Conflict Resolution Skills Role Play Worksheet
Use the imaginary scenario to practice your conflict resolution skills. Each participant will get to play both
roles. Go through the worksheet together. If you process better internally, take as much time as you need to
come up with your response. Remember that positive shifts come from working together as a team and
coming up with healthier routines when it comes to processing arguments.
Assign one person to play partner A and one to partner B. Remember that the details don’t matter- this is all
about practicing healthy resolution skills.
1. Both partners can use this template to express how they feel based on the above scenario: I feel (enter
emotion) when (enter scenario).
2. After one partner shares, the other partner should validate and use active listening skills. Use this
template: I hear you saying that you feel (insert emotion) when (insert scenario through your partner’s
3. Respond to your partner’s interpretation by saying either: yes that’s right, or no and clarify your
statement. Both partners should have a chance to do this.
4. Once you both are on the same page, you can take turns sharing if you felt triggered by anything your
partner said, or why the scenario felt activating. You can say: Saying or doing (insert word or behavior
that felt activating) makes me feel (insert emotion) because of (insert previous experience).
5. Both partners should again validate each other and make sure they understand each other before
moving on to the next step. (See step 3.)
6. Once everyone is on the same page, join together to come up with solutions that fit both of your needs
going forward.
7. Once you’ve come to a resolution, think about a way you two can reconnect. This can be a hug, holding
hands, kissing, or simply expressing your gratitude for the other person.
Senario: Partner A forgot to call when they said they would. Partner B attempted to get in touch with Partner
A to no avail.