SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ___________________________________________________________ DATE:________________
SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ___________________________________________________ DATE:________________
Rules and Acknowledgments
All work shall conform to the City of Cohoes Rules and Regulations, and must be completed within one year of receiving approvals.
I, the undersigned, understand that the permit which may be issued pursuant to this application is issues on the assumption that all of the
representations made on this permit application are true and accurate. I have read and understand the provisions of the Cohoes City Zoning
Code, NYS Building Code and related Rules and Regulations and will comply with said requirements. I understand that if any of the
information on this form is found to be untrue or inaccurate, or if the work initiated pursuant to a permit granted based on the
representations made on this application is not completed in accordance with the representations made on this permit application, then the
permit may be revoked without notice to myself, the contractor, or any other party.
DATE/TIME APPLIED_________________________________________ RECEIVED BY_______________________________________________
ZONING OFFICER APPROVAL_____________________________________________________________________________________________
DATE ISSUED/DENIED___________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE _____________________________________________
Application is hereby made to the Building & Planning Department for the review of a use variance applicaiton as herein described,
pursuant to provisions of the City Code of the City of Cohoes. The owner and the applicant agree to comply with all applicable
laws, ordinances and regulations and with all regulations and procedures as explained in this application, and will allow all
inspectors to enter the premises for all required and necessary inspections. The following regulations shall apply:
This application shall be completed and signed by the property owner and the applicant, and submitted to the Planning & Building
This application must be accompanied by an electronic and paper copy of the following:
• 10 sets of detailed site plans in 24"x36" format to include:
(a) Existing and proposed buildings or structures on the lot and their distances to one another as well as to the lot lines and all
other pertinent details of the property.
(b) Existing and proposed drainage, utilities, and other natural features including, but not limited to, wetlands, floodplains and
wooded areas.
(c) Temporary and permanent sediment and erosion control measures, proposed grading and drainage features.
• An appropriate SEQR form.
• Photographs of existing conditions.
Fees required by the City Code and as calculated by the Planning & Building Department, shall be paid by check, money order, cash, or
Work covered by this application shall not commence prior to Planning Board approval and does not encompass work that would
otherwise be required by a building permit.
Any deviation from approved plans must be authorized by the approval of revised plans subject to the same procedure established for
the examination of the original plans by the Planning & Building Department, including any required fees.
The approval is effective for one year from the date of issuance.
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