D. First Impressions: Ministries of Sacrament and Pastoral Care: (Score: S or N)
1. Provides regular opportunities to participate in Holy Communion during worship. ______
2. Clearly communicates that all are welcome to participate in Holy Communion. ______
3. Ensures that shut-ins and those in nursing homes receive communion on a regular basis. ______
4. Encourages parents to have children baptized and takes time to prepare them. ______
5. Invites all members of the community to remember/renew their baptismal covenant. ______
6. Regularly visits shut-ins and the hospitalized and encourages laity to do so as well. ______
7. Offers opportunities for healing prayer in worship and other appropriate times/settings. ______
8. Provides pre-marital and marriage counseling to those who are engaged or married. ______
9. Takes time with families in preparing funerals and does follow up visitation afterwards. ______
E. First Impressions: Ministry of Mission and Service: (Score: S or N)
1. Regularly lifts up and encourages participation in mission and service opportunities. ______
2. Personally participates in mission and service in the local church and the community. ______
3. Challenges members to share Christ in practical ways in the wider community. ______
4. Is present at fellowship gatherings and activities of the church. ______
5. Is personally visible and active in the local community seeking to build relationships. ______
F. First Impressions: Interpersonal and Relational Skills (Score: S or N)
1. Is available and approachable. ______
2. Is trustworthy, confidential, and non-judgmental. ______
3. Is even-tempered. ______
4. Is a “non-anxious presence” (able to be calm in the moment) in meetings and one on one. ______
5. Works at building and strengthening relationships with others. ______
6. Is open to feedback and takes critique well. ______
7. Is able to communicate in honest and caring ways. ______
8. Deals appropriately with those who have authority and oversight of her/his ministry
(D.S., Board of Ordained Ministry, SPRC) ______
G. First Impressions: Personal Spiritual Formation & Self Care (Score: S or N)
1. Demonstrates evidence of a consistent personal devotional life. _______
2. Lifts up accountable discipleship and spiritual formation as a priority for all people. ______
3. Demonstrates integrity; actions and behaviors that reflect stated beliefs. ______
4. Participates in continuing professional education and study for ministry