Application for Change of Use / Certificate of Completion / ABC
Changing the us
e of a building or structure is permitted but must be inspected by the Risk Reduction Division.
When requesting an inspection please make sure that the following items are in order:
1. Dumpster too c
lose to structure
2. Waste accum
ulation around the structure
3. Ceiling w
ithout holes or missing tiles
4. Exits and exit routes clear from obstructions
5. Remove all com
bustibles from the equipment room
6. Fire lanes mar
ked clearly with no obstructions
7. Address cle
arly displayed so it can be seen from the street
8. Portable un
vented heaters are not allowed
9. Multiple plug adapters are not allowed; fused strips are allowed
10. Extension cor
ds cannot be substituted for permanent wiring
11. Portable f
ire extinguishers in place and inspections up to date.
ABC Permit
We will inspect the same items as above and when everything is in order we will sign the permit. The cost for the
ABC PERMIT is $100.00 payable to the City of Kannapolis.
Please prov
ide the following information below so an inspection can contact you and make an appointment.
Name of Business:
Type of Business:
Name of Applicant:
Address of Business:
Contact Number:
Please email document to:
Please fax to: 704-920-4262