Facility Event Space Rental Agreement
This contract for the rental of a venue is made this day, __________________, by and between
___________________, hereafter referred to as the Owner, and _______________________,
hereafter referred to as the Renter.
Whereas, the Renter desires to temporarily rent, occupy, and make use of the Owner’s venue,
located at ________________________ and known as ___________________, and
Whereas, the Owner agrees to such rental, occupation, and use in consideration of certain
payments and covenants herein enumerated;
Now, therefore, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. The Renter shall pay to the Owner the sum of $___________________ no later than
__________________ (recommended: 30 days before the commencement of the rental period).
Of this amount, $___________________ is a non-refundable deposit that will be applied to
rental charges upon final settlement of accounts. The remainder, $___________________, is
for damages/security deposit which will be returned to the Renter upon settlement, minus any
charges for actual damages done to the venue by Renter or his/her associates.
2. The Renter shall have access to and use of the venue from _________ o’clock on
__________________, to _________ o’clock on __________________, for the purpose of
hosting the Renter’s ______________________ event. Owner shall provide to Renter all keys,
access control codes, and other items necessary to give Renter such access no later than
3. The full rental fee for the use of the venue described in (2) above shall be
$___________________. The balance of the rental fee due, less the non-refundable deposit
described in (1) above, shall be payable to the Owner upon the expiration of the rental period
described in (2) above.
4. Within _______________ of the rental period’s expiration, Renter shall tender to Owner the
rental fee balance due, and all keys and other access control devices in his/her possession.
5. Renter shall remove all personal property, trash, and other items that were not present in the
venue when Renter took control of it.
6. Upon Renter’s completion of his/her obligations under (4) and (5) above, the Owner shall
return to Renter the security deposit minus any amounts deemed necessary to repair damages
inflicted upon the venue by Renter and/or Renter’s associates, guests, invitees, contractors, and
all other persons whatsoever who enter the venue during the rental period, whether or not such
persons did so with Renter’s knowledge or consent.
7. In the event that Renter fails to pay the balance due within the time period agreed upon in this
contract, interest shall accrue upon the unpaid balance at the rate of _____% per year until it is
paid. Renter shall also be liable to owner for any legal fees, court costs, and other expenses
associated with collection.
8. Renter will be liable for any physical damages, legal actions, and/or loss of reputation or
business opportunities that Owner may incur as a consequence of the actions of Renter or any
of Renter’s guests while Renter is in control of the venue, and shall indemnify and hold
harmless the Owner against any and all legal actions which may arise from Renter’s use of the
9. Any disputes arising under this contract shall be adjudicated in the Owner’s local jurisdiction.
In witness of their understanding of and agreement to the terms and conditions herein
contained, the parties affix their signatures below.
Renter’s Signature, date
Owner’s Signature, date
Printed Name
Printed Name
City, State, Zip Code
City, State, Zip Code