This form allows you to elect to make before-tax, Roth and/or aer-tax contribuons to your United Methodist Personal
Investment Plan (UMPIP) account.
UMPIP is a 403(b) plan, subject to contribuon limits under the Internal Revenue Code. Your total before-tax and
Roth contribuons for the year to UMPIP (and any other qualied rerement plans) cannot exceed the lesser of your
compensaon or the 2020 limit of:
• $19,500 if you are under age 50 with less than 15 years of service
• $26,000 (includes $6,500 “catch-up” contribuon) if you will be 50 or older by December 31
• Possibly higher if you have at least 15 years of service with all United Methodist-related organizaons—call Wespath
for further informaon
Your total before-tax, Roth and aer-tax contribuons (but not including “catch-up” contribuons), plus any plan sponsor
contribuons to UMPIP [and any other 403(b) plans sponsored by your plan sponsor] cannot exceed your compensaon for
the 2020 plan year or $57,000, whichever is less.
For these limit purposes, compensaon does not include the value of any parsonage or housing allowance that is excluded
from your taxable income.
You cannot withdraw contribuons from UMPIP unless you have a nancial hardship as dened under UMPIP, aain age
59½, are disabled as dened under UMPIP, rere, terminate employment and/or terminate your relaonship with the
annual conference.
Complete your personal informaon. Use a black pen and print clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you enter a new address that
should be used to update your parcipant record, contact Wespath at 1-800-851-2201.
Indicate the dollar amount or percentage that you elect to have withheld from your compensaon as a before-tax
contribuon and contributed to UMPIP.
Your compensaon (including the value of any parsonage or housing allowance) will be reduced before withholding taxes
are calculated. When you receive distribuons from UMPIP, your before-tax contribuons and earnings will be taxable.
Automac Enrollment
If your plan sponsor has adopted automac enrollment, review the Automac Enrollment Noce to determine if this
feature applies to you. If you have been automacally enrolled in UMPIP and wish to change your before-tax contribuon
elecon, or if you are about to be automacally enrolled and wish to make a before-tax contribuon elecon that is
dierent than the automac contribuon rate described in the Automac Enrollment Noce, indicate that elecon on
the form.
1901 Chestnut Avenue
Glenview, Illinois 60025-1604
Contribution Election—Information and Instructions
United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP)
a general agency of The United Methodist Church
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