Requirements for all plat submittals:
All plat application materials must be submitted by 11:00 a.m. on the intake deadline.
Completed plat application (must be signed original)
Must be signed by the property owner, or in the case of a corporation or partnership, documentation must be
provided authorizing a single party to sign on behalf of the corporation or partnership
Application fee (cash or check, only; checks made payable to City of Killeen)
1 to 10 acres: $300.00 + $25.00 per lot
11 to 50 acres: $400.00 + $25.00 per lot
51 acres or more: $500.00 + $25.00 per lot
Plat drawings - hard copies (scaled drawings no smaller than 1” = 100’)
Three (3) 24 in. x 36 in. (must be folded, not rolled)
Two (2) 11 in. x 17 in.
Warranty deed (showing current ownership of the property)
Field notes (signed original, must be sealed by surveyor)
Copy of deed restrictions (existing or proposed, if applicable)
Signature block on plat for Bell County Appraisal District
Digital copies of all submittal documents
Electronic copies in .pdf format of all submittal documents
Must be provided on a disc (CD or DVD) or USB flash drive
File names should include the name of the plat, and the name of each application document
(i.e. “Jones Addition_Field Notes”)
Additional engineering requirements for certain plats:
Water and sewer system layout (prepared in accordance with the City’s Infrastructure Design and
Development Standards Manual)
Drainage analysis (prepared in accordance with the City’s Drainage Design Manual)
TxDOT preliminary access/drainage letter (for plats with frontage on a TxDOT road)
Storm Water Management Site Plan (SWMSP)
As-built drawings of existing structures
Documents for off-site affected areas (waiver of liability, easements, and/or construction agreements)
Letters from utility providers (for areas located outside City of Killeen’s CCN)
Additional requirements for plats in the ETJ:
Signature line for Bell County Judge
Letter from Bell County Health Department
Additional requirements prior to recordation:
Two (2) mylar copies of plat (must have original signatures; all signatures must be notarized)
Mylars must be signed by the Bell County Tax Appraisal District prior to recordation
Recording fee (check only, made payable to Bell County Clerk’s Office)
5.00 per mylar page
11.00 per dedication / field note page + $4.00 for each additional page
Dedication instrument (signed original, must be notarized)
Field notes (signed original, must be sealed by surveyor)
CAD files of plat and utility layouts
Electronic copies of the plat file and any proposed utility layouts in .dwg format
For additional plat requirements, please reference Killeen Code of Ordinances,
Chapter 26 - Subdivisions and Other Property Developments.
Applicant: ___________________________________________________ Case #: __________________________
Intake Date: ___________________ Received by: __________________________________________________
Amount Paid: $__________________ Cash/MO#/Check #: _____________ Receipt #: ___________________
City of Killeen ∙ Planning & Development Services Department(254) 501-7631
200 East Avenue D ∙ Killeen, Texas ∙ 76541
0 - 10 acres
> 10 - 50 acres
> 50 acres
$300.00 + $25.00 per lot
$400.00 + $25.00 per lot
$500.00 + $25.00 per lot
Plat Name:
Type: Preliminary Final Replat Minor Amended
Name(s) of Property Owner(s):
City: State: Zip:
Primary Phone: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( ) -
Type of Ownership: Sole Ownership Partnership Corporation Other
Recorded Copy of Warranty Deed: Is a copy of the appropriate deed(s) attached? YES NO
Name of Developer:
City: State: Zip:
Name of Engineer/Surveyor:
City: State: Zip:
Primary Phone: ( ) - Cell Phone: ( ) -
Is the Property: Within City Limits Within the ETJ (5.0 miles)
Proposed Land Use:
Total Acreage: Number of Lots: Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning:
Is there a simultaneous rezoning of any part of this property? YES NO
Address/ Location of property to be platted: _______________________________________________
Legal Description: _____________________________________________________________________
Replats and Amendments: During the preceding five (5) years, was the platted property limited by an interim or
permanent zoning classification to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot? Yes/No During the
preceding five (5) years, was any lot in the preceding plat limited by deed restrictions to residential use for not more
than two residential units per lot? Yes/No Attach a copy of applicable deed restrictions or a (notarized) letter from the
applicant stating that no deed restrictions apply.
What is the reason for the replat / amendment? _____________________________________________________
Owner(s) must initial:
_____ I hereby certify that all fees/charges owed by me/us to the City concerning any prior plats and/or subdivisions have been
paid in full as of the date of this application.
