2021 Membership Commitment Form
Membership Information
All members of the household age 18 and
older must submit this form upon enrollment
in the membership and again within 30 days
of the start of each new year or eligible needs
and medical claims will be placed on hold.
*Network fees are inclusive of, but not limited to
Telemedicine, LifeWorks, Careington Discount Programs,
Zelis and Magellan RX.
of membership.
I understand the Acknowledgements.
I understand that the membership is not insurance but is a voluntary medical needs sharing program,
and that there are no representations, promises, or guarantees that my eligible medical expenses will be
shared. I also understand that sharing for medical needs does not come from an insurance company, but
from the membership according to the Membership Guidelines and Escrow Instructions. To review the
 Membership Guidelines, visit: www.altruahealthshare.org/resources/guidelineswww.altruahealthshare.org/resources/guidelines.
I understand that acceptance into the membership is not an entitlement, but a privilege, based in part on
the medical history information provided on the application. I also understand that any medical condition
that is inquired about but not disclosed on the applicationwhether meeting the definition of a pre-existing
condition or not, and discovered after my membership became eectivewill be treated as if it had been
disclosed at the time of my enrollment date. I understand that any undisclosed medical conditions will be
processed retroactively back to the eective date of my membership.
I understand that failure to uphold the Commitments and to abide by the Statement of Standards may result
in medical needs becoming ineligible for sharing and this membership becoming inactive.
I understand that the Membership Guidelines in eect on the date of service supersede any spoken or verbal
communication and all previous versions of the Membership Guidelines. I understand that I have access to
the most current version of the Membership Guidelines at: www.altruahealthshare.org/resources/guidelineswww.altruahealthshare.org/resources/guidelines,
I also understand that with notice to the general membership, the Membership Guidelines may change
at any time based on the preferences of the membership and decisions, recommendations, and approval
of the Board of Directors.
I understand that the Membership Guidelines are not a contract and do not constitute a promise or obliga-
tion to share, but instead are for reference of Altrua HealthShare in following the Membership Escrow
Instructions. I also understand that the Membership Guidelines are part of and incorporated into the
Altrua HealthShare application as if appended to it.
I understand that each child must be a dependent to participate in their parent's membership. I also
understand that eligibility for the membership for anyone, a dependent or otherwise, is based on the
Membership Guidelines and that continued payment of monthly contributions does not extend an ineligible
participant's membership.
I understand that monthly contribution amounts are based on, but not limited to, operating costs, which are
inclusive of network fees*, negotiations, medical needs, and the total number of members. I understand
that monthly contribution amounts are calculated on a periodic basis as needed and are subject to change
at any time. I also understand that my monthly contributions are voluntary and that I am not obligated in
any way to contribute to the membership.
This household lives according to each item in the
Statement of Standards.
I/we agree to live a clean and healthy lifestyle and share the following ethical and religious beliefs:
I believe in caring for one another.
I believe in keeping my body clean and healthy with proper nutrition.
I believe the use of tobacco, illicit drugs and excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to the body and soul.
I believe sexual relations outside the bond of marriage is contrary to the
teachings of the Bible and that marriage should be held in honor.
I believe abortion is wrong, except in a life-threatening situation to the mother.
I believe I am obligated to care for my family and physical, mental or emotional
abuse of any kind to a family member or anyone else is morally wrong.
PHONE 1.833.325.8782
FAX 512.382.5520
MAIL PO BOX 90849, AUSTIN, TX 787090849 PAGE 01/02
I abide by the Commitments.
I have read and understand the Membership Guidelines and accept them as the
governing document for determining eligibility of my, or anyone else's medical
needs submitted to Altrua HealthShare.
I further agree to hold Altrua HealthShare and its directors, ocers, employees,
representatives and service providers harmless, and to limit any dispute I may
have over the eligibility of my, or anyone else's medical needs to the appeal
procedure described in the Membership Guidelines.
