COM/FED RLS 753 Rev. 09/19
Section 2 - Alcohol Awareness Instructor Applicants Must Complete This Section
A. Are you authorized by an Alcohol Awareness Program administrator to conduct training classes for an
Alcohol Awareness Program? (If yes, attach copy of authorization letter or program certicate and program
administrator must complete Section 6 of this application.) ......................................
Yes No
B. Attach letter listing your background and qualications as an alcohol awareness program instructor to
include a list of uently spoken languages, if this program is to be instructed in a language other than English.
Section 3 - Alcohol Awareness Program Applicants Must Complete This Section
New or revised programs must provide a hard copy of the course outline (classroom or online) with the proposed eective date,
instructor’s syllabus, testing component, sample student certicate, any other participant handouts.
A. Does your program include a section on determining the lawful drinking age of a consumer? ..............
Yes No
B. Does your program include instruction on how alcohol aects a person’s:
1. Body? .........................................................................
Yes No
2. Behavior? ......................................................................
Yes No
C. Does your program include education on the dangers of drinking and driving? .........................
Yes No
D. Does your program include eective ways to:
1. Minimize a customer’s chances of intoxication? ............................................
Yes No
2. Cease service before customer becomes intoxicated? ........................................
Yes No
3. Identify previously intoxicated customers and how to handle them? ..............................
Yes No
E. Do you have training for your alcohol awareness instructors? (If so, attach brief description. Also attach a list of
instructor names and corresponding approved Maryland permit numbers authorized to teach this program.) ...
Yes No
F. Has your program material been modied since the Division’s last approval? (If so, submit updated material
with a proposed eective date.) .........................................................
Yes No
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G. Has the applicant ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? .......................
Yes No
H. Does the applicant agree to conform to all the laws, rules and regulations of the state of Maryland relating to
the business in which the applicant proposes to engage under this permit? ...........................
Yes No
I. Has the applicant ever been convicted of a violation of the laws of the United States, Maryland or any other
state concerning alcoholic beverages, gaming, or gambling? (If yes, explain in detail on separate paper - list
oense, court, date, etc.) .............................................................
Yes No
J. The Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages Article, Section 1-404, titled “Compliance with Workers’
Compensation Act”, requires the evidence of such compliance prior to the issuance of any permit by this oce.
The applicant hereby arms (complete one):
Applicant is not or is an employer required to provide employee coverage by the Maryland Workers’
Compensation Law and has secured such coverage. As evidence of such coverage, the following is submitted.
1. Name of Insurance ____________________________________________________________
2. Policy or Binder No. ____________________________________________________________
Section 1 - Continued - All Applicants Must Complete This Section