Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Form 6: Commencement Notice
C: Liability Notice reference:
A: Planning Application reference /
Notice of Chargeable Development:
B: Development Commencement Date:
Development permitted by A will commence on B. This will trigger the levy liability described in C.
Details of Development
Details of person sending this notice
Title: First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Telephone number
Please state your interest in the site:
Country code:
National number:
Email address (optional):
Liable Party AgentApplicantLandowner
Other (please
give details)
Details of collecting authority to whom the notice is
being sent
Title: First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Telephone number
Country code:
National number:
Email address (optional):
Description of development:
Site address:
Please complete the form using block capitals and black ink and send to the Charging Authority (or Collecting Authority if this differs from
the Charging Authority).
for guidance on CIL generally, including "what is a Commencement Notice and when it is issued".See
This notice must be received by the charging/collecting authority prior to commencing your development. Failure to do so may result in
you losing the ability to pay the levy in instalments and you may also incur a surcharge.
If you have received an exemption or relief from the levy, failure to submit this form, and for it to be received by the charging/collecting
authority, prior to commencing your development could nullify that exemption or relief and make you liable for the levy.
Planning Practice Guidance for CIL