_____ I understand that attendance at the Development Review Committee meeting is mandatory. My failure to attend or my
agent’s failure to attend will result in rescheduling the meeting of the Development Review Committee and delay processing
of the application.
_____ I understand that I must obtain approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission (except in the case of minor plats) prior
to the plat being recorded with the Clerk of Bell County.
City of Killeen ∙ Planning & Development Services Department(254) 501-7631
200 East Avenue D ∙ Killeen, Texas ∙ 76541
City of Killeen ∙ Planning & Development Services Department(254) 501-7631
200 East Avenue D ∙ Killeen, Texas ∙ 76541
As owner of the subject property, I hereby appoint the person designated below to act for me, as
my agent in this request.
Name of Agent:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip: -
Home Phone: (____) ______-__________ Business Phone: (____) _______-______________
I acknowledge and affirm that I will be legally bound by the words and acts of my agent, and by my signature below, I
fully authorize my agent to:
be th
e point of contact between myself and the City; make legally binding representations of fact and
commitments of every kind on my behalf; grant legally binding waivers of rights and releases of liabilities of
every kind on my behalf; consent to legally binding modifications, conditions, and exceptions on my behalf;
and, to execute documents on my behalf which are legally binding on me.
I understand that the City will deal only with a fully authorized agent. If at any time it should appear that my
agent has less than full authority to act, then the application may be suspended and I will have to personally participate
in the disposition of the application. I understand that all communications related to this application, are part of an
official proceeding of City government and, that the City will rely upon statements made by my agent. Therefore, I
agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Killeen, its officers, agents, employees, and third parties who
act in reliance upon my agent's words and actions from all damages, attorney fees, interest and costs arising
from this matter. If my property is owned by a corporation, partnership, venture, or other legal entity, then I certify
that I have legal authority to make this binding appointment on behalf of the entity, and every reference herein to ”I”,
“my,” or “me” is a reference to the entity.
Signature of Agent: _________________________________________ Title: _______________
Printed/Typed Name of Agent: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Property Owner: _________________________________ Title: _______________
Printed/Typed Name of Property Owner: ________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Property Owner: _________________________________ Title: _______________
Printed/Typed Name of Property Owner: ________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Property Owner: _________________________________ Title: _______________
Printed/Typed Name of Property Owner: ________________________ Date: _______________
* Applications must be signed by the individual applicant, each partner of a partnership, or by an authorized officer of a
corporation or association.
Application Revised: October 14, 2020
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
City of Killeen ∙ Planning & Development Services Department ∙ (254) 501-7630
200 East Avenue D ∙ Killeen, Texas ∙ 76541
City of Killeen Contacts:
Planning &
Development Services
Jerry Millard; Senior Planner
(254) 501-6591
John Byrum; Senior Plann
(254) 501-
Meshier, CNU-A; Director o
Planning (254) 501-7621
Maria Lopez; Assistant Planner
(254) 501-7631
Engineering & Public Works
MD Hossain, PE,
CFM; City Engineer
(254) 616-3179
Paul Boyer, PE, ; Project Engineer
(254) 616-3178
Nilka Rosado, Engineer in Training
(254) 616-3174
Fire Marshall
James Chism, Fire Marshall
(254) 501-6584
Utility Providers:
Oncor Electric Delivery
Greg Wade, New Construction Manager
(254) 554-2263
Atmos Energy Corporation Mid-Tex Division
Shawn Kelley, Project Manager
(254) 953-1602
Century Link
Janice Strickland, Network Engineer
(254) 690-9370
Time Warner Cable
Johnny Tindle, Construction Manager
(254) 644-8145
External Contacts:
Bell County E
ngineer’s Office
Bryan Neaves, P.E., CFM; County Engineer
(254) 933-5275
Malcolm Miller, Engineering Technician
(254) 933-5275
Bell County Public Health District
Kent Stephens, Environmental Health Director
(254) 526-3197
George Highsmith, Food Sanitation
TxDOT - Waco District
Solomon Thomas, P.E.; Area Engineer
(254) 939-3778
Billy Tweedle, P.E.; Utilities Permit Coordinator
(254) 939-6224
West Bell County Water Supply Corporation
Bob Whitson, General Manager
(254) 634-1727
Clearwater Underground Water Conservation Dist.
Dirk Aaron, General Manager
(254) 933-0120
Bell County WCID #6
Glenn Grandy
(254) 290-0222