So as not to take advantage of fellow members, I have answered all questions
on the Membership Enrollment Application in good faith, truthfully, completely
and accurately.
In recognition of the voluntary nature of the membership, I hereby promise that
in the event of a disagreement over the payment of my or anyone else's medical
needs, my dependents and I will bring no legal claim, demand or suit of any
kind for unpaid medical needs, but will follow the appeal procedure described
in the Membership Guidelines.
I understand that Altrua HealthShare is
not insurance.
I understand that Altrua Ministries (dba Altrua HealthShare) is NOT an insurance
company nor is the membership oered through an insurance company, and
the organization is not subject to the regulatory requirements or consumer
protections of any State Insurance Code.
I issue the following Escrow Instructions to
Altrua HealthShare:
The membership directs Altrua HealthShare, as an escrow agent, to hold the
member-to-member sharing contributions received by Altrua HealthShare,
in an escrow account at an accredited financial institution. Those monthly
contributions are then distributed for the purpose of medical needs sharing
on behalf of the members pursuant to the following Escrow Instructions and in
the following order;
To pay the expenses of operating the membership, including all of the
needs necessary for Altrua HealthShare to provide for the continued
viability of the membership;
To share eligible needs pursuant to the Membership Guidelines as
modified from time to time by Altrua HealthShare, and as interpreted and
applied by Altrua HealthShare;
In the event the membership is to be withdrawn, and after Altrua HealthShare
determines that the funds held in escrow are sucient to pay for the items
listed above, any remaining funds shall be disbursed to qualified charities,
as determined by Altrua HealthShare.
Altrua HealthShare may deposit or otherwise hold the escrowed contributions
in one or more common bank accounts with escrowed contributions from other
membership participants, until they are distributed pursuant to these instruc-
tions. Altrua HealthShare shall not be obligated to invest the escrowed monthly
contributions, provided; however, that if the escrowed monthly contributions are
invested, Altrua HealthShare shall not be liable for substandard returns or for
losses. Also, as a condition of receiving and distributing the monthly contribu-
tions, Altrua HealthShare will provides a monthly statement to all participants.
That monthly statement is available to be viewed through the member portal.
I verify the above authorizations and acknowledgements and agree to comply to all items in SECTIONS
and B on behalf of myself and all members of the household under the age of  on the membership.
My signature below represents agreement with the  Membership Guidelines and all previous years
Membership Guidelines that apply. I further understand that medical needs are processed by the date
services were rendered and according to the Membership Guidelines in place at that time.
Please Sign
Please submit this form by email, fax or mail.
PHONE 1.833.325.8782
FAX 512.382.5520
MAIL PO BOX 90849, AUSTIN, TX 787090849
2021 Membership Guidelines
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the
payment of your own medical bills.
Notice: The organization coordinating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will be
compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. Participation in
the organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never
be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you receive a
payment for medical expenses or whether this organization continues
to operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of
your own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses
is not an insurance company and the ministry’s guidelines and plan
of operation are not an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to
assist you with your medical bills will be completely voluntary because
participants are not compelled by law to contribute toward your medical
bills. Therefore, participation in the ministry or a subscription to any of
its documents should not be considered to be insurance. Regardless of
whether you receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this
ministry continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for
the payment of your own medical bills.
ARKANSAS CODE 23-60-104.2
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses
is not an insurance company and neither its guidelines nor plan of
operation is an insurance policy. If anyone chooses to assist you with
your medical bills, it will be totally voluntary because participants are not
compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. Participation in
the organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never
be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you receive a
payment for medical expenses or if this organization continues to
operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of your
own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses
is not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor its plan of
operation is an insurance policy. Membership is not oered through an
insurance company, and the organization is not subject to the regulatory
requirements or consumer protections of the Florida Insurance Code.
Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your medical bills will be
totally voluntary because no other participant is compelled by law
to contribute toward your medical bills. As such, participation in the
organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never be
considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you receive any
payments for medical expenses or whether this organization continues
to operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of
your own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the
payment of your own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the
payment of your own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
constitute or create an insurance policy. Any assistance you receive with
your medical bills will be totally voluntary. As such, participation in the
organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never be
considered to be insurance. Whether or not you receive any payments
for medical expenses and whether or not this organization continues to
operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of your
own medical bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses
is not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor its plan of
operation is an insurance policy. Any assistance you receive with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary. Neither the organization nor any
other participant can be compelled by law to contribute toward your
medical bills. As such, participation in the organization or a subscription
to any of its documents should never be considered to be insurance.
Whether or not you receive any payments for medical expenses and
whether or not this organization continues to operate, you are always
personally responsible for the payment of your own medical bills.
NOTICE: Under Kentucky law, the religious organization facilitating
the sharing of medical expenses is not an insurance company, and its
guidelines, plan of operation, or any other document of the religious
organization do not constitute or create an insurance policy. Participation
in the religious organization or a subscription to any of its documents
shall not be considered insurance. Any assistance you receive with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary. Neither the organization or any
participant shall be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical
bills whether or not you receive any payments for medical expenses,
and whether or not this organization continues to operate, you shall be
personally responsible for the payment of your medical bills.
Notice: The ministry facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is not
an insurance company. Neither the guidelines nor the plan of operation
of the ministry constitutes an insurance policy. Financial assistance for
the payment of medical expenses is strictly voluntary. Participation in
the ministry or a subscription to any publication issued by the ministry
shall not be considered as enrollment in any health insurance plan or as
a waiver of your responsibility to pay your medical expenses.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will be
compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. Participation in
the organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never
be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you receive
payment for medical expenses or whether this organization continues
to operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of
your own medical bills.
Notice: This publication is not issued by an insurance company nor is it
oered through an insurance company. It does not guarantee or promise
that your medical bills will be published or assigned to others for payment.
No other subscriber will be compelled to contribute toward the cost of
your medical bills. Therefore, this publication should never be considered
a substitute for an insurance policy. This activity is not regulated by the
State Insurance Administration, and your liabilities are not covered by the
Life and Health Guaranty Fund. Whether or not you receive any payments
for medical expenses and whether or not this entity continues to operate,
you are always liable for any unpaid bills.
Notice: Altrua HealthShare that operates this health care sharing ministry
is not an insurance company and the financial assistance provided
through the ministry is not insurance and is not provided through an
insurance company. Whether any participant in the ministry chooses to
assist another participant who has financial or medical needs is totally
voluntary. A participant will not be compelled by law to contribute toward
the financial or medical needs of another participant. This document
is not a contract of insurance or a promise to pay for the financial or
medical needs of a participant by the ministry. A participant who receives
assistance from the ministry for his or her financial or medical needs
remains personally responsible for the payment of all of his or her medical
bills and other obligations incurred in meeting his or her financial or
medical needs.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payment of medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the
payment of your own medical bills.
Notice: This publication is not an insurance company nor is it oered
through an insurance company. Whether anyone chooses to assist you
with your medical bills will be totally voluntary, as no other subscriber
or member will be compelled to contribute toward your medical bills.
As such, this publication should never be considered to be insurance.
