Purchasing PO09
Purpose: This form is for the Campus Community to supply vendor information to the Procurement Office to update UWinsite
Finance Supplier Database. Note: Please ensure all fields marked with an asterisks (*) are complete before
Who from the University of Windsor is requesting this Supplier?
Please provide contract information for UWindsor employee, who can be contacted if Procurement has questions regarding
this application.
Date (YYYY-MM-DD)*: ___________ Name*: _________________________ Department*: _________________
E-mail*:______________ Ext*. _____
Supplier Type:
Please specify if the Payee is an (Check One) *: Person _____ Company ____ Student _______Employee _____
If you selected Employee above, please provide a UWindsor Employee Number*: _______________________
If you selected Student above, is the student also an employee? *: Yes ____ No ______
If the Student is an employee at the University, please provide UWindsor Employee Number*:__________
Supplier Type:
Supplier (or Person’s) Name*: __________________________________________________________________
Supplier Contact Name (if different from Supplier Name above) * :_____________________________________
Supplier Telephone*: _______________________________
Supplier e-mail for sending a copy of the Purchase Order*: ___________________________________
Supplier Accounts Receivable e-mail to send the request for EFT bank information*: ______________________
Mailing Address Information: (Complete for a Company, Person, Student, or an Employee)
Address*: ____________________________________________________________________
City*: ______________________________________ Province/State*: ______________________
Country*: ____________________ Postal Code*: ____________________ Zip Code*: _______________
Payment Information:
Description of the Payment to the Supplier (Check One) *:
o Payment for Goods: _____
o Payment for Services: _____
o Reimbursement of Expenses: _____
o Other (Please Specify):__________________
If you selected a Supplier Type of Person, Student or Employee above, please provide a detailed explanation of
what the payment is for below*:
Payment Information:
Frequency of payments to Supplier (Check One) *:
One Time Pay ____ Annual Payment: _______ Multiple Payments: ________
Has the invoice been received? (Check One) *: Yes_______ No__________
Will the Supplier accept the University of Windsor Purchasing Card? (Check One) *: Yes________ No_________
(If you answered “Yes to the above Purchasing Card question, please make the purchase on your University of Windsor
Purchasing Card. If you do not have a Purchasing Card please contact Procurement at Ext. 2085 to apply for one.)
Payment Currency (check one) *:
CDN __ USD _____ Foreign Wire Payment (Please Specify Currency):_______________
(if you will require payment to the Supplier in a currency other than CDN or USD. Please contact Accounts Payable for
further information.)
Does the Supplier charge HST on their invoices? (Check One) *: Yes ____ No ____
If you selected yes to HST above, please specify Supplier HST Tax Registration Number: __________________
(This information is required by Canada Revenue Agency, in order to comply with Annual HST Audit Requirements.)
Guidelines for Completing this Form:
All fields marked with a * are mandatory. If all mandatory fields are not completed the Supplier Request will not
be processed and the form will be returned to the requester to complete all required information.
The University of Windsor will phasing out all payments by cheque, for invoices related to goods and services for
Canadian Suppliers, in favour of Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT’s) directly to supplier bank accounts.
o Suppliers will only be added to UWinsite if their EFT/Direct Deposit information is provided.
o Once a completed Supplier Request form is received, Procurement will send out a request to the
Supplier for their EFT/Direct Deposit information.
o Please note, there may be a delay in receiving the EFT information directly from the Supplier, depending
on the Supplier Response time. Therefore, please allow at least 2 3 days for your Supplier Request to
be processed.
o Procurement will actively follow up with the Supplier for this information to expedite the Supplier
creation process.
Procurement will contact the University Requester (as identified on this form), when the Supplier has been
added to UWinsite.
How to expedite the Supplier Request Process:
Complete the form in it’s entirety, ensuring all mandatory/required information is provided.
Be proactive! If you know you will be making a purchase in the future, determine if the Supplier already
exists in UWinsite. If the Supplier does not exist, submit your Supplier Request form to Procurement for
processing ahead of time.
Provide the Vendor Direct Deposit form to the Supplier ahead of time. This will expedite the process for
Procurement. This form can be found at: Supplier Direct Deposit Form. Please have the Supplier submit this
form and required attachments, directly to Procurement, at suppliers_uwinsite@uwindsor.ca,
once it has been completed.
Please submit the completed Supplier Request form to suppliers_uwinsite@uwindsor.ca. If you have questions,
please contact the Procurement Office at ext. 2081.
Office Use Only:
Entered By____________________ Signature___________________________ Date__________________
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