Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Form 8: Self Build Residential Annex Exemption Claim Form
Application Details:
Local authority planning application number (if allocated):
Planning Portal Reference (if applicable):
Section A: Claiming Exemption - General Information
To be completed by the individual(s) claiming the exemption.
Please provide the full postal address of the main dwelling (including postcode):
I understand that my claim for exemption will lapse where a commencement notice is not submitted
to the levy collecting authority prior to the commencement of the chargeable development to which
this exemption applies
I declare that the amount of de minimis State Aid received in the last 3 years prior to the submission
of this application for relief is less than 200,000 Euro
I declare that, while I maintain my interest in the land, the main dwelling will remain a single dwelling,
and the residential annex will not be separately let within the three year claw back period.
Please tick ALL boxes
Section B: Self build declaration
I understand the meaning of a 'disqualifying event' for the purposes of a residential annex exemption
(as defined in Regulation 42C) and that where a disqualifying event occurs I must inform the
collecting authority within 14 days
`Completion' for the purposes of CIL exemption is defined as the issuing of a compliance certificate for this development issued under either
regulation 17 (completion certificates) of the Building Regulations 2010 or section 51 of the Building Act 1984 (final certificates).
`Information about de minimis State Aid for the purposes of CIL exemption can be found here:
I understand that my claim for exemption will lapse where development commences prior to the
collecting authority informing me of its decision.
I declare that the main dwelling and the residential annex will be sold at the same time to the same
person(s) if I dispose of my interest of the land within the three year claw back period.
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Please complete the form using block capitals and black ink and send to the Charging Authority (or Collecting Authority if this differs from
the Charging Authority).
for guidance on CIL generally, including "relief from the Levy".See
An exemption for a self build residential annex must be granted prior to the commencement of the development AND a Commencement
(of development) Notice must be received by the Charging/Collecting Authority prior to the date of commencement of the development.
The applicant will otherwise be liable for the full levy charge.
I declare that the development is a residential annex within the definition in Regulation 42A(2)
Planning Practice Guidance for CIL