COM-FED/RLS-386 Rev. 09/19
No later than the 20th day of the month preceding the o-site event, the holder of an o-site permit shall notify the Of-
ce of the Comptroller of it’s intention to attend an o-site event. The permit holder is also required to notify the local li-
censing board of the jurisdiction in which the Farmers Market or non-prot festival will be held. For Distillery o-site permit
holders only: while selling liquor or providing samples of liquor at an event, the permit holder shall have present at least one individual
who is certied by an approved alcohol awareness program.
Farmer’s Market listed in the Farmer’s Market Directory Montgomery County Agricultural Fair
of the Maryland Department of Agriculture
Non-Prot Festival
Frederick County Agricultural Fair North Beach Friday Night Farmer’s Market
Maryland State Agricultural Fair
Other O Site Event
Name of Winery / Brewery / Distillery or Retail O-Site Permit holder ____________________________________________
O-site Permit Number _______________________________________________________________________________
Event Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Event Venue Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Event Venue Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________ _____________________________ ________ ___________________
Date/s of Event _____________________________________________________________________________________
Hours of Operation ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name of non-prot __________________________________________________________________________________
Non-Prot Festival Permit Number ______________________________________________________________________
Retail o-site permit holders only - Attach copy of your invitation to attend the non-prot festival.
Event Organizer’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Full description of Event - give details ____________________________________________________________________
Statement of owner of premises required in connection with alcoholic beverages law of Maryland: I/we hereby certify that I
am/we are the owner(s) of the property known as ___________________________________________________________
named as the foregoing application made to the Comptroller of Maryland under the Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic
Beverages Article; that (I/we) assent to the granting of the permit applied for, and that (I/we) hereby authorize the Comptroller
of Maryland, his duly authorized deputies, inspectors and clerks, the Board of License Commissioners of the jurisdiction in which
the place of business is located, its duly authorized agents and employees, and any peace ocer of such jurisdiction to inspect
and search, without warrant, the premises upon which the business is to be conducted, and any and all parts of the building in
which said business is to be conducted, at any and all hours.
If attending a Festival, owner of premise section is not required.
This section must be completed by the owner of the premises where the event will take place.
Street & Number
City County State Nine digit ZIP code