97 Mohawk Street
Cohoes, NY 12047
Telephone (518)233-2130
Fax (518)233-2162
Certificate of
(COA) Application
Date: _______________________________
All owners of property located within Historic Districts in Cohoes must obtain a COA if they plan any exterior work on structures on their
property or other changes to their property visible from a public street or way. This includes changes in the appearance of the property such as
exterior painting, signs, awnings, lighting, fences, steps, sidewalks, parking lots, doors and windows, or other exterior elements.
PERMIT APPLICANT: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ZIP: ___________________________
PHONE:_____________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________
PROPERTY OWNER: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ZIP: ___________________________
PHONE:_____________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________
GENERAL CONTRACTOR: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ZIP: ___________________________
PHONE:_____________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________
ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD:_______________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ZIP: ___________________________
PHONE:_____________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________
{ } * Minor or routine repair or maintenance not involving or resulting in a change in the existing structural composition or architectural design or character
of the building including: materials, texture or colors.
{ } * Painting
{ } Add to or remove from existing building { } Re-roof with a new color or material
{ } * Restore/rehabilitate existing building { } Addition of driveway or parking lot
{ } * Erect a new building { } * Add or remove a fence or wall
{ } Add or remove an awning { } Move a building onto or off of a site
{ } * Construct handicap access or fire escape { } Alter major landscaping
{ } Add or remove exterior lighting { } * Rehabilitate outbuilding
{ } * Change exterior material or finish { } Alter city sidewalk, grass, and/or curb
{ } Remove live tree { } * Add or remove steps, porch, or railing
{ } * Add or replace windows or doors { } Add a sign or signs (additional permit required)
{ } Change site grade { } Add walks
{ } Other { }Building demolition (separate permit required)
{ } Historic Tax Exemption
Provide a written detailed description for each type of work on page two of this Application. Add additional pages as needed.
Please refer to the Guidelines for HPARB Certificate of Appropriateness Applications booklet for additional information you must include
with this Application.
* May require selecting a color from the City’s historic paint color palette which can be accessed here.
City of Cohoes Certificate of Appropriateness Application Written Description of Work – Attach Additional Pages as
SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ___________________________________________________________ DATE:________________
SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ___________________________________________________ DATE:________________
SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR_________________________________________________________ DATE:________________
Rules and Acknowledgments
I warranty as applicant that the statements above and on attached page(s) are true and correct. I understand that if this Application is
approved, I have received approval only for the work specified in this Application, subject to any conditions or modifications imposed by
the Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board or by Code Enforcement. I also acknowledge that a Certificate of
Appropriateness is a pre-requisite to obtaining a building permit and no work may begin until the appropriate permit is obtained.
Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board Use Only
Date Application receiv
ed by Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board: ________________
Received by: __________________________
Date Application will be reviewed by Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board: __________________
Action taken by Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board:
The Application is:
{___} Approved
{___} Approved with conditions
{___} Tabled pending additional information
{___} Denied
Comments and/or Conditions:
Chair, Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board Date:
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