Apprentice Wage Subsidy Grant
for Hambleton Businesses
The Apprentice Scheme will help small Hambleton based businesses take on apprentices - either for the
first time or in an additional new post. The £2,000 grant must be spent on a 16 - 24 year old who lives in
Hambleton. The business must meet all the criteria:
Priority given to businesses with under 20 employees.
Be based in Hambleton.
Have an annual turnover under £50 million and a balance sheet of under £43 million.
Have been trading for at least three months.
Employ a new or additional apprentice.
Be willing to only employ someone from Hambleton district.
Be able to pay the minimum wage for an apprentice of £3.90 an hour.
Be committed to employing an apprentice for the duration of their training and in conjunction with a suitable
training provider.
Trading address within Hambleton district. Priority given to businesses that have not had an apprentice wage
subsidy in the last two years.
Please complete the application form overleaf using the following guidelines:
You must have a system in place to pay wages to your new employee. If you do not have this set up, perhaps
because you do not currently employ anyone, please continue with your application and we can advise you
how to go about putting the required systems in place.
We need a job description for the apprentice role. The information will help us decide whether or not the
National Apprenticeship Scheme will be able to find you suitable applicants and match the opportunity to an
appropriate Training Provider.
Apprenticeships must be for at least 30 hours per week (except in the minority of circumstances where the
learner cannot complete the full 30 hours).
We need to know the hourly rate of pay. A minimum wage of £3.90 per hour (including off the job training
time) must be paid to all apprentices who are under 19 or in the first year of their apprenticeship. Individuals not
falling into these categories should be paid the National Minimum Wage rate for their age band.
We will need an estimated start date so we know how soon you would like the apprenticeship to start.
The apprenticeship needs to be accessible to people who live in this area - it must be based in Hambleton.
It must be your intention to employ the apprentice for the duration of their training with an accredited
Training Provider.
You must sign the declaration before you submit your application.
We would like to know how you heard about this scheme so that we can tell how successful our marketing
has been.
Even if you do not qualify for this scheme, we may be able to offer some further advice.
Please read the Employers Fact Sheet and Wage Subsidy Grant
Application Guidelines on the front of this form before completing.
For more information call 01609 767058
Business name: ..........................................................................................................................................
Contact Name(s): .......................................................................................................................................
Contact position/job title: ............................................................................................................................
Trading Address: ........................................................................................................................................
......................................................................................................Postcode: ............................................
Telephone number(s): .................................................................................................................................
Mobile number: .........................................................................................................................................
Email address: ...........................................................................................................................................
How many full time equivalent employees does your business have (including agency staff and employees
of parent and subsidiary businesses)
Is your trading address within Hambleton
Is this is a new post?
Has your business an annual turnover less than £50 million?
Is the balance sheet total less than £43 million?
Has your business been established/operational for at least three months?
Can you commit to employing an apprentice for the duration of their training?
Does the business pay business rates?
Has small business rate relief been granted?
Business Information
What is your business type - sole trader, limited company, charity etc?.....................................................................
What is your business or trade - builder, retailer, administration etc? .......................................................................
Does your business currently pay PAYE and NI contributions? ...................................................................................
If yes, how do you pay your staff wages - cheque, cash, BACS? ...............................................................................
How did you hear about this scheme - poster, press, website etc? ............................................................................
Apprentice Information - please include a job description with this application
Have you identified what additional training the apprentice will receive from you as the
business. If yes, please give details:
What will the hourly rate be
? .......................................................................................................................
How many hours a week will the apprentice work
? ....................................................................................................
When do you want the apprentice to start? ....... / ....... /20 .......
Where will the apprentice’s workplace be
? (include address if different to business’ address):
Name of accredited Training Provider:
Title and level of Apprenticeship: .................................................................................................................................
Declaration of Interest
Are any of the Senior Managers of your business related to any member or
officer of the council or is a member or officer of the council
If yes please give name and relationship/role: ...............................................................................................
Are any of the Senior Managers of your business related to the apprentice
If yes please give name and relationship/role: ...............................................................................................
In signing this agreement your business agrees:
that all the information provided is accurate and true and they understand that this application forms the
basis of a contract with Hambleton District Council
the business has been operational for at least three months, registered with Companies House (where
applicable) and all the required policies and insurances are in place for employing staff (Health and
Safety, Public Liability, Employers Liability and Professional Indemnity)
to be bound by the terms of the grant and understands that they must provide the required financial
information in order to claim the apprenticeship grant from the council
the grant award is discretionary and that the council and any other organisations associated with this
scheme is within their rights to refuse an award and not obliged to give any reason for refusal
to inform the council within five working days, if the apprentice’s employment or training
circumstances change at any stage and for any reason within the grant period
that the council may terminate the contract and recover any grant payments made to the business that the
council deems have been inappropriately used and/or the business is no longer eligible for
to the council discussing and exchanging information in this application with other departments in the
council and with any other organisations associated to this scheme before approving the grant and for the
duration of the grant period
to the council cross checking other records it may hold with reference to the business
to the council retaining this application form and all supporting documentation beyond the grant period
that the signatory of this declaration is a duly authorised agent for the business
I authorise the council to verify any information provided and confirm that they can check my accounts to
ensure that they are up to date (council tax, non-domestic rates, etc).
Please sign below to confirm you agree with the above declaration
Name and position: ..................................................................................................................................
Signed: ..................................................................................................... Date: ......................................
Have you:
included a job description
included name of a training provider via National Apprenticeships Service
Please email the completed application and job description to: or post to: Business and Economy Team, Hambleton
District Council, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton DL6 2UU
Data Protection Notice
The personal information collected on this form will be dealt with according to the Data Protection Act 2018. Please see
further details on our website at If you require further information about how
your data is processed please contact Veritau Ltd. our Data Protection Officer. Contact details:
Information Governance Office, Veritau Ltd, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton DL7 8AL
Tel: 01609 532526
Hambleton District Council’s privacy notice is available by hard copy upon request from Veritau Ltd. The Business and Economy privacy
notice only applies to sole traders.
This information is available in alternative formats and languages
© Communications Unit HDC July 2019