Puget Sound Electrical Workers 401(k) Savings Plan
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If you are currently out-of-work, and have been impacted by COVID-19, you may be eligible to request a distribution of
up to $50,000 from the Plan (or your full account balance if less). To meet these requirements, you must:
1. Establish Out-of-Work Status
To request a COVID-19 related distribution under the PSEW 401k Trust, you need to establish that you are currently
out-of-work. This can be done as follows:
I have been laid off and am currently on the IBEW Local 46 out-of-work list. (Out-of-work status
will be confirmed with IBEW Local 46 before any COVID-19 distributions will be approved.)
I am on furlough or stand-by status and not presently working. (Out-of-work status will be
verified with your employer before any COVID-19 distributions will be approved.)
Name of Most Recent Employer
2. Confirm Coronavirus Impact
Distributions available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), receive special tax
treatment. For a COVID-related distribution, you must also certify that any of the following criteria are true:
You, your spouse, or your dependent have been diagnosed with the virus SARS-CoV-2 or with coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) by a test approved by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), or
Due to the coronavirus, you suffered adverse financial consequences because of:
o Being quarantined, furloughed, laid off, or having your work hours reduced, or
o Your inability to work due to lack of childcare, or
o The closing of or reduction of hours with respect to a business you own or operate, or
o Other factors as provided in guidance issued by the Internal Revenue Service
Most participants in the PSEW 401(k) Plan who have been laid off, furloughed or are otherwise unemployed after April 1,
2020 will meet the COVID-19 related requirements. To ensure proper tax treatment of your distribution, however, the
IRS requires you to confirm that you have been impacted by COVID-19 related events.
3. Coronavirus-related distributions must be paid out by December 31, 2020. Repayment within 3 Years
Permitted under the CARES Act.
Please make sure you return the form to allow for sufficient time to process your request before the deadline.
Distributions may take 2 – 4 weeks from the time we receive all of your completed forms. These special CARES Act
distributions can be repaid to the Plan within three years to assist you in replenishing retirement savings and eliminating
or reducing taxes owed.
CARES Act Certification I hereby certify due to the coronavirus or COVID-19 that I meet the criteria as stated above.
Signature_________________________________________________ Date___________________________________
Return all forms to: PSEW 401(k) - P O Box 34203, Seattle WA 98124
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