CLPCCD Chancellor Event Request Form
FOR COLLEGE REQUESTS: Have you notified the College President of this event and this
invitation request to the Chancellor?
No (please notify College President first before turning in this form)
If yes, notification given to Name/Title:
Today's Date
Event Date:
1. Event Location (College/Building/Room): 2. Event Description:
3. Audience Description: 4.Estimated number of attendees:
5. Event contact name: 6. Event contact E-mail:
7. Event Contact cell:
8. Day-of-event contact Name/Cell (if different from
9. Has the Chancellor attended
this event in the past?
If yes, when
10. If any, what role do you want the Chancellor to
have at this event? Be as detailed as possible.
Requests must be received 14 days prior to event date. Please return this form to Audrey Ching
You will receive a response as soon as possible.
INTERNAL USE: YES ____ NO _____ Comments: ______________________________