The cost of application review for all land division, site plan, conditional use, zoning and other applications
required to come before the Planning Commission shall be borne by the Applicant. The Applicant shall pay all
reasonable Village of Brooklyn incurred expenses relating to a particular project review. This may include
meeting charges, professional consultants, or other relevant Village expenses incurred in connection to the
review of the project in question. The Village reserves the right to apply the charges for these services as well
as for staff time, mileage, and Village equipment usage expended in the administration, investigation and
processing of applications to the Applicant.
The Applicant is required to provide the Village with an executed copy of this agreement as a prerequisite to
the processing of the project application. The submittal of the project application shall be construed as an
agreement to pay for such professional review services applicable to the proposal. Review fees which are
applied to an Applicant, but which are not paid within 30 days of the issuance of the bill by the Village will
accrue interest at a rate of 1.5% per month until the fee is paid in full. Failure to pay the fees in due time can
result in further consequences, including disruption of the project.
Applicant and/or Property Owner(s)
For ________________________________________________, agrees to
(Project Name)
reimburse the Village of Brooklyn for all review costs associated with, but not limited to, Village Engineer,
Village Attorney and consultants as appropriate, relating to the review costs associated with the project review
request and, further, agrees to reimburse the Village for other administrative staff review if, in the judgment of
the Village of Brooklyn Board such reimbursement is warranted.
Dated this _____________day of_________________, 20___.
____________________________ _________________________
Signature of Applicant Printed Name
____________________________ _________________________
Signature of Property Owner Printed Name
(if different from applicant)