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Lesson 11: Showing Care and Concern
Grade 1, Unit 2
What Is My Child Learning?
Your child is learning how to show care and
concern for another person by listening,
saying kind words, and helping that person.
This is called showing compassion, and it
makes people feel better.
Why Is This Important?
Being able to show compassion helps children
get along with others.
Ask your child:
What does showing compassion mean?
Possible answer: Showing you care about others.
What are some ways you can show care and concern or compassion for others?
Possible answers:
Listening to them. Saying kinds words. Helping them.
When is a time someone might need you to show someone compassion?
Possible answers: When
someone is feeling sad, lonely, tired, or frustrated.
How do you feel when someone shows you compassion?
Possible answers: Happy, special.
Practice at Home
Help your child notice when someone else could use some help or a kind word. For example:
Your father has a lot of dishes to do after dinner. Do you think he could use some help?
It sure looks like Mrs. Sanders could use some help picking up the trash. Can you do that?
Help your child think of something kind to say to someone else at home (or someone your child can easily call on
the phone) as a way to show “compassion.” Fill in the details below for your child. Then help your child do it!
I can show compassion to
I will say:
After I showed compassion, I think this person felt
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