age 1 of 2
Updated 1/2020
For a faculty position, complete sections 1-8. For all other positions, complete the entire form and attach a
Position Description.
1. Classification/Title: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Department: ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Last Incumbent or: __________________________________ or Check if New Position:
4. Date of Vacancy: _____________________________________________________________________
5. Reason for Faculty Vacancy:
Contracted Release Time
(i.e. Forum Chair):
Increased Student Demand
Retirement/Phased Retirement
Resignation (Voluntary/Involuntary)
Sabbatical Leave Replacement
Sick Leave Replacement
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Reason for Non-Faculty Vacancy: __________________________________________________________
7. Length of Time Position is Needed: One Semester One Year Other: ___________________
8. Position Need: Full Time ¾ Time ½ Time ¼ Time Other: ___________________
9. Estimate Annual Salary and Benefits: _______________________________________________________
10. Rationale for Filling Vacancy: _____________________________________________________________
Funding Source
for Faculty
Acting Manager Replacement
Leave Without Pay
Dean’s Office PCDE
Department Complement Provost’s Adjunct Funds Other
Grant: Name of Grant: ____________________________________________