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Address of project: Owner:
Description of project:
Contact Person Contact Phone:
This checklist must be completed, signed by the owner or owner’s authorized agent, and returned via email in pdf format
and paper copies with your submittal 21 calendar days prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. There will
be fees due when permits are issued or during the review process and those fees will be assessed in accordance with the
applicable Village ordinances. Only completed applications will be reviewed. Not all items may apply to your project. Please
do not check any items off if they are not provided with your submittal. Include this completed checklist along with your
submittal and provide via email a pdf version of your documents to the Village Clerk’s Office at clerk@brooklynwi.gov and
deputyclerk@brooklynwi.gov copies can be delivered or sent to Village of Brooklyn, 210 Commercial St., Brooklyn, WI
All sheets shall be of uniform size (we recommend 22x 34”). Two (2) full-size sets are required, plus ten (10) sets of
11”x17” size drawings of the site plan, and two (2) letter-size copies of the Engineering Reports, all bound for the Plan
Commission, signed and sealed, as applicable.
All plan must also be sent via pdf format via email to clerk@brooklynwi.gov and deputyclerk@brooklynwi.gov
All plans must be drawn to scale.
All report pages and/or plan sheets shall be numbered.
The seal and signature of the surveyor, engineer, or architect who is responsible for plan preparation shall appear on the
index page (unless waived by the Village Engineer).
Name of project, address, legal description of property, description of proposed use, and zoning district. Location within
zone 1 or zone 2, of the wellhead protection ordinance or if not located within either zone of the wellhead protection
ordinance, so state in the submittal letter or on the site plan.
Location Map, north arrow, date of preparation, revision dates, and scale.
Show and name adjacent and surrounding streets, recorded property lines, and their dimensions.
Show all existing and proposed public and private easements for utility, drainage, sewer, parking, access, and other
purposes, and all easements on surrounding properties benefiting the subject property.
Fundamental aspects of all existing and proposed buildings, including use of each structure, dimensions, number of
stories, and their locations on the parcel.
Plan and Engineering Report Sets
Title, Site Plan Layout, and Streets
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If buildings are to be removed, the site plan shall so indicate.
Dimension all yard setbacks for buildings and off-street parking.
Gross floor area for existing buildings and proposed additions listed separately. For parking calculations, floor area will be
determined as the area to be used for a particular use (e.g., sale of merchandise, servicing of customers, manufacture,
warehouse). Number of existing and future employees is required for some parking calculations.
When abutting a site plan project, any public right-of-way needs to be identified with accurate locations for existing and
proposed facilities such as underground utilities, streets, curbs, sidewalks, project driveways, and driveways on opposite
street frontages.
Traffic aspects of existing and proposed driveways and parking lot including arrows to show traffic flow, parking stall sizes
and layout (see Village Ordinance 117-1052 for specific requirements), handicap stalls and ramps, loading zones, driveway
widths and radii or flares on driveway aprons to public streets.
Show barriers, curbing, or wheel stops located to prevent any portion of a vehicle from projecting beyond property
lines. Also, indicate barriers constructed and anchored to prevent dislocation.
A note shall appear on the face of the site plan that indicates the calculations for parking and loading requirements. Plans
for any joint use of parking must be in writing and attached.
The location of sidewalks, other pedestrian-type walkways, traffic control dividers, and tree islands.
Show the location of existing and proposed signage on the site plan. Provide a sign elevation showing the height from
bottom of sign to grade, overall width and height, and face dimensions.
Location, height, elevations, and materials of all fences or retaining walls.
Location, type, height, and size of all outside storage including required screening.
Identify whether existing or proposed buildings will contain a fire protection system. Show on-site fire hydrants and
fire hose connection points.
Lock Box will be provided for Fire Department access (Village Ordinance Section 12-69).
State what type of product(s) will be manufactured, sold and/or stored on-site.
State all types of hazardous materials to be stored on-site. If none, state “no hazardous materials will be stored on-site.”
Show location of all mechanical equipment and type of screening.
Show proposed sidewalks and handicap access with grade elevations at driveways.
Identify existing topography (by dashed lines) at one-foot or two-foot intervals depending on slopes being depicted, and
proposed grade elevations (solid lines) for the building, parking lot, drives, surrounding open areas, and including all
property within 50 feet (also using contour lines and spot elevations and drainage flow arrows as needed to define
drainage patterns).
List all existing and proposed grades for first floor.
Show details of all existing and proposed retaining walls and the location of swales and inlets.
Show proposed sidewalk(s) abutting all street frontages at all driveways. Show elevations of sidewalk at property line in
Utilities, Grading, and Drainage Plan
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accordance with Village standards.
Provide a storm water management plan to include the lot size, building location, location of impervious areas, size and
location of drainage basin(s), proposed flow direction arrows, detention pond footprint, depth of detention pond, detention
pond discharge location, size, and overflow, and peak flows off-site. The storm water management plan shall serve to
minimize regional peak discharges and volume increases and plan for improved water quality and construction site
erosion control. Be advised that different sites may have different requirements and/or concerns based on geography,
scope of the project, and proximity to the receiving body of water or storm sewer collection system.
Locate significant existing trees and indicate whether they will remain, be relocated, or be removed. Identify any other
significant vegetation, which is to remain.
Identify the location, size, species, and variety of proposed trees, shrubs, ground cover, and other landscape features that
will be used to control erosion or screen parking, truck loading, refuse disposal, mechanical equipment, and outdoor
storage from adjacent residential districts or public rights-of-way.
Show the location of existing and proposed buildings, parking lots, walks, driveways, fences, water features, retaining
walls, signs, mechanical equipment, recreational facilities and mailbox(s) (follow US Postal requirements).
Identify type of finishing materials, including seeded grass, sod, type of mulch in planting beds, pavers, concrete, and
asphalt. Show a table that describes the percentage relative to the overall development area that the buildings, hard
surface, and green spaces contain. Do not include street right-of-way areas.
Locate the refuse and recycle containers and enclosure and provide a construction detail.
Identify all exterior lighting fixtures, either mounted on the building or free-standing light along with dispersion pattern,
intensity of light and cut-off shielding that reflects light downward and which prevents the light source from being visible
from adjacent properties.
Dimensioned elevations of all exterior walls (photographs may be substituted for existing elevations to remain unchanged).
Type of Roof, wall and trim materials, colors, and textures.
Changes or additions to existing buildings or materials clearly identified.
Location and presence of all fire rated wall assemblies.
Landscape & Lighting Plan
Architectural & Construction Plans
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As a potential developer of a residential, commercial, industrial or other site in the Village of Brooklyn, please be advised that
there are fees imposed by Village ordinance that are triggered by a myriad of activities, and the developer is responsible for
whatever fees are assessed by Ordinance for the developer’s planned activities. At the onset of development there are often
scenarios where the Vi ll ag e Staff can estimate fees, but be advised that development parameters often evolve during the
process and it is the developer’s responsibility to determine how or if this effects the fee structure.
Some of the obvious fees are listed below that might apply, but depending on the development there may be others that
apply and in NO WAY, is this list meant to be all inclusive. We do our best to prepare accurate estimates of applicable
fees upon request, but errors and omissions are subject to correction.
Included Estimated Actual
CSM and/or Plat Submittal and review fees.
Engineering, Legal and Administrative review fees.
PUD review fees.
Building Permit and/or Erosion Control Permit fees.
Park fees.
Sanitary Sewer Connection fees.
Water Impact fees.
Other fees required by Village Ordinance(s)
TOTAL fees include with this submittal
(Must be signed by the owner or owner’s authorized agent)
click to sign
click to edit
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Date Received: By: Parcel #:
Referred To: Fee: $ Check#
Date Sent: Return B
: Response:
Zoning Administrator
Building Inspector
Public Works
Police Department
Fire Inspector
Village Engineer
Village Attorney (as needed)
Plan Commission Meeting Date:
Your Request has been:
Approved Not Approved Approved with conditions
Village Board Meeting Date:
Your Request has been:
Approved Not Approved Approved with conditions