The location of the hydrant (this can be the nearest address)
Your name and company information with fax number (listed below)
The fee for fire flow information is $150.00 per hydrant. When we have the requested information:
Risk Reduction Staff will fax or email the fee form to you
Upon receipt of payment the fire flow will be forwarded to you
Payment must be made through the City Finance Department, via phone or in person
Please call Cyndy at 704-920-4305
Or pay in person at City Hall, 401 Laureate Way.
Checks or money orders are made out to the City of Kannapolis
Credit or Debit cards can be used
Name of Applicant:
Name of Business:
Phone & Fax number of Applicant:
Location of Hydrant (s):
Fax: 704-920-4262
Fire Flow (Hydrant) Request
To request fire flows please provide to the Risk Reduction Division the following information: