Smart Schools Investment Plan
This section is required to be completed prior to submitting any additional sections.
1. All New York State public school districts are required to complete and submit a District
Instructional Technology Plan survey to the New York State Education Department in
compliance with Section 753 of the Education Law and per Part 100.12 of the
Commissioner’s Regulations. Districts that include investments in high-speed broadband
or wireless connectivity and/or learning technology equipment or facilities as part of their
Smart Schools Investment Plan must have a submitted and approved Instructional
Technology Plan survey on file with the New York State Education Department.
By checking this box, you certify that the school district has an approved District
Instructional Technology Plan survey on file with the New York State Education
2. Pursuant to the requirements of the Smart Schools Bond Act, the planning process for a
district’s Smart Schools Investment Plan must include consultation with parents, teachers,
students, community members, any nonpublic schools located in the district and other
By checking the boxes below, you certify that you have engaged with those required
stakeholders.* Each box must be checked prior to submitting your Smart Schools
Investment Plan.
Community members
Nonpublic schools within the district, if applicable.
3. Certify that the following required steps have taken place by checking the boxes below*:
Each box must be checked prior to submitting your Smart Schools Investment Plan.
The district developed and the school board approved a preliminary Smart Schools
Investment Plan.
The preliminary plan was posted on the district website for at least 30 days. The
district included an address to which any written comments on the plan should be
The school board conducted a public hearing that enabled stakeholders to respond to
the preliminary plan. This hearing may have occurred as part of a normal Board
meeting, but adequate notice of the event was provided through local media and the
district website for at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
The district prepared a final plan for school board approval and such plan has been
approved by the school board.
Smart Schools Investment Plan
The final proposed plan that has been submitted has been posted on the district
4. Upload the final plan that was posted on the district's website.
5. Enter the budget sub-allocations by category that you are submitting for approval at this
time. If the value entered is $0, you will not be required to complete that survey section.
Budget Category
School Connectivity
Classroom Technology
Connectivity Projects for Communities
Classroom Technology
Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms
Replacement of Classroom Trailers
High-Tech Security Features
Unallocated Funds
A district must complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
category or in the Learning Technology category.
1. Briefly describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for high-speed
broadband and/or wireless connectivity projects in school buildings.
2. Briefly describe the linkage between the district’s District Instructional Technology Plan
and the proposed projects. (There should be a link between your response to this question
and your response to Question 1 in Part E. Curriculum and Instruction What are the
district's plans to use digital connectivity and technology to improve teaching and
To ensure that districts maximize the return on their investment in education technology
and devices, Smart Schools Bond Act funds used for technology infrastructure
investments must increase the number of school buildings that meet or exceed the Federal
Communications Commission minimum speed standard of 100 Mbps per 1,000 students.
Smart Schools Investment Plan
3. Please describe how you will use SSBA funds to meet this standard. Note: If a district
believes that it will be impossible to meet this standard within 12 months, it should
describe how it meets the criteria for a waiver as described on the Smart Schools website.
4. If the district wishes to have students and staff access the internet from wireless devices
within the school building, or in close proximity to it, it must first ensure that it has a
robust Wi-Fi network in place that has sufficient bandwidth to meet user demand.
Please describe how you have quantified this demand and how you plan to meet this demand.
5a. As indicated in the Guidance on page five, the Office of Facilities Planning will have to
conduct a preliminary review of all capital projects, including connectivity projects.
Please indicate the project number(s) given to you by the Office of Facilities Planning.
Insert Project Number here: ________________
Was your project deemed eligible for streamlined review? (+ streamlined).
5b. Districts with streamlined projects must certify that they have reviewed all installations
with their licensed architect or engineer of record, and provide that person’s name and
license number. The licensed professional must review the products and proposed method
of installation prior to implementation and review the work during and after completion
in order to affirm that the work was code-compliant, if requested. (+streamlined)
By checking this box, you certify that you, or your designee, have reviewed all
installations with a licensed architect or engineer of record.
5c. Include the name and license number of the architect. (+ streamlined).
Connectivity Projects for Schools
Network/Access Costs
School Internal Connections and Components
$ 2,000,000.00
$ 2,294,641.00
$ 200,000.00
$ 4,494,641.00
Smart Schools Investment Plan
A district must only complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
1. Briefly describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for high-speed
broadband and/or wireless connectivity projects in the community.
2. Please describe how the proposed project(s) will promote student achievement and
increase student and/or staff access to the internet in a manner that enhances student
learning and/or instruction outside of the school day and/or school building.
3. Community connectivity projects must comply with all the necessary local building
codes and regulations (building and related permits are not required prior to plan
By checking this box, you certify that you have complied or will comply with all
necessary local building codes and regulations.
4. Please describe the physical location of the proposed investment.
5. Please provide the initial list of partners participating in the Community Connectivity
Broadband Project.
6. Please indicate below if any additional funding sources will be utilized to subsidize the
cost of the Community Connectivity Project and any anticipated requested funding
amounts (if applicable).
Connectivity Projects for Communities
Network/Access Costs
Outside Plant Costs
Tower Costs
Customer Premises Equipment
Professional Services
Other Upfront Costs
Other Costs
Smart Schools Investment Plan
A district must only complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
1. As a prerequisite to any purchase of devices using a Smart Schools allocation, a district
must first demonstrate that it has, or will achieve the established minimum speed standard
of 100 Mbps per 1,000 students at all of its instructional school buildings within 12
months of plan submission.
2. Please describe how your district already meets or is planning to meet this standard
within 12 months of plan submission. Note: If a district believes that it will be
impossible to meet this standard within 12 months, it should describe how it meets the
criteria for a waiver as described on the Smart Schools website.
3. Describe the devices you intend to purchase and their compatibility with existing or
planned platforms or systems.
4. Describe how the proposed technology purchases will:
+ enhance differentiated instruction;
+ expand student learning inside and outside of the classroom;
+ benefit students with disabilities and English language learners; and
+ contribute to the reduction of other learning gaps that have been identified within the
The expectation is that districts will place a priority on addressing the needs of students
who struggle to succeed in a rigorous curriculum. Responses in this section should
specifically address this concern and align with the district’s Instructional Technology
Plan (in particular Question 2 of E. Curriculum and Instruction: “Does the district's
instructional technology plan address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure
equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments?” and Question 3 of the same
section: “Does the district's instructional technology plan address the provision of
assistive technology specifically for students with disabilities to ensure access to and
participation in the general curriculum?”
5. Where appropriate, briefly describe how the proposed technology purchases will enhance
ongoing communication with parents and other stakeholders, and help the district
facilitate technology-based regional partnerships, including distance learning, and other
6. Describe the district's plan to provide professional development to ensure that
administrators, teachers and staff can employ the technology purchased to enhance
instruction successfully
Smart Schools Investment Plan
Note: This response should be aligned and expanded upon in accordance with your
district’s response to Question 1 of F. Professional Development: “Please provide a
summary of professional development offered to teachers and staff, for the time period
covered by this plan, to support technology to enhance teaching and learning. Please
include topics, audience, and method of delivery within your summary.” of your
Instructional Technology Plan.
7. Districts must contact the SUNY/CUNY teacher preparation program that supplies the
largest number of the district’s new teachers to request advice on innovative uses and best
practices at the intersection of pedagogy and educational technology.
By checking this box, you certify that you have contacted the SUNY teacher
preparation program that supplies the largest number of your new teachers to
request advice on these issues.
8. The Smart Schools Bond Act provides that any district hardware purchases made using
Smart Schools funds shall be lent, upon request, to nonpublic schools in the district.
However, no school district shall be required to loan technology in amounts greater than
the total obtained and spent on technology pursuant to the Smart Schools Bond Act and
the value of such loan may not exceed the total of $250 multiplied by the nonpublic
school enrollment in the base year at the time of enactment. Accordingly, a district Smart
Schools Investment Plan that proposes the purchase of technology devices and other
hardware must account for nonpublic schools in the district.
Are there nonpublic schools within your school district?*
8a. All students attending nonpublic schools in your District are eligible to receive loans of
classroom technology equal on a per pupil basis to the per pupil amounts spent on
classroom technology for public school students (up to $250/pupil)
ance_04.27.15_Final.pdf. Describe your plan to loan purchased hardware to nonpublic
schools within your district. (+ yes) The plan should use your district’s budget for
classroom devices to calculate the nonpublic student loan amount, within the framework
of the guidance.
8b. A final Smart Schools Investment Plan cannot be approved until school authorities have
adopted regulations specifying the date by which requests from nonpublic schools for the
purchase and loan of Smart Schools Bond Act classroom technology must be received by
the district. (+yes)
By checking this box, you certify that you have a plan in place that has been made
public and have adopted regulations specifying the date by which requests for the
Smart Schools Investment Plan
purchase and loan of Smart Schools Bond Act classroom technology must be
9. To ensure the sustainability of technology purchases made with Smart Schools funds,
districts must demonstrate a long-term plan to maintain and replace technology purchases
supported by Smart Schools Bond Act funds. This sustainability plan shall demonstrate a
district's capacity to support recurring costs of use that are ineligible for Smart Schools
Bond Act funding such as device maintenance, technical support, internet and wireless
fees, maintenance of hotspots, staff professional development, building maintenance, and
the replacement of incidental items. Further, such a sustainability plan shall include a
long-term plan for the replacement of purchased devices and equipment at the end of
their useful life with other funding sources.
By checking this box, you certify that the district has a sustainability plan as
described above.
10. Districts must ensure that devices purchased with Smart Schools funds will be
distributed, prepared for use, maintained, and supported appropriately. Districts must
maintain detailed device inventories in accordance with generally accepted accounting
By checking this box, you certify that the district has a distribution and inventory
management plan and system in place.
Classroom Technology
Interactive whiteboards
Computer servers
Desktop computers
Laptop computers
Tablet computers
Other Costs
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Smart Schools Investment Plan
A district must only complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
1. Provide information regarding how and where the district is currently serving pre-
kindergarten students and justify the need for additional space with enrollment
projections over 3 years.
2. Describe the district’s plan to construct, enhance or modernize education facilities to
accommodate pre-kindergarten programs. Such plans must include:
Specific descriptions of what the district intends to do to each space;
An affirmation that pre-kindergarten classrooms will contain a minimum of 900
square feet per classroom;
The number of classrooms involved;
The approximate construction costs per classroom; and
Confirmation that the space is district-owned or has a long-term lease that exceeds the
probable useful life of the improvements.
3. Smart Schools Bond Act funds may only be used for capital construction costs. Describe
the type and amount of additional funds that will be required to support ineligible
ongoing costs (e.g. instruction, supplies) associated with any additional pre-kindergarten
classrooms that the district plans to add.
4. All plans and specifications for the erection, repair, enlargement or remodeling of school
buildings in any public school district in the State must be reviewed and approved by the
Commissioner. Districts that plan capital projects using their Smart Schools Bond Act
funds will undergo a Preliminary Review Process by the Office of Facilities Planning.
Please indicate the project number(s) given to you by the Office of Facilities Planning.
Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms
Construct Pre-K Classrooms
Enhance/Modernize educational facilities
Other Costs
Smart Schools Investment Plan
A district must only complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
1. Describe the district’s plan to construct, enhance or modernize education facilities to
provide high-quality instructional space to replace classroom trailers.
2. All plans and specifications for the erection, repair, enlargement or remodeling of school
buildings in any public school district in the State must be reviewed and approved by the
Commissioner. Districts that plan capital projects using their Smart Schools Bond Act
funds will undergo a Preliminary Review Process by the Office of Facilities Planning.
Please indicate the project number(s) given to you by the Office of Facilities Planning.*
3. For large projects that seek to blend Smart Schools Bond Act dollars with other funds,
please note that Smart Schools Bond Act funds can be allocated on a pro rata basis
depending on the number of new classrooms built that directly replace transportable
classroom units.
If a district seeks to blend Smart Schools Bond Act dollars with other funds describe
below what other funds are being used and what portion of the money will be Smart
Schools Bond Act funds.
Replacement of Classroom Trailers
Construct new instructional space
Enhance or modernize existing instructional space
Other Costs
Smart Schools Investment Plan
A district must only complete this section if its final plan includes proposed investments in this
1. Describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds to install high-tech
security features in school buildings and on school campuses.
2a. As indicated in the guidance, the Office of Facilities Planning will have to conduct a
preliminary review of capital projects. Please indicate the project number(s) given to you
by the Office of Facilities Planning. Was your project deemed eligible for streamlined
review? Insert Project Number here: ________________
2b. Districts with streamlined projects must certify that they have reviewed all installations
with their licensed architect or engineer of record, and provide that person’s name and
license number. The licensed professional must review the products and proposed method
of installation prior to implementation and review the work during and after completion
in order to affirm that the work was code-compliant, if requested. (+streamlined)
By checking this box, you certify that the district has reviewed all installations
with a licensed architect or engineer of record.
2c. Include the name and license number of the architect. (+ streamlined)
High-Tech Security Features
Capital-Intensive Security Project (Standard Review)
Main Entrance Electronic Security System (Streamlined
Main Entrance Entry Control System (Streamlined Review)
Approved Door Hardening Project (Streamlined Review)
Other Costs