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rev. 11/18
scan/email: Fax: (207) 829-4293
Heat Treatment (HT) and Wood Packaging Materials (WPM)
Certification Program Application
Return to:
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association
Is this company currently certified or has it previously been certified by another agency? Yes No
P.O. Box 87A, Cumberland, ME 04021
I hereby apply for inspection services of the Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association. Upon acceptance, I
shall abide by all terms required by the Association to maintain certification in the program.
This company is currently certified by an ALSC-accredited inspection agency? Yes No
This company is not currently certified, but has been certified by an agency in the past? Yes No
Business Hours (Day & Time Specific):
Wood Packaging Facility. This is a facility that produces finished pallets, skids, crates, or custom
packaging either for sale or for their own company's use in exporting goods.
Heat Treatment Facility. This is a facility that has a chamber or kiln designed to (a) heat treat solid wood
materials to be used in the construction of wood packaging for export, such as lumber, timbers, or components,
and/or (b) to heat treat finished wood packaging such as pallets, skids, and crates.
Re-Manufacturer of Heat Treated Materials. This is a facility that purchases heat treated (HT-stamped)
lumber and re-manufacturers the material into components FOR RESALE to another wood packaging facility.
(Check all that apply to your operation; obtaining multiple certifications at a
facility does not increase the inspection fees due for service.)
Certification Type Requested:
Business Website:
Company Name:
Mailing Address:
Physical Address:
Street or P.O. Box
Billing Address:
Street or P.O. Box
Primary Contact:
Other Key Personnel
Business Phone: