Committee Informational
The Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs (YA 2 Litty Committee ) is a standing
committee led by young adults and youth who serve as the “wings” of the National Council of
Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW). This committee is committed to upholding the vision, mission and
future expansion of NCNW.
The committee will consist of:
(5) Young Adult Women Members (ages 18-39);
(10) Collegiate Members and;
(5) Youth Section Members.
To serve on this committee, prospective members must be willing to serve from March 2021 to
June 2022, and commit to the objectives and goals stated below.
1. To implement and sustain the transition from college to community-based sections.
2. To recruit and ensure the longevity of youth and young adult membership.
3. To center youth and young adult voices in National programming and events.
4. To ensure young adult and youth representation is apparent in local, state and national
committees and initiatives.
To provide strategic planning and initiatives for inclusion of young adult, collegiate and youth
members within the organization, and participation in planning of National events and programs.
Prospective members of the committee shall meet the following expectations:
1. Currently serve as a youth, collegiate or young adult member (ages 18-39), in an active
section recognized by the National Headquarters.
2. Available to meet 80% of the scheduled committee meetings which will be at minimum
once a month.
3. Actively engaged in the committee by submitting reports, attending meetings and
participating in committee initiatives.
4. Recognized and financially active as a member in good standing by National
Headquarters and your local section.
5. Failure to meet expectations will be reviewed and decided by the committee tri-chairs on
a case-by-case basis.
Application Process
The Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs (YA 2 Litty Committee ) is a standing
committee led by young adults and youth who serve as the “wings” of the National Council of
Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW). This committee is committed to upholding the vision, mission, and
future expansion of NCNW.
Members Eligible to Apply:
(5) Young Adult Women Members (ages 18-39);
(10) Collegiate Members and;
(5) Youth Section Members.
Application Requirements:
1. Candidate Application Form
2. Section Verification Form
3. Resume or List of Activities (keep to one-page)
* All forms must be typed to be submitted.
Application Deadline:
All forms and attachments for the application are to be submitted by Sunday, January 31, 2021
at 11:59 pm EST by email to
Application Process:
After you submit your application packet, the following will occur:
The Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs will review your packet for
completeness. Incomplete packages will be disqualified.
The Committee will check to ensure that you are a member in good standing and
financial with National Headquarters and your local section. Candidates not in good
standing will be disqualified.
The Committee Tri-Chairs will review each application and score based on a rubric.
Candidate Application Form
(This form must be typed)
The Committee on Young Adult and Collegiate Affairs (YA 2 Litty Committee ) is comprised
of National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) youth, collegiate, and community-based
members (ages 18-39).
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Current Age: ____________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________
Personal Email Address: _______________________________________________________
Section Name: _______________________________________________________________
How long have you been involved in NCNW and what positions have you held?
How do you define “LIT”?
What has been your most “LIT” experience within NCNW? Why?
How can you contribute to this committee based on its objectives and goals?
Required committee meetings will be held virtually (Zoom, Conference Call, etc.) in the
evenings and/or Saturdays. Can you commit your time and active participation to this
committee? If yes, what days and times are you available. What are your other commitments?
Deadline: Applications are to be submitted by Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST by
email to
Application: Section Verification Form
(This form must be typed)
Who can complete this form?
Young Adult Women Members: To be signed and verified by the Section President of
the Candidate. If a candidate is a Section President, must be signed by the State
Collegiate Members: To be signed and verified by the Section President of the
Candidate. If a candidate is a Section President, must be signed by their Campus
Youth Section Members: To be signed and verified by their community-based Section
President or 3rd Vice President.
Name of Prospective Committee Member: ________________________________________
Has the prospective member been active within the past 12 months? _____ Yes _____ No
How long has the prospective member been a member of your section? __________________
Is the prospective member currently financial and active in your section? _____ Yes _____ No
Please state any positions and committees the prospective members have served on within the
past 12 months.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
Deadline: Applications are to be submitted by Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 11:59 pm by email