9 of 22 Updated 1/2/2018
When abutting a site plan project, any public right-of-way needs to be identified with accurate locations for existing
and proposed facilities such as underground utilities, streets, curbs, sidewalks, project driveways, and driveways on
opposite street frontages.
Traffic aspects of existing and proposed driveways and parking lot including arrows to show traffic flow, parking stall
sizes and layout (see Village Ordinance 117-1052 for specific requirements), handicap stalls and ramps, loading zones,
driveway widths and radii or flares on driveway aprons to public streets.
Show barriers, curbing, or wheel stops located to prevent any portion of a vehicle from projecting beyond property
lines. Also, indicate barriers constructed and anchored to prevent dislocation.
A note shall appear on the face of the site plan that indicates the calculations for parking and loading requirements. Plans
for any joint use of parking must be in writing and attached.
The location of sidewalks, other pedestrian-type walkways, traffic control dividers, and tree islands.
Show the location of existing and proposed signage on the site plan. Provide a sign elevation showing the height from
bottom of sign to grade, overall width and height, and face dimensions.
Location, height, elevations, and materials of all fences or retaining walls.
Location, type, height, and size of all outside storage including required screening.
Identify whether existing or proposed buildings will contain a fire protection system. Show on-site fire hydrants and
fire hose connection points.
Lock Box will be provided for Fire Department access (Village Ordinance Section 12-69).
State what type of product(s) will be manufactured, sold and/or stored on-site.
State all types of hazardous materials to be stored on-site. If none, state “no hazardous materials will be stored on-site.”
Show location of all mechanical equipment and type of screening.
Show proposed sidewalks and handicap access with grade elevations at driveways.
Identify existing topography (by dashed lines) at one-foot or two-foot intervals depending on slopes being depicted,
and proposed grade elevations (solid lines) for the building, parking lot, drives, surrounding open areas, and
including all property within 50 feet (also using contour lines and spot elevations and drainage flow arrows as
needed to define drainage patterns).
List all existing and proposed grades for first floor.
Show details of all existing and proposed retaining walls and the location of swales and inlets.
Show proposed sidewalk(s) abutting all street frontages at all driveways. Show elevations of sidewalk at property line in
accordance with Village standards.
Provide a storm water management plan to include the lot size, building location, location of impervious areas, size and
location of drainage basin(s), proposed flow direction arrows, detention pond footprint, depth of detention pond,
detention pond discharge location, size, and overflow, and peak flows off-site. The storm water management plan
shall serve to minimize regional peak discharges and volume increases and plan for improved water quality and
construction site erosion control. Be advised that different sites may have different requirements and/or concerns
based on geography, scope of the project, and proximity to the receiving body of water or storm sewer collection system.
Utilities, Grading, and Drainage Plan