Smart Schools Investment Plan
Note: This response should be aligned and expanded upon in accordance with your
district’s response to Question 1 of F. Professional Development: “Please provide a
summary of professional development offered to teachers and staff, for the time period
covered by this plan, to support technology to enhance teaching and learning. Please
include topics, audience, and method of delivery within your summary.” of your
Instructional Technology Plan.
7. Districts must contact the SUNY/CUNY teacher preparation program that supplies the
largest number of the district’s new teachers to request advice on innovative uses and best
practices at the intersection of pedagogy and educational technology.
By checking this box, you certify that you have contacted the SUNY teacher
preparation program that supplies the largest number of your new teachers to
request advice on these issues.
8. The Smart Schools Bond Act provides that any district hardware purchases made using
Smart Schools funds shall be lent, upon request, to nonpublic schools in the district.
However, no school district shall be required to loan technology in amounts greater than
the total obtained and spent on technology pursuant to the Smart Schools Bond Act and
the value of such loan may not exceed the total of $250 multiplied by the nonpublic
school enrollment in the base year at the time of enactment. Accordingly, a district Smart
Schools Investment Plan that proposes the purchase of technology devices and other
hardware must account for nonpublic schools in the district.
Are there nonpublic schools within your school district?*
8a. All students attending nonpublic schools in your District are eligible to receive loans of
classroom technology equal on a per pupil basis to the per pupil amounts spent on
classroom technology for public school students (up to $250/pupil)
ance_04.27.15_Final.pdf. Describe your plan to loan purchased hardware to nonpublic
schools within your district. (+ yes) The plan should use your district’s budget for
classroom devices to calculate the nonpublic student loan amount, within the framework
of the guidance.
8b. A final Smart Schools Investment Plan cannot be approved until school authorities have
adopted regulations specifying the date by which requests from nonpublic schools for the
purchase and loan of Smart Schools Bond Act classroom technology must be received by
the district. (+yes)
By checking this box, you certify that you have a plan in place that has been made
public and have adopted regulations specifying the date by which requests for the