Form 5(a) 1 of 3
Arizona Superior Court, Pinal County, Arizona
INSTRUCTIONS TO THE DEFENDANT: You are to answer the following questions so the Judge can decide
whether to appoint an attorney to represent you and/or, if a bond is required, how much it should be, or any
other matter relating to indigence. Use care in filling in your answers. If you need more space for any answer,
note such and write on the back of the page. If you knowingly give false or misleading information, you may be
punished for contempt of court or subjected to prosecution for fraud or perjury.
1. Full name:
2. Check the appropriate box: [ ] Single [ ] Married, living w/ spouse [ ] Married but separated [ ] Divorced
[ ] Widowed [ ] Partnered
3. In addition to yourself, how many other adults do you support? How many children?
4. List below in Column 1 the money that you are paid or receive each month. If you are married and are living
with your spouse, list below in Column 2 the money that your spouse is paid or receives each month. If you
are separated, divorced, widowed, partnered or single, leave Column 2 blank.
Column 1 Column 2
Amount paid to Me Monthly Amount paid to Spouse Monthly
a. Wages, Salaries, Self
Employment Income $ $
b. Payroll deductions $ $
c. Unemployment compensation $ $
d. Welfare benefits $ $
e. Disability benefits $ $
f. Veteran’s benefits $ $
g. Social Security benefits $ $
h. Worker’s compensation $ $
i. Accident benefits $ $
j. Retirement benefits $ $
k. Allotment checks $ $
l. Interest $ $
m. Dividends $ $
n. Child support received $ $
o. Alimony or maintenance received $ $
p. Total of any other income received $ $
5. Cash: List below the amounts of cash held or value of:
a. Cash on you, your spouse, or in your jail property, and at home $
b. Cash in banks, credit unions, and elsewhere $
c. Cash owed to you or to your spouse by others $
d. Stocks and bonds; insurance policy cash values $
Defendant (FIRST, MI, LAST)