123 East Street
Barcelona, CA 12345
May 9, 2016
Dr. Edward Jones
Scholarship President
45 School Avenue
Collegetown, NY 56789
Dear Dr. Jones:
My name is Jonathan Doe and I am writing in application for the 2016 Student Leader
Scholarship. As a current high school senior and Valedictorian of my class at Education
Preparatory School, I meet all of your scholarship guidelines.
I am currently enrolled in five Advanced Placement classes where I hold a 4.0 grade point
average. I am the President of the student body, captain of the varsity football and basketball
teams, president of the Robotics Club, and president of my local 4-H chapter. This year I was
voted most likely to succeed by the entire senior class. In my spare time I volunteer at my local
canine rescue and food pantry.
I have attached my resume and three letters of recommendation as requested in the scholarship
application. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Doe