Active Participation Guide a guide that defines various levels and forms of communication; outlines the
training and facilitation of a active communication response and consistent choice making within
educational tasks
Active Participation Scripts a guide promoting engagement for students who require Level 1 supports
and provides direct guidelines for engaging students with daily lessons
AT Decision outlines a process for the education team to identify assistive technology that may help
improve a student’s performance or access
Comboard Strips simple communication boards used to serve as a supplement to the communication
boards provided in numerous monthly lessons with additional vocabulary that may be needed as well as
supports for visual learners
Course contains a prescribed number of modules to provide detailed instruction to support mastery of a
larger topic
Dolch/Fry Word List list includes top most common words used in English that will be taught within
Unique Learning System's three-year cycle
Greeting Cards printable resource to help foster greater social communication skills for students
Instructional Guides assist in implementing the curriculum; tools include the Active Participation Guide,
Word Study Guide, Phonemic Awareness Guide, Active Participation Scripts, AT Decision Guide, etc.
Instructional Tips provides tips and strategies for each lesson to support all learners
Instructional Tools support the monthly instructional lessons, provide additional modifications or visual
supports to your lessons to deepen understanding of content
Letter to Parents provides an introduction to parents about Unique Learning System being used in your
classroom; highlights of the program in parent-friendly language
Leveled Books Document compares n2y reading levels to the levels found in other reading programs and
provides clear descriptors for each level
Math Packs visual supports that are easy to print that include money, time (digital and analog) and