Whether you receive any payments for medical expenses and whether
or not this publication continues to operate, you are always personally
responsible for the payment of your own medical bills.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This organization is not an insurance company,
and its product should never be considered insurance. If you join
this organization instead of purchasing health insurance, you will be
considered uninsured. By the terms of this agreement, whether anyone
chooses to assist you with your medical bills as a participant of this
organization will be totally voluntary, and neither the organization nor any
participant can be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical
bills. Regardless of whether you receive payment for medical expenses or
whether this organization continues to operate, you are always personally
responsible for the payment of your own medical bills. This organization
is not regulated by the Nebraska Department of Insurance. You should
review this organization’s guidelines carefully to be sure you understand
any limitations that may aect your personal medical and financial needs.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This organization is not an insurance company,
and its product should never be considered insurance. If you join
this organization instead of purchasing health insurance, you will be
considered uninsured. By the terms of this agreement, whether anyone
chooses to assist you with your medical bills as a participant of this
organization will be totally voluntary, and neither the organization nor any
participant can be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical
bills. Regardless of whether you receive payment for medical expenses or
whether this organization continues to operate, you are always personally
responsible for the payment of your own medical bills. This organization is
not regulated by the New Hampshire Insurance Department. You should
review this organization’s guidelines carefully to be sure you understand
any limitations that may aect your personal medical and financial needs.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses
is not an insurance company and neither its guidelines nor its plan of
operation is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist
you with your medical bills will be voluntary. No other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally liable for the payment
of your own medical bills.
This is not an insurance policy. It is a voluntary program that is neither
approved, endorsed or regulated by the Oklahoma Department of
Insurance and the program is not guaranteed under the Oklahoma Life
and Health Guaranty Association.
NOTICE: This publication is not an insurance company nor is it oered
through an insurance company. This publication does not guarantee or
promise that your medical bills will be published or assigned to others
for payment. Whether anyone chooses to pay your medical bills will be
totally voluntary. As such, this publication should never be considered a
substitute for insurance. Whether you receive any payments for medical
expenses and whether or not this publication continues to operate, you
are always liable for any unpaid bills.
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your
medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will
be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such,
participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents
should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you
receive any payments for medical expenses or whether this organization
continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the
payment of your own medical bills.
TEXAS CODE TITLE 8, K, 1681.001
Notice: This health care sharing ministry facilitates the sharing of medical
expenses and is not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor
its plan of operation is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to
assist you with your medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other
participant will be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical
bills. As such, participation in the ministry or a subscription to any of its
documents should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of
whether you receive any payment for medical expenses or whether this
ministry continues to operate, you are always personally responsible
for the payment of your own medical bills. Complaints concerning this
health care sharing ministry may be reported to the oce of the Texas
attorney general.
This is not an insurance policy. It is a voluntary program that is neither
approved, endorsed or regulated by the Utah Department of Insurance
and the program is not guaranteed under the Utah Life and Health
Guaranty Association.
VIRGINIA: CODE 38.2-6300-6301
Notice: This publication is not insurance, and is not oered through
an insurance company. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with
your medical bills will be totally voluntary, as no other member will be
compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such, this
publication should never be considered to be insurance. Whether you
receive any payments for medical expenses and whether or not this
publication continues to operate, you are always personally responsible
for the payment of your own medical bills.
This is not an insurance policy. It is a voluntary program that is neither
approved, endorsed or regulated by the Washington Department of
Insurance and the program is not guaranteed under the Washington Life
and Health Guaranty Association.
WISCONSIN STATUTE 600.01 (1) (B) (9)
ATTENTION: This publication is not issued by an insurance company,
nor is it oered through an insurance company. This publication does not
guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be published or assigned
to others for payment. Whether anyone chooses to pay your medical bills is
entirely voluntary. This publication should never be considered a substitute
for an insurance policy. Whether or not you receive any payments for
medical expenses, and whether or not this publication continues to
operate, you are responsible for the payment of your own medical bills.
WYOMING 26.1.104 (A)(V)(C)
Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is
not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation
is an insurance policy. Any assistance with your medical bills is completely
voluntary. No other participant is compelled by law or otherwise to
contribute toward your medical bills. Participation in the organization or
a subscription to any of its documents shall not be considered to be
health insurance and is not subject to the regulatory requirements or
consumer protections of the Wyoming insurance code. You are personally
responsible for payment of your medical bills regardless of any financial
sharing you may receive from the organization for medical expenses. You
are also responsible for payment of your medical bills if the organization
ceases to exist or ceases to facilitate the sharing of medical expenses.