Abilities and Challenges enables the student to evaluate their work-related skills, daily living skills,
community-related skills, interpersonal communication skills and the decision-making capabilities within
daily activities, and their reading, writing and math related skills in the context of life applications
Administration Guide outlines suggested administration, scoring and results, and directions for
administration; each guide provides a printable version of the rubric and student goal setting forms for
the transition area
Course contains a prescribed number of modules to provide detailed instruction to support mastery of a
larger topic
Current Status allows the student to select a statement that describes his or her current status for work,
living, community participation; how they tell people about themselves and learning style
Module an organized collection of content presented together to address a specific learning objective
supporting the overall concepts from the course. Each module links to specific teaching standards,
learning objectives and opportunities for the learner to engage with the content. An assessment of what
is learned is included with each module.
Preferences guide students in considering their preferences for job conditions, types of living options,
types of community activities personal interests, and the lifelong learning activities they would like to
Transition Planning student-directed questions that identify current skills, preferences, abilities and
challenges in the areas of Vocational, Daily Living, Community, Personal Life and Lifelong Learning; helps
facilitate future planning in these areas found in the GPS; available for Middle School, High School and
Transition grade bands
Transition Planning: Community a transition planning assessment designed to be completed by a
student with teacher guidance; the Community assessment looks at community leisure preferences and
skills for participating in the community
Transition Planning: Daily Living a transition planning assessment designed to be completed by a
student with teacher guidance; the Daily Living assessment looks at adult living preferences and
necessary daily living skills
Transition Planning: Lifelong Learning a transition planning assessment designed to be completed by a
student with teacher guidance; the Lifelong Learning assessment looks at the student's learning style and
reading, writing and math skills that are used within daily activities