Colorado Corn FFA Grant
The Colorado Corn FFA Grant is designed to assist Colorado FFA Association with project(s) that lack
funding within their school district. The minimum grant amount awarded to a FFA Chapter will be $500
with a maximum of $5,000 per applying chapter. Projects are required to fall within three main categories:
1) Improvement of Capabilities (software, curriculum, technology, equipment etc.)
2) Program Development (agriculture-based)
3) Scholarship Program (within/administered by the FFA Chapter)
Grant Application and Selection Process:
a. Only FFA Chapters within the state of Colorado are eligible to submit applications.
b. Completed application and letter(s) of recommendation can be sent or emailed to:
Colorado Corn, 127 22
Street, Greeley, CO 80631
Nicholas Colglazier at
c. Grant recipients will be selected from applications postmarked or emailed no later than
Friday, December 11, 2020.
d. Applications must be completed in full, for adequate consideration.
e. Recipient agrees to present and/or provide a final written report on how the grant was used,
to Colorado Corn after completion of the project (preferably at the CCGA/CCAC Spring 2021
Board Meeting and at the Colorado Corn Growers Association Annual Meeting, however
reporting dates/times will be determined specific to recipients/schedules). The report and
presentation must address the following:
a. Purpose of the project/program
b. Participants in the project/program
c. Outcomes of the project/program
d. An accounting of grant funds (i.e. how the funds were spent)
f. Any changes to the awarded project or program must be made in writing to the Colorado
Corn Grant committee for approval.
g. Electronic application can be found at: