COM/RAD-037-5 07/19
Use this schedule for reporting the detailed activity of beer transactions and le it
together with the appropriate tax return or monthly report for your license. Include
this schedule with form COM/RAD-037 or form COM/RAD or form COM/RAD-324
when preparing your monthly beer reports. The tax return or monthly report and the
associated schedules shall be led and physically received by the Alcohol Tax oce by
the due dates.
Allotting one COM/RAD 030 for each consignor or consignee, insert the name; indicate
whether the reported transactions are received or delivered; insert the license or
permit number of consignee or consignor and insert the period end date on lines
provided. If Foreign Supplier check the box for Foreign Supplier.
In the upper right corner, label each COM/RAD 030 with the appropriate schedule type
as listed below. Only one schedule type may occupy each page., Below the schedule
type, on the lines provided, consecutively number the pages within each schedule
FORM 037 Due to the Alcohol Tax oce no later than the 10th day of the
month following the month which it covers.
Schedule A-1: Acquisitions from Non-Resident Dealer Permit Holders.
Schedule A-2: Acquisitions from Maryland Wholesalers and Manufacturers.
Schedule A-3: Acquisitions from Foreign Suppliers.
Schedule A-4: Acquisitions from Other Sources (Attach explanation).
FORM 324 Due to the Alcohol Tax oce no later than the 15th day of the
month following the month which it covers.
Schedule ND - Non Resident Dealers
Schedule RD - Resident Dealers
Beer may not be sold for consumption within this state or sold or delivered to the
holder of a wholesale or retail license in container sizes of less than 6.33 ounces.
FORM 376 Due to the Alcohol Tax oce no later than the 10th day of the
month following the month which it covers.
Schedule A: Acquisition from contracted Brewer
Contact Information:
Comptroller of Maryland
Revenue Administration Division
Returns Processing
Alcohol Tax Oce
PO Box 2999
Annapolis, MD. 21404-2999
Telephone: 410-260-7127 or 800-638-2937
Fax: 410-260-7924
Schedule D: Disposition of Sales to MD Wholesalers, using a separate page for each
Wholesaler list each sale by invoice number and date.
Schedule E: Disposition of Sales to persons outside of Maryland authorized to
purchase alcoholic beverages listed by invoice number and date. Place all beer sold to
out of state contracting ‘brewery on separate Schedule E.
Schedule F: Other non-taxable dispositions, including beer sold to Maryland
contracting brewery, list each transaction by invoice number and date.
Form 030 line instructions
Column Line
A 1-21 Insert the invoice number for each shipment received or delivered.
B 1-21 Insert the date the shipment was received or delivered.
C 1-21 Insert the Maryland Public Transportation/Individual permit Number
of the carrier or other carrier identication as appropriate.
D-P 1-21 Insert the quantity for each package size received or delivered.
If your package size is not listed, please use Form 030 page 2 to list quantity and
container size for custom packages.
D-P 22 Sum all the quantities for the package size and insert the total
cases/kegs per column of each package type.
D-P 23 This line is to be used for the appropriate container to gallons
conversion factor for each package type. For custom packages enter the appropriate
conversion factor.
D-P 24 This line is to be used for the calculated gallons by package type.
25 Insert the grand total in gallons of beer received or delivered for
this consignee/consignor. Complete only one grand total on line 25 for each consignor
or consignee even when multiple sheets are used.