Supports and Alignments
This module explores the Teacher Reference Materials and eXtras in
Unique Learning System.
Learning Objectives
After you've completed this module, you should be able to:
Describe how the Instructional Tools can enhance daily lessons
Discuss how the Instructional Guides can improve student progress and participation
Explain how Unique Learning System aligns to your state’s general education and
extended standards
Standard I: Knowledge of Students
Standard VI: Communication
Standard X: Instructional Resources
Standard XI: Contributing to the Profession and Education through Collaboration
ISTE (International Society for Technology in
Education) Standards
Standards for Professional Learning
(Learning Forward)
Teaching Standards
National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (Exceptional Needs Standards)
Learning Designs
Follow-Along Guide
1. The Teacher Reference Materials section contains three main sections:
a. ________________________ ___________________
b. ________________________ ____________________
c. ________________________ ____________________
2. These resources are _________________ available online for your convenience.
3. Instructional Tools ____________________the monthly instructional lessons. You can print out templates to
provide additional _____________________ or __________________ supports to your lessons to deepen
________________________ of ___________________.
4. The ________________________ _________________ provide research-based _______________________ and helpful
___________________________ for successfully implementing Unique Learning System.
5. The ________________________ ______________ contain the ___________________ _________________ and the
academic ____________________ _________________ documents.
6. The __________________ __________________ address the majority of _____________ and ______________ standards
for each grade band every month!
7. The _______________________ in n2y's _________________________ support classroom and therapy needs.
8. There are five categories in eXtras:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________
Activity 1
Take a moment to look through the Instructional Tools on the Teacher Reference Materials
page. In your activity guide, write down at least two tools in this section that you could use in
your classroom right now.
Activity 2
Review the Instructional Guides.
In your activity guide, write down the title of an Instructional Guide that would deepen your own
Write down the name of an Instructional Guide that would benefit other members of your
educational team.
Activity 3
Take a moment to explore the five categories in eXtras! Search for a specific activity. In your
activity guide, write down one activity in each of the five categories that you can use in your
classroom right now.
Write down any activities that other team members, such as a parent, caregiver, or occupational
therapist, would find valuable.
Self-Evaluation Checklist
I can describe how Instructional Tools enhance daily lessons.
I can discuss how the Instructional Guides improve student progress and participation.
I can explain how Unique Learning System aligns to my state’s general education and extended
Active Participation Guide a guide that defines various levels and forms of communication; outlines the
training and facilitation of a active communication response and consistent choice making within
educational tasks
Active Participation Scripts a guide promoting engagement for students who require Level 1 supports
and provides direct guidelines for engaging students with daily lessons
AT Decision outlines a process for the education team to identify assistive technology that may help
improve a student’s performance or access
Comboard Strips simple communication boards used to serve as a supplement to the communication
boards provided in numerous monthly lessons with additional vocabulary that may be needed as well as
supports for visual learners
Course contains a prescribed number of modules to provide detailed instruction to support mastery of a
larger topic
Dolch/Fry Word List list includes top most common words used in English that will be taught within
Unique Learning System's three-year cycle
Greeting Cards printable resource to help foster greater social communication skills for students
Instructional Guides assist in implementing the curriculum; tools include the Active Participation Guide,
Word Study Guide, Phonemic Awareness Guide, Active Participation Scripts, AT Decision Guide, etc.
Instructional Tips provides tips and strategies for each lesson to support all learners
Instructional Tools support the monthly instructional lessons, provide additional modifications or visual
supports to your lessons to deepen understanding of content
Letter to Parents provides an introduction to parents about Unique Learning System being used in your
classroom; highlights of the program in parent-friendly language
Leveled Books Document compares n2y reading levels to the levels found in other reading programs and
provides clear descriptors for each level
Math Packs visual supports that are easy to print that include money, time (digital and analog) and
Vocabulary (cont'd)
Mathematics Guide provides strategies that enable teachers to take a problem scenario and teach both
concepts and skills; works in conjunction with the interactive Number Journal
Module an organized collection of content presented together to address a specific learning objective
supporting the overall concepts from the course. Each module links to specific teaching standards,
learning objectives and opportunities for the learner to engage with the content. An assessment of what
is learned is included with each module.
n2y Dictionary provides definitions to common terms used within Unique Learning System, News-2-You
and SymbolStix PRIME.
Number Journal an interactive companion to the Mathematics Guide that can be used to help students
achieve their differentiated task expectations, work out math problems, and create additional practice
problems on targeted math skills
Phonemic Awareness Guide suggests ways that phonemic awareness activities can be integrated into all
reading instruction at all grade bands, while using the current materials that are provided within Unique
Learning System
Sound Cards provide additional supports for phonemic awareness and provide sound cues for
sound production
State Outlines offers outlines in the shape of each state for use in the classroom, and can be used to
enhance geography and social studies lessons
Suggested Monthly Plan guides the successful implementation of monthly lessons and activities; notice:
lessons are not designed to be taught in numerical order
Word Part Posters help students identify parts of speech, can enhance vocabulary or Word Wall
Word Study suggests ways that developmental word study activities can be integrated into all reading
instruction at all grade bands, while using the current materials that are provided with Unique Learning