401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4. tel: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3919. fax: (519) 971-3667. www.uwindsor.ca/oris
Office of Research and Innovation Services (ORIS)
Funding Application Information Sheet and Checklist
-must be submitted to ORIS 5 business days prior to the sponsor deadline-
For help, place cursor over the field.
1. Applicant Information (University of Windsor Investigator) Project role:
Last Name: First Name: Email:
Faculty/Department: Phone#:
2. Project Information Application type:
Funding Source: Program:
Project title:
Key words:
Competition deadline: Project Start Date: Project End Date:
Proposal peer-reviewed? No Yes →Describe:
3. Budget Information (Attach supporting documentation for cash and in-kind contributions)
Total amount requested from above funding source:
Other contributions to proposal (excluding UWindsor):
Name of source (e.g., other funding agencies, government, industry, NGO)
Indirect /
Overhead costs:
4. University of Windsor contributions to proposal (Attach supporting documentation for cash and in-kind contributions):
Personnel (e.g. administrative,
technical, managerial)
Space (e.g. laboratory, office, studio)
Other (please explain in an
Additional comments (brief explanation regarding the above categories; attach supporting documentation if applicable):
If YES (*), funds will automatically be placed on hold until ORIS is notified by the appropriate certification committee that the required
certifications are issued. The UWindsor applicant must initiate the process for certification with the relevant committee.
5. Does this project involve (All fields are mandatory)
Research that involves surveys, questionnaires, interviews, participant observation, research
involving human remains, human organs, tissues and biological fluids and secondary data analysis (link)
Vertebrate animals? (link)
Biohazardous materials? (link)
Controlled goods? (e.g. firearms, ammunition, goods and technologies that guide weapons systems)
Partnership agreement? (please contact Vesna Kaps, ext.3922 or vesna@uwindsor.ca )
Co-applicants/co-investigators? (please provide their information on the second page)