COM-FED/RLS-10-6 Rev. 09/19
A) State in whose name the permit is to be issued. If applicant
is a corporation, the corporate name should be listed and
corporate ocers should be listed on a separate sheet. If
the applicant is a partnership, the permit must be issued in
the names of all partners. If an LLC, indicate the managing
members’ names on a separate sheet.
B) State the applicant’s telephone number including area code
and fax number, if applicable.
C) Indicate the address where mail will reach the applicant
State and nine digit Zip Code.
D) List the applicant’s Social Security Number and Federal
E) State whether the applicant is the holder of any type of
alcoholic beverage license or permit under the authority of
the State of Maryland, the United States Government, or
any other State or subdivision thereof. If the applicant is the
holder of such a permit or license, list all such permits or
licenses in the space provided. If the applicant does not hold
any such licenses/permits, list “none”. Note: See Special
Instructions below pertaining to your federal permit for fuel-
alcohol use.
F) Indicate whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted
of a felony in any State or federal court.
G) If the applicant has ever been convicted in any State or
federal court for violation of the laws pertaining to alcoholic
beverages, gaming or gambling indicate the name under
which the applicant was convicted, the oense, the court
where the applicant was convicted and the date of conviction
on a separate piece of paper.
H) The applicant is to complete either (a) or (b) indicating his
compliance with the Maryland Workmen’s Compensation
A) Indicate the exact site location of the permit premises
showing street or number, if any, or if none, indicate the
distance and direction of the nearest prominent landmark.
Also, show the City and County where the premises is
B) Indicate the physical description of the premises.
C) Indicate the owner of the permit premises and his mailing
address. If the applicant is the owner, so state.
D) List the mailing address of the owner.
E) The owner of the premise’s signature at the bottom of this
warrant of any premises which are used in the conduct of
the business engaged in under this permit at any and all
hours by the Comptroller of his duly authorized personnel.
Note: Section 2 of this application must also be completed.
The applicant’s signature at the bottom of the application
indicates their willingness to conform to all the laws of the
State of Maryland and any rules or regulations which have
been or may hereafter be promulgated concerning alcoholic
beverages generally and this class of permit particularly.
A) Attached to this application must be a copy of your federal
permit to operate a fuel-alcohol operation. If you have not
obtained such a permit, then submit a copy of your application
for same and submit copy of permit when received. This
oce will not issue a fuel-alcohol permit before evidence
is presented that you have obtained a Federal Fuel-Alcohol
B) There is no fee for this type of permit. The duration of
the permit is perpetual unless the permit is suspended or
revoked by the Comptroller.
C) As a permittee, you will be required to comply with certain
requirements of this oce. Please refer to ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION below for complete details.
D) Any questions pertaining to this permit application or the
activities thereunder should be directed to the Regulatory &
Licensing Section at (410) 260-7314.
The holder (or potential holder) of a Fuel-Alcohol Permit shall be
aware of and comply with the following:
A) Before a permit will be issued by the Field Enforcement
Division, Regulatory & Licensing Section, evidence must be
made a part of the Application Form 10-6 that the applicant
holds a federal Fuel-Alcohol Permit. This shall be in the form
of a copy of the actual permit or authorization letter.
B) Each application is subject to an investigation by
representatives of the Field Enforcement Division prior to
issuance. In any event, prior to initiating operations under
this permit, a 48-hour notice shall be given to the Field
Enforcement Division (410-260-7388), so that they may
arrange to have an authorized representative on the site at
that time.
C) A yearly report of your activity is required. Report Form
COM/FED/RLS-22 covering activity between November 1
through October 31 of each year (or that portion of the year
permit duringyourreport period. Failure to le this report
on a timely basis will subject your permit to suspension or
D) Fuel-Alcohol Permits do not expire. They will continue
in eect until suspended, revoked or you are otherwise
be immediately returned to the Field Enforcement Division,
Regulatory & Licensing Section for voluntary cancellation.
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