schedules for deliveries to wholesalers, manufacturers
and other authorized dealers as follows:
Schedule D Sales to MD Wholesalers
Schedule E Sales to Out-of-State
Schedule F Contract beer transferred to MD
brand owner
15. Enter the total of beer removed tax-determined for
use in the Taproom/tavern on the brewery premise.
Attach Form 037-2 (Line 15 equals 15A plus 15B)
15A. Report Taproom sales consumed on premises
15B. Reportsalesofpackagedgoodsforo-site
16. Report any beer gallons lost as a result of theft
17. Enter beer gallons sold or transferred for any purpose
other than the listed dispositions.
18. Add lines 14 through 17 and enter the total here
19. Report all tax-paid beer returned to the brewery
during the reporting period.
20. Subtract line 19 from line 18 and enter the total
21. Enter the total gallons of beer on hand at the end of
the reporting period.
22. Subtract from line 11, the total of line 20 plus line
21 (the result could be either positive or negative)
Beer Tax Determination
23. Enter sum of line 20 and line 22 if positive.
24. Enter on line A the total gallons of beer sold and
shipped to out-of-state entities authorized to receive
it. Detail must be provided on the accompanying form
030 Schedule E for each sale and shipment.
Enter on line B the total gallons of beer delivered
to contracted beer brand owner. This should match
gallons reported on line 8. Detail must be provided
on the accompanying form 030 Schedule F for each
Enter on line C other adjustments to Maryland taxable
beer gallons, such as beer dispositions on which
Maryland Beer tax is not due, or acquisitions on which
Maryland beer tax must be computed and paid.
25. Enter the sum of line 24A, 24B and 24C
26. Enter the total of line 23 plus or minus line 25
27. Maryland beer tax rate is $0.09 per gallon.
28. Multiply the gallons on line 26 by the tax rate on line
27 and enter the results. This is the amount of tax to
be remitted along with the completed and properly
signed tax return.
Amended Return/Schedules
Place an X in this box if you are making changes to a previously
Contact Information
Comptroller of Maryland
Revenue Administration Division
Returns Processing
PO Box 2999
Annapolis, MD 21404-2999
Phone: 410-260-7127 or 800-638-2937
Fax: 410-260-7924
COM/RAD-376 03/20