Course contains a prescribed number of modules to provide detailed instruction to support mastery of a
larger topic.
Fountas and Pinell system of reading levels developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, classifying text
according to various parameters such as: word count, number of different words, number of high-frequency
words, sentence length, sentence complexity, word repetitions, illustration support, etc.
Help on the Spot provides a quick tutorial on specific objectives, located throughout the entire website.
Interactive Document (iDoc) the online format that supports Unique Learning System®, News-2-You® and
SymbolStix PRIME ; accessible on a variety of platforms; customizable to support the variety of skill levels
and accessibility needs for students with disabilities
Leveled Books Document part of Unique Learning System that illustrates the correlation of the ULS reading
level with Reading A-Z, Guided Reading, DRA, Reading Recovery, as well as defines our criteria for each
reading level
Module an organized collection of content presented together to address a specific learning objective
supporting the overall concepts from the course. Each module links to specific teaching standards, learning
objectives and opportunities for the learner to engage with the content. An assessment of what is learned is
included with each module.
n2y Library searchable database containing over 1,000 leveled books on a variety of topics available as a an
iDoc offering text-to-speech capabilities, or as a printable PDF; each book includes a communication board to
aide in comprehension and communication
Reading Level Assessment Benchmark modified fluency passages for students with Level 2 or 3 supports
scored for accuracy and comprehension; providing an interpretation of a student's reading level as
Instructional, Frustration and Independent; part of Reading assessments
Supplemental Reading Lists a rich and thoughtful guide identifying additional reading materials related to
each monthly unit, enabling you to build a monthly collection of books to encourage self-selected reading
and provide exposure to monthly theme related topics
Text-to-Speech converts words from a computer document (e.g. word processor document, web page) into
audible speech spoken through the computer speaker; differs from screen reader technology because it
doesn't read any system information or alternative text descriptions