Open Records Submission Form
This f
orm is to be used by individuals requesting documents under the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et
seq.). Open Records Request are not required to be in writing; however, use of this form will assist both the requestor
and the University of West Georgia to fulfill the request accurately, as possible.
Information submitted with this web form is not secure. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) (e.g.,
social security numbers, student ID numbers, and account numbers).
Fields marked * are required.
Phone No.
Name of Requestor*
Name of Business:
Mailing Address:
(street, city, state,
and zip code)
Email Address:*
In accordance with the Georgia Open Records Act, charges for copies is $.10 per
page. Additional charges for search, retrieval, redaction, and production or
copying of records shall not exceed the prorated hourly salary of the lowest
paid, full-time employee who has the necessary skill and training to perform the
request; provided that no charge shall be made for the 15 minutes allowed by
statute. The Open Records Officer will communicate any charges incurred.
Below identify and provide a detailed description of the records you are seeking. BE SPECIFIC.
Be sure to include any date ranges and search parameters you
wish us the use when complete the search and
process. Be advised not all records due to a privacy law or statute are subject to disclosure.
Requested Records*