(RIM-02 April 2018)
Each University department must designate an employee to serve as a Records Management Liaison (RML). The RML must
be at a level of management sufficient to coordinate department-level records management activities efficiently and
effectively and serve as a liaison to the University Records Information Manager. If deemed appropriate, the department
head may also designate an additional employee to assist the RML and serve as an alternate.
The responsibilities of the designated Records Management Liaison include but are not limited to the following:
• Serve as liaison between the department and the University Records Information Manager.
• Attend and participate in mandatory records information management training and activities.
• Implement records management policies and procedures within their office.
• Coordinate and assure official records are destroyed according to the University’s Records Retention Schedule,
and records are classified and indexed before transferring files to off-site storage.
• Submit proposed amendments for the Records Retention Schedule to the University Records Information
• Train staff and faculty in their area to perform specific tasks associated with records management policies and
procedures when requested.
• Promote the Records Information Management program, including the use of the Records Retention Schedules.
• Coordinate and encourage participation in annual file destruction.
• Coordinate the gathering and protection of records in response to legal inquires and requirements.
The res
ponsibilities of a Records Management Liaison are defined by the University to include some variation of, but not to
exceed, the duties above, and should be documented in the employee job description. Additionally, if a department’s RML
leaves his/her position, it is the responsibility of the department supervisor to assign a new Records Management Liaison
and communicate that information to the University Records Information Manager.
Instructions: Review the responsibilities listed with the designated Records Management Liaison (RML). Complete this form
and click the Submit Button. The form will be emailed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment via
(paper copies will not be accepted). All red fields are required.
1. Division, College, or School
2a. Section or Sub-Area (if needed)
3. Name of Records Management Liaison
8. (check one box)
to designate a new Records
Management Liaison.
to designate an
additional contact.
to remove a Records
Management Liaison.
4. Office / Job Title (print)
5. Direct Campus Phone Number
(no call center/ phone tree accepted)
7. Name of Department Head (print)
By signing, we acknowledge reading and understand the responsibilities of a Records Management
For Records and Information
Liaison (RML). The department head agrees to support the Record Management Liaison in carrying out
Management Use only
his/her records management responsibilities. The designated employee accepts these responsibilities
and agrees to serve as a Records Management Liaison for the department/unit until this form is
9. Signature of Records Management Liaison (RML) Date
10. Signature of Department Head Date
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Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, Sanford Hall, Room 112
Tel 678-839-6449 • Fax 678-839-4765 • www.westga.edu/iea